105 research outputs found

    Simulating spin-3/2 particles at colliders

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    Support for interactions of spin-3/2 particles is implemented in the FeynRules and ALOHA packages and tested with the MadGraph 5 and CalcHEP event generators in the context of three phenomenological applications. In the first, we implement a spin-3/2 Majorana gravitino field, as in local supersymmetric models, and study gravitino and gluino pair-production. In the second, a spin-3/2 Dirac top-quark excitation, inspired from compositness models, is implemented. We then investigate both top-quark excitation and top-quark pair-production. In the third, a general effective operator for a spin-3/2 Dirac quark excitation is implemented, followed by a calculation of the angular distribution of the s-channel production mechanism.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Higgs Decays in the Low Scale Type I See-Saw Model

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    The couplings of the low scale type I see-saw model are severely constrained by the requirement of reproducing the correct neutrino mass and mixing parameters, by the non-observation of lepton number and charged lepton flavour violating processes and by electroweak precision data. We show that all these constraints still allow for the possibility of an exotic Higgs decay channel into a light neutrino and a heavy neutrino with a sizable branching ratio. We also estimate the prospects to observe this decay at the LHC and discuss its complementarity to the indirect probes of the low scale type I see-saw model from experiments searching for the Ό→eÎł\mu\to e\gamma decay.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures; references added and results unchanged; matched with the published version on PL

    Sterile neutrino portal to Dark Matter I: the U(1) B−L case

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    In this paper we explore the possibility that the sterile neutrino and Dark Matter sectors in the Universe have a common origin. We study the consequences of this assumption in the simple case of coupling the dark sector to the Standard Model via a global U(1)B−L, broken down spontaneously by a dark scalar. This dark scalar provides masses to the dark fermions and communicates with the Higgs via a Higgs portal coupling. We find an interesting interplay between Dark Matter annihilation to dark scalars — the CP-even that mixes with the Higgs and the CP-odd which becomes a Goldstone boson, the Majoron — and heavy neutrinos, as well as collider probes via the coupling to the Higgs. Moreover, Dark Matter annihilation into sterile neutrinos and its subsequent decay to gauge bosons and quarks, charged leptons or neutrinos lead to indirect detection signatures which are close to current bounds on the gamma ray flux from the galactic center and dwarf galaxies

    Muon conversion to electron in nuclei in type-I seesaw models

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    We compute the muon to electron conversion in the type-I seesaw model, as a function of the right-handed neutrino mixings and masses. The results are compared with previous computations in the literature. We determine the definite predictions resulting for the ratios between the muon to electron conversion rate for a given nucleus and the rate of two other processes which also involve a mu-e flavour transition: mu -> e gamma and mu -> eee. For a quasi-degenerate mass spectrum of right-handed neutrino masses -which is the most natural scenario leading to observable rates- those ratios depend only on the seesaw mass scale, offering a quite interesting testing ground. In the case of sterile neutrinos heavier than the electroweak scale, these ratios vanish typically for a mass scale of order a few TeV. Furthermore, the analysis performed here is also valid down to very light masses. It turns out that planned mu -> e conversion experiments would be sensitive to masses as low as 2 MeV. Taking into account other experimental constraints, we show that future mu -> e conversion experiments will be fully relevant to detect or constrain sterile neutrino scenarios in the 2 GeV-1000 TeV mass range.Comment: 32 pages 14 figures, references added and some minor precisions; results unchange

    The inert Zee model

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    ABSTRACT: We study a realization of the topology of the Zee model for the generation of neutrino masses at one-loop with a minimal set of vector-like fermions. After imposing an exact Z2 symmetry to avoid tree-level Higgs-mediated avor changing neutral currents, one dark matter candidate is obtained from the subjacent inert doublet model, but with the presence of new co-annihilating particles. We show that the model is consistent with the constraints coming from lepton avor violation processes, oblique parameters, dark matter and neutrino oscillation data

    Gravity-mediated (or composite) Dark Matter confronts astrophysical data

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    We consider the astrophysical bounds on a new form of dark matter, the so called Gravity-mediated Dark Matter. In this scenario, dark matter communicates with us through a mediator sector composed of gravitational resonances, namely a new scalar (radion) and a massive spin-two resonance (massive graviton). We consider specific models motivated by natural electroweak symmetry breaking or weak-scale dark matter in the context of models in warped extra-dimensions and their composite duals. The main Dark Matter annihilation mechanism is due to the interactions of KK gravitons to gauge bosons that propagate in bulk. We impose the bounds on monochromatic or continuum photons from Fermi-LAT and HESS. We also explore scenarios in which the Fermi gamma-ray line could be a manifestation of Gravity-mediated Dark Matter
