437 research outputs found

    Repositioning of special schools within a specialist, personalised educational marketplace - the need for a representative principle

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    This paper considers how notions of inclusive education as defined in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Salamanca Agreement (1994) have become dissipated, and can be developed and reframed to encourage their progress. It analyses the discourse within a range of academic, legal and media texts, exploring how this dissipation has taken place within the UK. Using data from 78 specialist school websites it contextualises this change in the use of the terms and ideas of inclusion with the rise of two other constructs, the 'specialist school' and 'personalisation'. It identifies the need for a precisely defined representative principle to theorise the type of school which inclusion aims to achieve, which cannot be subsumed by segregated providers. It suggests that this principle should not focus on the individual, but draw upon a liberal/democratic view of social justice, underlining inclusive education's role in removing social barriers that prevent equity, access and participation for all

    State Capacity and the Environmental Investment Gap in Authoritarian States

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    We construct an n-period, constrained optimization model where the authoritarian ruler maximizes expected rents subject to budget constraint of available surplus. We show that the larger state capacity is in the previous period, the worse environmental quality will be in the next period: while infrastructural investment and environmental protection increase with state capacity, the former increases at a faster rate which enlarges the gap between the two?the environmental investment gap. Given infrastructural public goods typically damage the environment, the larger this gap is the worse the environmental quality would be. This follows from rulers? optimizing logic of equating marginal returns once we assume the declining marginal productivity of factors of production of surplus. We model three types of air and water pollutants in autocracies as a function of state capacity and other relevant variables. State capacity is associated with higher levels of all three types of pollutants

    Open XAL status Report 2015

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    Open XAL is an accelerator physics software platform developed in collaboration among several facilities around the world. The Open XAL collaboration was formed in 2010 to port, improve and extend the successful XAL platform used at the Spallation Neutron Source for use in the broader accelerator community and to establish it as the standard platform for accelerator physics software. The site-independent core is complete, active applications have been ported, and now we are in the process of verification and transitioning to using Open XAL in production. This paper will present the current status and a roadmap for this project

    OPEN XAL Status Report 2015

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    MOPW1050International audienceOpen XAL is an accelerator physics software platformdeveloped in collaboration among several facilitiesaround the world. The Open XAL collaboration wasformed in 2010 to port, improve and extend the successfulXAL platform used at the Spallation Neutron Source foruse in the broader accelerator community and to establishit as the standard platform for accelerator physicssoftware. The site-independent core is complete, activeapplications have been ported, and now we are in theprocess of verification and transitioning to using OpenXAL in production. This paper will present the currentstatus and a roadmap for this project

    Psychological determinants of whole-body endurance performance

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    Background: No literature reviews have systematically identified and evaluated research on the psychological determinants of endurance performance, and sport psychology performance-enhancement guidelines for endurance sports are not founded on a systematic appraisal of endurance-specific research. Objective: A systematic literature review was conducted to identify practical psychological interventions that improve endurance performance and to identify additional psychological factors that affect endurance performance. Additional objectives were to evaluate the research practices of included studies, to suggest theoretical and applied implications, and to guide future research. Methods: Electronic databases, forward-citation searches, and manual searches of reference lists were used to locate relevant studies. Peer-reviewed studies were included when they chose an experimental or quasi-experimental research design, a psychological manipulation, endurance performance as the dependent variable, and athletes or physically-active, healthy adults as participants. Results: Consistent support was found for using imagery, self-talk, and goal setting to improve endurance performance, but it is unclear whether learning multiple psychological skills is more beneficial than learning one psychological skill. The results also demonstrated that mental fatigue undermines endurance performance, and verbal encouragement and head-to-head competition can have a beneficial effect. Interventions that influenced perception of effort consistently affected endurance performance. Conclusions: Psychological skills training could benefit an endurance athlete. Researchers are encouraged to compare different practical psychological interventions, to examine the effects of these interventions for athletes in competition, and to include a placebo control condition or an alternative control treatment. Researchers are also encouraged to explore additional psychological factors that could have a negative effect on endurance performance. Future research should include psychological mediating variables and moderating variables. Implications for theoretical explanations of endurance performance and evidence-based practice are described

    Educating a syndrome? Seeking a balance between identifying a learning profile and delivering inclusive education

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    This article summarizes research related to pedagogical approaches to special education, and characteristics of teacher's attitudes and beliefs that supports effective inclusion practices. Additionally, the author summarizes factors that may both enable and disable children with DS's progress, and notes speech and language characteristics from research to date