1,174 research outputs found

    The use of LANDSAT data to monitor the urban growth of Sao Paulo Metropolitan area

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    Urban growth from 1977 to 1979 of the region between Billings and the Guarapiranga reservoir was mapped and the problematic urban areas identified using several LANDSAT products. Visual and automatic interpretation techniques were applied to the data. Computer compatible tapes of LANDSAT multispectral scanner data were analyzed through the maximum likelihood Gaussian algorithm. The feasibility of monitoring fast urban growth by remote sensing techniques for efficient urban planning and control is demonstrated

    A robust feature tracker for active surveillance of outdoor scenes

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    In this paper, we propose a robust real-time object detection system for outdoor image sequences acquired by an active camera. The system is able to compensate background changes due to the camera motion and to detect mobile objects in the scene. Background compensation is performed by assuming a simple translation (displacement vector) of the background from the previous to the current frame and by applying the well-known tracker proposed by Lucas and Kanade. A reference map containing all well trackable features is maintained and updated by the system at each frame by introducing new good features related to new regions that appear in the current image. A new method is applied to reject badly tracked features. The current frame and the background after compensation are processed by a change detection method in order to locate mobile objects. Results are presented in the contest of a visual-based surveillance system for monitoring outdoor enviroments

    Population and growth estimates of urban areas in the state of Sao Paulo utilizing LANDSAT images

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    LANDSAT (MSS): Image demographic estimations

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Two sets of urban test sites, one with 35 cities and one with 70 cities, were selected in the State, Sao Paulo. A high degree of colinearity (0.96) was found between urban and areal measurements taken from aerial photographs and LANDSAT MSS imagery. High coefficients were observed when census data were regressed against aerial information (0.95) and LANDSAT data (0.92). The validity of population estimations was tested by regressing three urban variables, against three classes of cities. Results supported the effectiveness of LANDSAT to estimate large city populations with diminishing effectiveness as urban areas decrease in size

    Study of the urban evolution of Brasilia with the use of LANDSAT data

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    The urban growth of Brasilia within the last ten years is analyzed with special emphasis on the utilization of remote sensing orbital data and automatic image processing. The urban spatial structure and the monitoring of its temporal changes were focused in a whole and dynamic way by the utilization of MSS-LANDSAT images for June 1973, 1978 and 1983. In order to aid data interpretation, a registration algorithm implemented at the Interactive Multispectral Image Analysis System (IMAGE-100) was utilized aiming at the overlap of multitemporal images. The utilization of suitable digital filters, combined with the images overlap, allowed a rapid identification of areas of possible urban growth and oriented the field work. The results obtained permitted an evaluation of the urban growth of Brasilia, taking as reference the proposed stated for the construction of the city

    A Neural Network for Image Anomaly Detection with Deep Pyramidal Representations and Dynamic Routing

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    Image anomaly detection is an application-driven problem where the aim is to identify novel samples, which differ significantly from the normal ones. We here propose Pyramidal Image Anomaly DEtector (PIADE), a deep reconstruction-based pyramidal approach, in which image features are extracted at different scale levels to better catch the peculiarities that could help to discriminate between normal and anomalous data. The features are dynamically routed to a reconstruction layer and anomalies can be identified by comparing the input image with its reconstruction. Unlike similar approaches, the comparison is done by using structural similarity and perceptual loss rather than trivial pixel-by-pixel comparison. The proposed method performed at par or better than the state-of-the-art methods when tested on publicly available datasets such as CIFAR10, COIL-100 and MVTec

    Screening tools for postpartum depression: validity and cultural dimensions

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    Objective: The purpose of this study is to review the main postpartum screening tools currently used in terms of their ability to screen for postnatal depression. Furthermore, the cultural characteristics of depressive postpartum symptomatology are examined.Method: A systematic literature search was conducted for the period 1987-2009, using the Medline electronic database for the following keywords: postpartum depression and postnatal depression. These terms were combined with: assessment, screening and psychometric tools. Results: Of the four screening tools reviewed and compared, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the Postpartum Depression Screening Scale (PDSS) presented substantial sensitivity and specificity as screening tools. However, none of the instruments could be rated flawless when applied to different cultural contexts. Conclusions: In addition to the EPDS, a new generation of instruments is currently available. Supplementary research is needed to substantiate their use as screening tools in general practice. Additional studies are needed to adapt and test instruments to detect postnatal depression within a wider range of languages and cultures.Key words: Acculturation; Postnatal depression; Postpartum depression; Scales; Screenin

    Deep generative adversarial residual convolutional networks for real-world super-resolution

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    Most current deep learning based single image super-resolution (SISR) methods focus on designing deeper / wider models to learn the non-linear mapping between low-resolution (LR) inputs and the high-resolution (HR) outputs from a large number of paired (LR/HR) training data. They usually take as assumption that the LR image is a bicubic down-sampled version of the HR image. However, such degradation process is not available in real-world settings i.e. inherent sensor noise, stochastic noise, compression artifacts, possible mismatch between image degradation process and camera device. It reduces significantly the performance of current SISR methods due to real-world image corruptions. To address these problems, we propose a deep Super-Resolution Residual Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (SRResCGAN1) to follow the real-world degradation settings by adversarial training the model with pixel-wise supervision in the HR domain from its generated LR counterpart. The proposed network exploits the residual learning by minimizing the energy-based objective function with powerful image regularization and convex optimization techniques. We demonstrate our proposed approach in quantitative and qualitative experiments that generalize robustly to real input and it is easy to deploy for other downscaling operators and mobile/embedded devices
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