1,288 research outputs found

    A synoptic view of solar transient evolution in the inner heliosphere using the Heliospheric Imagers on STEREO

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    By exploiting data from the STEREO/heliospheric imagers (HI) we extend a well-established technique developed for coronal analysis by producing time-elongation plots that reveal the nature of solar transient activity over a far more extensive region of the heliosphere than previously possible from coronagraph images. Despite the simplicity of these plots, their power in demonstrating how the plethora of ascending coronal features observed near the Sun evolve as they move antisunward is obvious. The time-elongation profile of a transient tracked by HI can, moreover, be used to establish its angle out of the plane-of-the-sky; an illustration of such analysis reveals coronal mass ejection material that can be clearly observed propagating out to distances beyond 1AU. This work confirms the value of the time-elongation format in identifying/characterising transient activity in the inner heliosphere, whilst also validating the ability of HI to continuously monitor solar ejecta out to and beyond 1A

    A case study using the model H+H2 and F+H2 reactions with aligned and anti- aligned H2

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    We propose a method to steer the outcome of reactive atom-diatom scattering, using rotational wavepackets excited by strong non-resonant laser pulses. Full close-coupled quantum mechanical scattering calculations of the D+H2 and F+H2 reactions are presented, where the H2 molecule exists as a coherent superposition of rotational states. The nuclear spin selective control over the molecular bond axis alignment afforded by the creation of rotational wavepackets is applied to reactive scattering systems, enabling a nuclear spin selective influence to be exerted over the reactive dynamics. The extension of the conventional eigenstate-to-eigenstate scattering problem to the case in which the initial state is composed of a coherent superposition of rotational states is detailed, and a selection of example calculations are discussed, along with their mechanistic implications. The feasibility of the corresponding experiments is considered, and a suitable simple two pulse laser scheme is shown to strongly differentiate the reactivities of o-H2 and p-H2

    Atom-diatom scattering dynamics of spinning molecules

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    We present full quantum mechanical scattering calculations using spinning molecules as target states for nuclear spin selective atom-diatom scattering of reactive D+H2 and F+H2 collisions. Molecules can be forced to rotate uni- directionally by chiral trains of short, non-resonant laser pulses, with different nuclear spin isomers rotating in opposite directions. The calculations we present are based on rotational wavepackets that can be created in this manner. As our simulations show, target molecules with opposite sense of rotation are predominantly scattered in opposite directions, opening routes for spatially and quantum state selective scattering of close chemical species. Moreover, two-dimensional state resolved differential cross sections reveal detailed information about the scattering mechanisms, which can be explained to a large degree by a classical vector model for scattering with spinning molecules

    Finding LoTSS of hosts for GRBs: a search for galaxy - gamma-ray burst coincidences at low frequencies with LOFAR

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    The LOFAR Two-Metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) is an invaluable new tool for investigating the properties of sources at low frequencies and has helped to open up the study of galaxy populations in this regime. In this work, we perform a search for host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). We use the relative density of sources in Data Release 2 of LoTSS to define the probability of a chance alignment, PchanceP_{\rm chance}, and find 18 sources corresponding to 17 GRBs which meet a PchanceP_{\rm chance}<1% criterion. We examine the nature and properties of these radio sources using both LOFAR data and broadband information, including their radio spectral index, star formation rate estimates and any contributions from active galactic nucleus emission. Assuming the radio emission is dominated by star formation, we find that our sources show high star formation rates (10110^1-10310^3 M⊙M_{\odot} yr−1^{-1}) compared with both a field galaxy sample and a sample of core-collapse supernova hosts, and the majority of putative hosts are consistent with ultraluminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG) classifications. As a result of our analyses, we define a final sample of eight likely GRB host candidates in the LoTSS DR2 survey.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures and 6 tables. Accepted by MNRA

    Cumulative reaction probabilities and transition state properties: A study of the H++H2 and H++D2 proton exchange reactions

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    10 pages, 6 figures.Cumulative reaction probabilities (CRPs) have been calculated by accurate (converged, close coupling) quantum mechanical (QM), quasiclassical trajectory (QCT), and statistical QCT (SQCT) methods for the H++H2 and H++D2 reactions at collision energies up to 1.2 eV and total angular momentum J=0–4. A marked resonance structure is found in the QM CRP, most especially for the H system and J=0. When the CRPs are resolved in their ortho and para contributions, a clear steplike structure is found associated with the opening of internal states of reactants and products. The comparison of the QCT results with those of the other methods evinces the occurrence of two transition states, one at the entrance and one at the exit. At low J values, except for the quantal resonance structure and the lack of quantization in the product channel, the agreement between QM and QCT is very good. The SQCT model, that reflects the steplike structure associated with the opening of initial and final states accurately, clearly tends to overestimate the value of the CRP as the collision energy increases. This effect seems more marked for the H++D2 isotopic variant. For sufficiently high J values, the growth of the centrifugal barrier leads to an increase in the threshold of the CRP. At these high J values the discrepancy between SQCT and QCT becomes larger and is magnified with growing collision energy. The total CRPs calculated with the QCT and SQCT methods allowed the determination of the rate constant for the H++D2 reaction. It was found that the rate, in agreement with experiment, decreases with temperature as expected for an endothermic reaction. In the range of temperatures between 200 and 500 K the differences between SQCT and QCT rate results are relatively minor. Although exact QM calculations are formidable for an exact determination of the k(T), it can be reliably expected that their value will lie between those given by the dynamical and statistical trajectory methods.This work has been funded by the MICIN (Spain) under Project Nos. CTQ2008-02578, CTQ2005-09185, FIS2007- 62006 ENE2006-14577-C04-Co3/FTN, and FIS2007-61686. P.G.J. also acknowledge support from the fellowship Grant No. Grant AP2006-03740.Peer reviewe

    Optical to mid-IR observations of Lyman-alpha galaxies at redshift 5 in the HUDF: a young and low mass population

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    High redshift galaxies selected on the basis of their strong Lyman-alpha emission tend to be young ages and small physical sizes. We show this by analyzing the spectral energy distribution (SED) of 9 Lyman-alpha emitting (LAE) galaxies at 4.0 < z < 5.7 n the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF). Rest-frame UV to optical 700A < lambda < 7500A luminosities, or upper limits, are used to constrain old stellar populations. We derive best fit, as well as maximally massive and maximally old, properties of all 9 objects. We show that these faint and distant objects are all very young, being most likely only a few millions years old, and not massive, the mass in stars being ~10^6-10^8 M_sun. Deep Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) observations of these objects, even in cases where objects were not detected, were crucial in constraining the masses of these objects. The space density of these objects, ~1.25x10^-4 Mpc^-3 is comparable to previously reported space density of LAEs at moderate to high redshifts. These Lyman-alpha galaxies show modest star formation rates of ~8 M_sun yr^-1, which is nevertheless strong enough to have allowed these galaxies to assemble their stellar mass in less than a few x10^6 years. These sources appear to have small physical sizes, usually smaller than 1 Kpc, and are also rather concentrated. They are likely to be some of the least massive and youngest high redshift galaxies observed to date.Comment: 27 pages. Accepted. To appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    A salt-reduction smartphone app supports lower-salt food purchases for people with cardiovascular disease: Findings from the SaltSwitch randomised controlled trial

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    Background SaltSwitch is an innovative smartphone application (app) that enables shoppers to scan the barcode of a packaged food and receive an immediate, interpretive, traffic light nutrition label on the screen, along with suggestions for lower salt alternatives. Our aim was to determine the effectiveness of SaltSwitch to support people with cardiovascular disease to make lower salt food choices. Design Six-week, two-arm, parallel, randomised controlled trial in Auckland, New Zealand (2 weeks baseline and 4 weeks intervention). Methods Sixty-six adults with diagnosed cardiovascular disease (mean (SD) age 64 (7) years) were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to either the SaltSwitch smartphone app or control (usual care). The primary outcome was the salt content of household packaged food purchases during the 4-week intervention (g/MJ). Secondary outcomes were the saturated fat content (g/MJ), energy content (kJ/kg) and expenditure (NZ$) of household food purchases; systolic blood pressure (mmHg), urinary sodium (mg) and use and acceptability of the SaltSwitch app. Results Thirty-three participants with cardiovascular disease were allocated to the SaltSwitch intervention, and 33 to the control group. A significant reduction in mean household purchases of salt was observed (mean difference (95% confidence interval), -0.30 (-0.58 to -0.03) g/MJ), equating to a reduction of ∌0.7 g of salt per person per day during the 4-week intervention phase. There were no significant between-group differences in any secondary outcomes (all P > 0.05). Conclusions The SaltSwitch smartphone app is effective in supporting people with cardiovascular disease to make lower salt food purchases. A larger trial with longer follow-up is warranted to determine the effects on blood pressure. Trial registration Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry https://www.anzctr.org.au/Trial/Registration/TrialReview.aspx?id=365784&isReview=true ACTRN12614000206628
