10,165 research outputs found

    A dynamical collective calculation of supernova neutrino signals

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    We present the first calculations with three flavors of collective and shock wave effects for neutrino propagation in core-collapse supernovae using hydroynamical density profiles and the S matrix formalism. We explore the interplay between the neutrino-neutrino interaction and the effects of multiple resonances upon the time signal of positrons in supernova observatories. A specific signature is found for the inverted hierarchy and a large third neutrino mixing angle and we predict, in this case, a dearth of lower energy positrons in Cherenkov detectors midway through the neutrino signal and the simultaneous revelation of valuable information about the original fluxes. We show that this feature is also observable with current generation neutrino detectors at the level of several sigmas.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Low energy neutrino scattering measurements at future Spallation Source facilities

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    In the future several Spallation Source facilities will be available worldwide. Spallation Sources produce large amount of neutrinos from decay-at-rest muons and thus can be well adapted to accommodate state-of-the-art neutrino experiments. In this paper low energy neutrino scattering experiments that can be performed at such facilities are reviewed. Estimation of expected event rates are given for several nuclei, electrons and protons at a detector located close to the source. A neutrino program at Spallation Sources comprises neutrino-nucleus cross section measurements relevant for neutrino and core-collapse supernova physics, electroweak tests and lepton-flavor violation searches.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 5 table

    What about a beta-beam facility for low energy neutrinos?

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    A novel method to produce neutrino beams has recently been proposed : the beta-beams. This method consists in using the beta-decay of boosted radioactive nuclei to obtain an intense, collimated and pure neutrino beam. Here we propose to exploit the beta-beam concept to produce neutrino beams of low energy. We discuss the applications of such a facility as well as its importance for different domains of physics. We focus, in particular, on neutrino-nucleus interaction studies of interest for various open issues in astrophysics, nuclear and particle physics. We suggest possible sites for a low energy beta-beam facility.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Active Brownian Motion Tunable by Light

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    Active Brownian particles are capable of taking up energy from their environment and converting it into directed motion; examples range from chemotactic cells and bacteria to artificial micro-swimmers. We have recently demonstrated that Janus particles, i.e. gold-capped colloidal spheres, suspended in a critical binary liquid mixture perform active Brownian motion when illuminated by light. In this article, we investigate in some more details their swimming mechanism leading to active Brownian motion. We show that the illumination-borne heating induces a local asymmetric demixing of the binary mixture generating a spatial chemical concentration gradient, which is responsible for the particle's self-diffusiophoretic motion. We study this effect as a function of the functionalization of the gold cap, the particle size and the illumination intensity: the functionalization determines what component of the binary mixture is preferentially adsorbed at the cap and the swimming direction (towards or away from the cap); the particle size determines the rotational diffusion and, therefore, the random reorientation of the particle; and the intensity tunes the strength of the heating and, therefore, of the motion. Finally, we harness this dependence of the swimming strength on the illumination intensity to investigate the behaviour of a micro-swimmer in a spatial light gradient, where its swimming properties are space-dependent

    Microscopic description of Coulomb and nuclear excitation of multiphonon states in 40^{40}Ca + 40^{40}Ca collisions

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    We calculate the inelastic scattering cross sections to populate one- and two-phonon states in heavy ion collisions with both Coulomb and nuclear excitations. Starting from a microscopic approach based on RPA, we go beyond it in order to treat anharmonicities and non-linear terms in the exciting field. These anharmonicities and non-linearities are shown to have important effects on the cross sections both in the low energy part of the spectrum and in the energy region of the Double Giant Quadrupole Resonance. By properly introducing an optical potential the inelastic cross section is calculated semiclassically by integrating the excitation probability over all impact parameters. A satisfactory agreement with the experimental results is obtained.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, revtex, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Charged-current neutrino-208Pb reactions

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    We present theoretical results on the non flux-averaged 208Pb(νe,e)208Bi^{208}Pb(\nu_{e},e^-)^{208}Bi and 208Pb(νμ,μ)208Bi^{208}Pb(\nu_{\mu},\mu^-)^{208}Bi reaction cross sections, obtained within the charge-exchange Random-Phase-Approximation. A detailed knowledge of these cross sections is important in different contexts. In particular, it is necessary to assess the possibility of using lead as a detector in future experiments on supernova neutrinos, such as OMNIS and LAND, and eventually detect neutrino oscillation signals by exploiting the spectroscopic properties of 208Bi^{208}Bi. We discuss the present status on the theoretical predictions of the reaction cross sections.Comment: 5 pages, latex, 3 figures. added discussion on present status, Submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Neutrino reactions via neutral and charged current by Quasi-particle Random Phase Approximation(QRPA)

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    We developed the quasi-particle random phase approximation (QRPA) for the neutrino scattering off even-even nuclei via neutral current (NC) and charged cur- rent (CC). The QRPA has been successfully applied for the \beta and \beta\beta decay of relevant nuclei. To describe neutrino scattering, general multipole transitions by weak interactions with a finite momentum transfer are calculated for NC and CC reaction with detailed formalism. Since we consider neutron-proton (np) pairing as well as neutron-neutron (nn) and proton-proton (pp) pairing correlations, the nn + pp QRPA and np QRPA are combined in a framework, which enables to describe both NC and CC reactions in a consistent way. Numerical results for \nu-^{12}C, -^{56}Fe and -^{56}Ni reactions are shown to comply with other theoretical calculations and reproduce well available experimental data

    Excitation of multiple giant dipole resonances: from spherical to deformed nuclei

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    The effect of deformation on the excitation of multiple giant dipole resonances is studied. Analytical expressions are derived in the framework of the interacting boson model for the energies and E1 properties of giant dipole resonances in spherical and deformed nuclei, and a numerical treatment of transitional nuclei is proposed. Coulomb-excitation cross sections are calculated in 238^{238}U and in the samarium isotopes

    MEMPHYS:A large scale water Cerenkov detector at Fr\'ejus

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    A water \v{C}erenkov detector project, of megaton scale, to be installed in the Fr\'ejus underground site and dedicated to nucleon decay, neutrinos from supernovae, solar and atmospheric neutrinos, as well as neutrinos from a super-beam and/or a beta-beam coming from CERN, is presented and compared with competitor projects in Japan and in the USA. The performances of the European project are discussed, including the possibility to measure the mixing angle θ13\theta_{13} and the CP-violating phase δ\delta.Comment: 1+33 pages, 14 figures, Expression of Interest of MEMPHYS projec