10,875 research outputs found

    Chemodynamic subpopulations of the Carina dwarf galaxy

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    We study the chemodynamical properties of the Carina dwarf spheroidal by combining an intermediate spectroscopic resolution dataset of more than 900 red giant and red clump stars, with high-precision photometry to derive the atmospheric parameters, metallicities and age estimates for our targets. Within the red giant branch population, we find evidence for the presence of three distinct stellar sub-populations with different metallicities, spatial distributions, kinematics and ages. As in the Fornax and Sculptor dwarf spheroidals, the subpopulation with the lowest average metallicity is more extended and kinematically hotter than all other populations. However, we identify an inversion in the parallel ordering of metallicity, kinematics and characteristic length scale in the two most metal rich subpopulations, which therefore do not contribute to a global negative chemical gradient. Contrary to common trends in the chemical properties with radius, the metal richest population is more extended and mildly kinematically hotter than the main component of intermediate metallicity. More investigations are required to ascertain the nature of this inversion, but we comment on the mechanisms that might have caused it.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Overcoming the su(2^n) sufficient condition for the coherent control of n-qubit systems

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    We study quantum systems with even numbers N of levels that are completely state-controlled by unitary transformations generated by Lie algebras isomorphic to sp(N) of dimension N(N+1)/2. These Lie algebras are smaller than the respective su(N) with dimension N^2-1. We show that this reduction constrains the Hamiltonian to have symmetric energy levels. An example of such a system is an n-qubit system. Using a geometric representation for the quantum wave function of a finite system, we present an explicit example that shows a two-qubit system can be controlled by the elements of the Lie algebra sp(4) (isomorphic to spin(5) and so(5)) with dimension ten rather than su(4) with dimension fifteen. These results enable one to envision more efficient algorithms for the design of fields for quantum-state engineering, and they provide more insight into the fundamental structure of quantum control.Comment: 13 pp., 2 figure

    Constraining the Distribution of L- & T-Dwarfs in the Galaxy

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    We estimate the thin disk scale height of the Galactic population of L- & T-dwarfs based on star counts from 15 deep parallel fields from the Hubble Space Telescope. From these observations, we have identified 28 candidate L- & T- dwarfs based on their (i'-z') color and morphology. By comparing these star counts to a simple Galactic model, we estimate the scale height to be 350+-50 pc that is consistent with the increase in vertical scale with decreasing stellar mass and is independent of reddening, color-magnitude limits, and other Galactic parameters. With this refined measure, we predict that less than 10^9 M_{sol} of the Milky Way can be in the form L- & T- dwarfs, and confirm that high-latitude, z~6 galaxy surveys which use the i'-band dropout technique are 97-100% free of L- & T- dwarf interlopers.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted to ApJ

    LSST optical beam simulator

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    We describe a camera beam simulator for the LSST which is capable of illuminating a 60mm field at f/1.2 with realistic astronomical scenes, enabling studies of CCD astrometric and photometric performance. The goal is to fully simulate LSST observing, in order to characterize charge transport and other features in the thick fully depleted CCDs and to probe low level systematics under realistic conditions. The automated system simulates the centrally obscured LSST beam and sky scenes, including the spectral shape of the night sky. The doubly telecentric design uses a nearly unit magnification design consisting of a spherical mirror, three BK7 lenses, and one beam-splitter window. To achieve the relatively large field the beam-splitter window is used twice. The motivation for this LSST beam test facility was driven by the need to fully characterize a new generation of thick fully-depleted CCDs, and assess their suitability for the broad range of science which is planned for LSST. Due to the fast beam illumination and the thick silicon design [each pixel is 10 microns wide and over 100 microns deep] at long wavelengths there can be effects of photon transport and charge transport in the high purity silicon. The focal surface covers a field more than sufficient for a 40x40 mm LSST CCD. Delivered optical quality meets design goals, with 50% energy within a 5 micron circle. The tests of CCD performance are briefly described.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Generalized coherent states are unique Bell states of quantum systems with Lie group symmetries

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    We consider quantum systems, whose dynamical symmetry groups are semisimple Lie groups, which can be split or decay into two subsystems of the same symmetry. We prove that the only states of such a system that factorize upon splitting are the generalized coherent states. Since Bell's inequality is never violated by the direct product state, when the system prepared in the generalized coherent state is split, no quantum correlations are created. Therefore, the generalized coherent states are the unique Bell states, i.e., the pure quantum states preserving the fundamental classical property of satisfying Bell's inequality upon splitting.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, amssymb style. More information on http://www.technion.ac.il/~brif/science.htm

    A constant dark matter halo surface density in galaxies

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    We confirm and extend the recent finding that the central surface density r_0*rho_0 galaxy dark matter halos, where r_0 and rho_0 are the halo core radius and central density, is nearly constant and independent of galaxy luminosity. Based on the co-added rotation curves of about 1000 spiral galaxies, mass models of individual dwarf irregular and spiral galaxies of late and early types with high-quality rotation curves and, galaxy-galaxy weak lensing signals from a sample of spiral and elliptical galaxies, we find that log(r_0*rho_0) = 2.15 +- 0.2, in units of log(Msol/pc^2). We also show that the observed kinematics of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies are consistent with this value. Our results are obtained for galactic systems spanning over 14 magnitudes, belonging to different Hubble Types, and whose mass profiles have been determined by several independent methods. In the same objects, the approximate constancy of rho_0*r_0 is in sharp contrast to the systematical variations, by several orders of magnitude, of galaxy properties, including rho_0 and central stellar surface density.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 9 pages, 4 figure

    Self-similarities in the frequency-amplitude space of a loss-modulated CO2_2 laser

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    We show the standard two-level continuous-time model of loss-modulated CO2_2 lasers to display the same regular network of self-similar stability islands known so far to be typically present only in discrete-time models based on mappings. For class B laser models our results suggest that, more than just convenient surrogates, discrete mappings in fact could be isomorphic to continuous flows.Comment: (5 low-res color figs; for ALL figures high-res PDF: http://www.if.ufrgs.br/~jgallas/jg_papers.html

    Dynamical Evolution of Globular Cluster Systems formed in Galaxy Mergers: Deep HST/ACS Imaging of Old and Intermediate-Age Globular Clusters in NGC 3610

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    (ABRIDGED) The ACS camera on board the Hubble Space Telescope has been used to obtain deep images of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 3610, a well-established dissipative galaxy merger remnant. These observations supersede previous WFPC2 images which revealed the presence of a population of metal-rich globular clusters (GCs) of intermediate age (~1.5-4 Gyr). We detect a total of 580 GC candidates, 46% more than from the previous WFPC2 images. The new photometry strengthens the significance of the previously found bimodality of the color distribution of GCs. Peak colors in V-I are 0.93 +/-0.01 and 1.09 +/- 0.01 for the blue and red subpopulations, respectively. The luminosity function (LF) of the inner 50% of the metal-rich (`red') population of GCs differs markedly from that of the outer 50%. In particular, the LF of the inner 50% of the red GCs shows a flattening consistent with a turnover that is about 1.0 mag fainter than the turnover of the blue GC LF. This is consistent with predictions of recent models of GC disruption for the age range mentioned above and for metallicities that are consistent with the peak color of the red GCs as predicted by population synthesis models. We determine the specific frequency of GCs in NGC 3610 and find a present-day value of S_N = 1.4 +/- 0.6. We estimate that this value will increase to S_N = 3.8 +/- 1.7 at an age of 10 Gyr, which is consistent with typical S_N values for `normal' ellipticals. Our findings constitute further evidence in support of the notion that metal-rich GC populations formed during major mergers involving gas-rich galaxies can evolve dynamically (through disruption processes) into the red, metal-rich GC populations that are ubiquitous in `normal' giant ellipticals.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal. Figure 6 somewhat degraded to adhere to astro-ph rule