1,056 research outputs found

    Chandra Measurements of a Complete Sample of X-ray Luminous Galaxy Clusters: The Luminosity-Mass Relation

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    We present the results of work involving a statistically complete sample of 34 galaxy clusters, in the redshift range 0.15≤\lez≤\le0.3 observed with ChandraChandra. We investigate the luminosity-mass (LMLM) relation for the cluster sample, with the masses obtained via a full hydrostatic mass analysis. We utilise a method to fully account for selection biases when modeling the LMLM relation, and find that the LMLM relation is significantly different than the relation modelled when not account for selection effects. We find that the luminosity of our clusters is 2.2±\pm0.4 times higher (when accounting for selection effects) than the average for a given mass, its mass is 30% lower than the population average for a given luminosity. Equivalently, using the LMLM relation measured from this sample without correcting for selection biases would lead to the underestimation by 40% of the average mass of a cluster with a given luminosity. Comparing the hydrostatic masses to mass estimates determined from the YXY_{X} parameter, we find that they are entirely consistent, irrespective of the dynamical state of the cluster.Comment: 31 pages, 43 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Weak Lensing Mass Reconstruction of the Galaxy Cluster Abell 209

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    Weak lensing applied to deep optical images of clusters of galaxies provides a powerful tool to reconstruct the distribution of the gravitating mass associated to these structures. We use the shear signal extracted by an analysis of deep exposures of a region centered around the galaxy cluster Abell 209, at redshift z=0.2, to derive both a map of the projected mass distribution and an estimate of the total mass within a characteristic radius. We use a series of deep archival R-band images from CFHT-12k, covering an area of 0.3 deg^2. We determine the shear of background galaxy images using a new implementation of the modified Kaiser-Squires-Broadhurst pipeline for shear determination, which we has been tested against the ``Shear TEsting Program 1 and 2'' simulations. We use mass aperture statistics to produce maps of the 2 dimensional density distribution, and parametric fits using both Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) and singular-isothermal-sphere profiles to constrain the total mass. The projected mass distribution shows a pronounced asymmetry, with an elongated structure extending from the SE to the NW. This is in general agreement with the optical distribution previously found by other authors. A similar elongation was previously detected in the X-ray emission map, and in the distribution of galaxy colours. The circular NFW mass profile fit gives a total mass of M_{200} = 7.7^{+4.3}_{-2.7} 10^{14} solar masses inside the virial radius r_{200} = 1.8\pm 0.3 Mpc. The weak lensing profile reinforces the evidence for an elongated structure of Abell 209, as previously suggested by studies of the galaxy distribution and velocities.Comment: accepted by A&A, 15 pages, 11 figure

    Spatially Resolved Outflows in a Seyfert Galaxy at z = 2.39

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    We present the first spatially resolved analysis of rest-frame optical and UV imaging and spectroscopy for a lensed galaxy at z = 2.39 hosting a Seyfert active galactic nucleus (AGN). Proximity to a natural guide star has enabled high signal-to-noise VLT SINFONI + adaptive optics observations of rest-frame optical diagnostic emission lines, which exhibit an underlying broad component with FWHM ~ 700 km/s in both the Balmer and forbidden lines. Measured line ratios place the outflow robustly in the region of the ionization diagnostic diagrams associated with AGN. This unique opportunity - combining gravitational lensing, AO guiding, redshift, and AGN activity - allows for a magnified view of two main tracers of the physical conditions and structure of the interstellar medium in a star-forming galaxy hosting a weak AGN at cosmic noon. By analyzing the spatial extent and morphology of the Ly-alpha and dust-corrected H-alpha emission, disentangling the effects of star formation and AGN ionization on each tracer, and comparing the AGN induced mass outflow rate to the host star formation rate, we find that the AGN does not significantly impact the star formation within its host galaxy.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A Thirty Kiloparsec Chain of "Beads on a String" Star Formation Between Two Merging Early Type Galaxies in the Core of a Strong-Lensing Galaxy Cluster

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    New Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet and optical imaging of the strong-lensing galaxy cluster SDSS J1531+3414 (z=0.335) reveals two centrally dominant elliptical galaxies participating in an ongoing major merger. The interaction is at least somewhat rich in cool gas, as the merger is associated with a complex network of nineteen massive superclusters of young stars (or small tidal dwarf galaxies) separated by ~1 kpc in projection from one another, combining to an estimated total star formation rate of ~5 solar masses per year. The resolved young stellar superclusters are threaded by narrow H-alpha, [O II], and blue excess filaments arranged in a network spanning ~27 kpc across the two merging galaxies. This morphology is strongly reminiscent of the well-known "beads on a string" mode of star formation observed on kpc-scales in the arms of spiral galaxies, resonance rings, and in tidal tails between interacting galaxies. Nevertheless, the arrangement of this star formation relative to the nuclei of the two galaxies is difficult to interpret in a dynamical sense, as no known "beads on a string" systems associated with kpc-scale tidal interactions exhibit such lopsided morphology relative to the merger participants. In this Letter we present the images and follow-up spectroscopy, and discuss possible physical interpretations for the unique arrangement of the young stellar clusters. While we suggest that this morphology is likely to be dynamically short-lived, a more quantitative understanding awaits necessary multiwavelength follow-up, including optical integral field spectroscopy, ALMA sub-mm interferometry, and Chandra X-ray imaging.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. High resolution images of the cluster can be found at http://hubblesite.org/news/2014/2

    Weak Gravitational Lensing by a Sample of X-Ray Luminous Clusters of Galaxies -- II. Comparison with Virial Masses

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    Dynamic velocity dispersion and mass estimates are given for a sample of five X-ray luminous rich clusters of galaxies at intermediate redshifts (z~0.3) drawn from a sample of 39 clusters for which we have obtained gravitational lens mass estimates. The velocity dispersions are determined from between 9 and 20 redshifts measured with the LDSS spectrograph of the William Herschel Telescope, and virial radii are determined from imaging using the UH8K mosaic CCD camera on the University of Hawaii 2.24m telescope. Including clusters with velocity dispersions taken from the literature, we have velocity dispersion estimates for 12 clusters in our gravitational lensing sample. For this sample we compare the dynamical velocity dispersion estimates with our estimates of the velocity dispersions made from gravitational lensing by fitting a singular isothermal sphere profile to the observed tangential weak lensing distortion as a function of radius. In all but two clusters, we find a good agreement between the velocity dispersion estimates based on spectroscopy and on weak lensing.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Version in emulateapj format with only minor change

    Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) levels predict damage accrual in patients with recent-onset systemic lupus erythematosus

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    © 2019 The Authors Objective: The soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) has potential as a prognosis and severity biomarker in several inflammatory and infectious diseases. In a previous cross-sectional study, suPAR levels were shown to reflect damage accrual in cases of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Herein, we evaluated suPAR as a predictor of future organ damage in recent-onset SLE. Methods: Included were 344 patients from the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC) Inception Cohort who met the 1997 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria with 5-years of follow-up data available. Baseline sera from patients and age- and sex-matched controls were assayed for suPAR. Organ damage was assessed annually using the SLICC/ACR damage index (SDI). Results: The levels of suPAR were higher in patients who accrued damage, particularly those with SDI≥2 at 5 years (N = 32, 46.8% increase, p = 0.004), as compared to patients without damage. Logistic regression analysis revealed a significant impact of suPAR on SDI outcome (SDI≥2; OR = 1.14; 95% CI 1.03–1.26), also after adjustment for confounding factors. In an optimized logistic regression to predict damage, suPAR persisted as a predictor, together with baseline disease activity (SLEDAI-2K), age, and non-Caucasian ethnicity (model AUC = 0.77). Dissecting SDI into organ systems revealed higher suPAR levels in patients who developed musculoskeletal damage (SDI≥1; p = 0.007). Conclusion: Prognostic biomarkers identify patients who are at risk of acquiring early damage and therefore need careful observation and targeted treatment strategies. Overall, suPAR constitutes an interesting biomarker for patient stratification and for identifying SLE patients who are at risk of acquiring organ damage during the first 5 years of disease
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