5,978 research outputs found

    Caracterização comparativa de propriedades que desenvolvem atividade pecuária em assentamentos rurais de Tomé-Açu e Paragominas: manejo das pastagens, acesso as estradas e nível de produtividade.

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    O presente estudo buscou efetuar a caracterização do manejo das pastagens, bem como as condições das estradas de acesso e o nível de produtividade de propriedades envolvidas com a atividade pecuária em assentamentos rurais de Tomé-Açu e Paragominas, as quais estão localizadas no Nordeste e Sudeste paraense, respectivamente. Noventa e cinco produtores foram entrevistados quanto à presença ou não de áreas de pastagens quando da aquisição das propriedades, assim como quanto à formação de novas áreas, uso do fogo, tipo de gramínea presente na pastagem, período de utilização de um mesmo pasto, vacinação contra febre aftosa, utilização de mistura mineral, produção diária de leite e quanto às condições de trafegabilidade das estradas que dão acesso às propriedades durante o período chuvoso. Foi observado que a atividade pecuária não é viável nas propriedades investigadas em razão da baixa adoção tecnológica e produtividade dos rebanhos. A cobertura vacinal foi insuficiente o que coloca em risco todo o setor produtivo da pecuária. As forrageiras presentes nas propriedades basicamente foram a Brachiaria brizantha cv Marandú e a Brachiaria humidicula, o que revela o risco quanto à incidência de pragas e doenças

    Solid-state 13C NMR studies of activated carbons prepared from biomass using different chemical agents.

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    Activated carbons are largely employed in several chemical and physical processes nowadays, including water treatment, catalysis, gas storage and others [1]. The surface properties of the porous carbons are determinant for most of such applications. Oxygenated functional groups present at the edges of the aromatic lamellae are known to influence decisively the surface chemistry of these materials [2]. In this work, solid-state 13 C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used for the analysis of a series of activated carbons prepared from a lignocellulosic precursor, using different chemical activating agents

    Outflows in the Narrow Line Region of Bright Seyfert Galaxies - I: GMOS-IFU Data

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    We present two-dimensional maps of emission-line fluxes and kinematics, as well as of the stellar kinematics of the central few kpc of five bright nearby Seyfert galaxies -- Mrk\,6, Mrk\,79, Mrk\,348, Mrk\,607 and Mrk\,1058 -- obtained from observations with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) Integral Field Unit (IFU) on the Gemini North Telescope. The data cover the inner 3\farcs5×\times5\farcs0 -- corresponding to physical scales in the range 0.6×\times0.9 to 1.5×\times2.2\,kpc2^2 -- at a spatial resolution ranging from 110 to 280 pc with a spectral coverage of 4300 -- 7100\,\AA\ and velocity resolution of \approx 90\,km\,s1^{-1}. The gas excitation is Seyfert like everywhere but show excitation, but show excitation gradients that are correlated with the gas kinematics, reddening and/or the gas density. The gas kinematics show in all cases two components: a rotation one similar to that observed in the stellar velocity field, and an outflow component. In the case of Mrk607, the gas is counter-rotating relative to the stars. Enhanced gas velocity dispersion is observed in association to the outflows according to two patterns: at the locations of the highest outflow velocities along the ionization axis or perpendicularly to it in a strip centered at the nucleus that we attribute to an equatorial outflow. Bipolar outflows are observed in Mrk\,348 and Mrk\,79, while in Mrk\,1058 only the blueshifted part is clearly observed, while in the cases of Mrk\,6 and Mrk\,607 the geometry of the outflow needs further constraints from modeling to be presented in a forthcoming study, where the mass flow rate and powers will also be obtained.Comment: 20 pages, accepted by MNRA

    Effect of abscisic acid on the calcium content for controlling blossom-end rot in tomato under water stress.

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    Water stress in tomato plants may cause the incidence of blossom-end rot. This study aimed to analyze the effect of abscisic acid leaf application for increasing the calcium uptake in irrigated tomato (?Santa Clara? cultivar) in the field, as a possible mechanism of blossom-end rot inhibition. The treatments consisted of four irrigation levels (25 %, 50 %, 75 % and 100 % of the crop water requirements to fulfil the crop evapotranspiration) and two abscisic acid doses (0 mg L-1 and 500 mg L-1). The fruits were harvested at 15 and 30 days after the anthesis and evaluated for calcium content and percentage of blossom-end rot. The application of abscisic acid increased the calcium partition to the distal region of the fruits at 30 days after the beginning of flowering, as well as reduced the incidence of blossom-end rot by 86 %, when compared with plants not treated with abscisic acid. It is possible to conclude that the foliar application of abscisic acid can significantly reduce the incidence of blossom-end rot