485 research outputs found

    Exploring social media recruitment strategies and preliminary acceptability of an mHealth tool for teens with eating disorders

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    (1) Background: The current study leveraged social media to connect with teens with EDs to identify population specific characteristics and to gather feedback on an mHealth intervention. (2) Methods: We recruited teens with EDs from social media in two phases: (1) Discovery Group, (2) Testing Group. The Discovery Group

    It\u27s way more than just writing a prescription : A qualitative study of preferences for integrated versus non-integrated treatment models among individuals with opioid use disorder

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    BACKGROUND: Increasingly, treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) is offered in integrated treatment models addressing both substance use and other health conditions within the same system. This often includes offering medications for OUD in general medical settings. It remains uncertain whether integrated OUD treatment models are preferred to non-integrated models, where treatment is provided within a distinct treatment system. This study aimed to explore preferences for integrated versus non-integrated treatment models among people with OUD and examine what factors may influence preferences. METHODS: This qualitative study recruited participants (n = 40) through Craigslist advertisements and flyers posted in treatment programs across the United States. Participants were 18 years of age or older and scored a two or higher on the heroin or opioid pain reliever sections of the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medications, and Other Substances (TAPS) Tool. Each participant completed a demographic survey and a telephone interview. The interviews were coded and content analyzed. RESULTS: While some participants preferred receiving OUD treatment from an integrated model in a general medical setting, the majority preferred non-integrated models. Some participants preferred integrated models in theory but expressed concerns about stigma and a lack of psychosocial services. Tradeoffs between integrated and non-integrated models were centered around patient values (desire for anonymity and personalization, fear of consequences), the characteristics of the provider and setting (convenience, perceived treatment effectiveness, access to services), and the patient-provider relationship (disclosure, trust, comfort, stigma). CONCLUSIONS: Among this sample of primarily White adults, preferences for non-integrated versus integrated OUD treatment were mixed. Perceived benefits of integrated models included convenience, potential for treatment personalization, and opportunity to extend established relationships with medical providers. Recommendations to make integrated treatment more patient-centered include facilitating access to psychosocial services, educating patients on privacy, individualizing treatment, and prioritizing the patient-provider relationship. This sample included very few minorities and thus findings may not be fully generalizable to the larger population of persons with OUD. Nonetheless, results suggest a need for expansion of both OUD treatment in specialty and general medical settings to ensure access to preferred treatment for all

    “It’s way more than just writing a prescription”: A qualitative study of preferences for integrated versus non-integrated treatment models among individuals with opioid use disorder

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    Background: Increasingly, treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) is offered in integrated treatment models addressing both substance use and other health conditions within the same system. This often includes offering medications for OUD in general medical settings. It remains uncertain whether integrated OUD treatment models are preferred to non-integrated models, where treatment is provided within a distinct treatment system. This study aimed to explore preferences for integrated versus non-integrated treatment models among people with OUD and examine what factors may influence preferences. Methods: This qualitative study recruited participants (n = 40) through Craigslist advertisements and flyers posted in treatment programs across the United States. Participants were 18 years of age or older and scored a two or higher on the heroin or opioid pain reliever sections of the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medications, and Other Substances (TAPS) Tool. Each participant completed a demographic survey and a telephone interview. The interviews were coded and content analyzed. Results: While some participants preferred receiving OUD treatment from an integrated model in a general medical setting, the majority preferred non-integrated models. Some participants preferred integrated models in theory but expressed concerns about stigma and a lack of psychosocial services. Tradeoffs between integrated and non-integrated models were centered around patient values (desire for anonymity and personalization, fear of consequences), the characteristics of the provider and setting (convenience, perceived treatment effectiveness, access to services), and the patient-provider relationship (disclosure, trust, comfort, stigma). Conclusions: Among this sample of primarily White adults, preferences for non-integrated versus integrated OUD treatment were mixed. Perceived benefits of integrated models included convenience, potential for treatment personalization, and opportunity to extend established relationships with medical providers. Recommendations to make integrated treatment more patient-centered include facilitating access to psychosocial services, educating patients on privacy, individualizing treatment, and prioritizing the patient-provider relationship. This sample included very few minorities and thus findings may not be fully generalizable to the larger population of persons with OUD. Nonetheless, results suggest a need for expansion of both OUD treatment in specialty and general medical settings to ensure access to preferred treatment for all

    Plant and Small Vertebrate Composition and Diversity 36-39 Years After Root Plowing

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    Root plowing is a common management practice to reduce woody vegetation and increase herbaceous forage for livestock on rangelands. Our objective was to test the hypotheses that four decades after sites are root plowed they have 1) lower plant species diversity, less heterogeneity, greater percent canopy cover of exotic grasses; and 2) lower abundance and diversity of amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals, compared to sites that were not disturbed by root plowing. Pairs of 4-ha sites were selected for sampling: in each pair of sites, one was root plowed in 1965 and another was not disturbed by root plowing (untreated). We estimated canopy cover of woody and herbaceous vegetation during summer 2003 and canopy cover of herbaceous vegetation during spring 2004. We trapped small mammals and herpetofauna in pitfall traps during late spring and summer 2001-2004. Species diversity and richness of woody plants were less on root-plowed than on untreated sites; however, herbaceous plant and animal species did not differ greatly between treatments. Evenness of woody vegetation was less on root-plowed sites, in part because woody legumes were more abundant. Abundance of small mammals and herpetofauna varied with annual rainfall more than it varied with root plowing. Although structural differences existed between vegetation communities, secondary succession of vegetation reestablishing after root plowing appears to be leading to convergence in plant and small animal species composition with untreated sites.The Rangeland Ecology & Management archives are made available by the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform August 202

    Association between recent overdose and chronic pain among individuals in treatment for opioid use disorder

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    Chronic pain increases risk for opioid overdose among individuals with opioid use disorder. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between recent overdose and whether or not chronic pain is active. 3,577 individuals in treatment for opioid use disorder in 2017 or 2018 were surveyed regarding recent overdoses and chronic pain. Demographics from the 2017 Treatment Episode Data Set, which includes all U.S. facilities licensed or certified to provide substance use care, were used to evaluate the generalizability of the sample. χ2 tests and logistic regression models were used to compare associations between recent overdoses and chronic pain. Specifically, active chronic pain was associated with opioid overdose among people in treatment for opioid use disorder. Individuals with active chronic pain were more likely to have had a past month opioid overdose than those with no history chronic pain (adjusted OR = 1.55, 95% CI 1.16-2.08, p = 0.0003). In contrast, individuals with prior chronic pain, but no symptoms in the past 30 days, had a risk of past month opioid overdose similar to those with no history of chronic pain (adjusted OR = 0.88, 95% CI 0.66-1.17, p = 0.38). This suggests that the incorporation of treatment for chronic pain into treatment for opioid use disorder may reduce opioid overdoses

    Identification and quantification of dust aerosol emission over the Sahara from Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) observations

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    Dust aerosols are an important component of the climate system and a challenge to incorporate into weather and climate models. Information on the location and magnitude of dust emission remains a key information gap to inform model development. Inadequate surface observations ensure that satellite data remain the primary source of this information over extensive and remote desert regions. Here, we develop estimates of the relative magnitude of active dust emission over the Sahara desert based on data from the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP). Utilising the unique vertical profile of aerosol characteristics provided by CALIOP our algorithm identifies emission from aerosol extinction and lidar backscatter in the near surface layers. From the long-term CALIOP archive of day and night-time orbits over 2006–13 we construct coarse resolution maps of a new dust emission index (DEI) for the Sahara desert during the peak summer dust season (June to September). The spatial structure of DEI indicates highest emission over a broad zone focused on the border regions of Southern Algeria, Northern Mali and northwest Niger, displaced substantially (∼7°) to the east of the mean maximum in satellite-derived aerosol optical depth. In this region night-time emission exceeds that during the day. The DEI maps substantially corroborate recently derived dust source frequency count maps based on back-tracking plumes in high temporal resolution SEVIRI imagery. As such, a convergence of evidence from multiple satellite data sources using independent methods provides an increasingly robust picture of Saharan dust emission sources. Various caveats are considered. As such, quantitative estimates of dust emission may require a synergistic combined multi-sensor analysis


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    Se realizó la determinación de Ácido Benzoico (AB) en diferentes productos lácteos con la finalidad de verificar que cumplan con los límites permitidos por la normatividad mexicana. El método utilizado fue la Cromatografía de Líquidos de Alta Resolución. Todos los quesos analizados estuvieron dentro de los límites (0.05 a 0-1%), excepto el tipo Petit suisse con un 0.27%. A pesar de que el AB es considerado como una sustancia segura, es importante tomar en cuenta este resultado, ya que su consumo en exceso puede causar irritación en tracto digestivo, así como una sensibilización química.Palabras clave: ácido benzoico, productos lácteos, conservadores, ácido benzoico por HPLC, validación.Benzoic acid, dairy products, conservatives, benzoic acid by HPLC, validation

    Protocol of sterile personal protective equipment for surgical personnel against SARS-CoV-2 during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: COVID-19 represents the major pandemic seen the last years generating morbidity and mortality around the world. It is well known the propagation of the virus occurs by air mostly, so it is needed a barrier when the medic personal is treating suspect or confirm patients. Personal protective equipment represents a barrier between the health personnel and the patient during the COVID-19 pandemic. The surgical team during a COVID-19 confirmed o suspicious case procedure requires using PPE to be protected and keep the sterility for the patient safety.Methods: A team of surgeons from a 100% COVID-19 hospital of the Mexican institute of social security developed an inner protocol of safe use PPE maintaining sterility for the surgery.Conclusions: The protocol described provides safety to surgical team and the patient minimizing risk of surgical infections