1,846 research outputs found

    The Co-existence of Legal Systems in Quebec: « Free and Common Socage » in Canada's « pays de droit civil »

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    Bien que le systĂšme français de tenure seigneuriale au QuĂ©bec ait mĂ©ritĂ© une attention toute particuliĂšre des historiens, l'histoire de la tenure anglaise de « franc et commun socage », introduite en 1774 et qui rĂšgne mĂȘme aujourd'hui dans la zone dite des Cantons de l'Est, n'est pas moins singuliĂšre. Est-ce que dans l'Acte de QuĂ©bec, aprĂšs avoir Ă©tabli Ă  l'article 8 l'ancien droit français, on a voulu introduire tout le systĂšme anglais du droit des biens lorsqu'on a mentionnĂ©, Ă  son article 9, que la concession des terres pourrait se faire selon la tenure anglaise ? Ou au contraire a-t-on voulu tout simplement exclure lapplication des incidents de la tenure française en faisant appel Ă  l'Ă©quivalent anglais d'une tenure libre ? L'Acte constitutionnel de 1971 n'a pas rĂ©solu cette question, confiant cependant Ă  la lĂ©gislature locale le soin d'adapter la tenure anglaise dans sa « nature » et dans ses « consĂ©quences » aux conditions locales. Les autoritĂ©s britanniques ont, semble-t-il, optĂ© pour la premiĂšre interprĂ©tation, puisqu'en 1825 une loi impĂ©riale Ă©dictait que le droit anglais des biens s’appliqueraient dans les cantons. La rĂ©action locale, sous la forme de lĂ©gislation, en 1829, rĂ©vĂšle l'Ă©quivoque ressentie par la population locale: aprĂšs avoir validĂ© pour le passĂ© les transactions accomplies selon les formes françaises, la loi de 1829 Ă©tablit pro futuro la validitĂ© des transactions immobiliĂšres selon les rĂšgles anglaises ou les formes françaises. Ce mĂ©lange de rĂšgles de fond et de forme anglaises et françaises — une vĂ©ritable coexistence de systĂšmes juridiques sur un mĂȘme territoire — semble avoir semĂ© la confusion chez les justiciables et les hommes de loi durant les 25 annĂ©es suivantes. MĂȘme dans le cas oĂč la loi anglaise de 1825 a Ă©tabli le droit anglais pour l'avenir, a-t-elle voulu dĂ©clarer aussi que le droit anglais existait dans le territoire quĂ©bĂ©cois depuis 1774 ? VoilĂ  une thĂšse qui pourrait se dĂ©fendre d'aprĂšs le sens grammatical de cette loi ainsi que celle de 1829. On semblait indĂ©cis au QuĂ©bec sur cette question avant les dĂ©cisions cĂ©lĂšbres des annĂ©es 1850 dans les arrĂȘts Stuart v. Bowman et Wilcox v. Ce dernier a dĂ©cidĂ© enfin que le droit anglais des biens n'a pas pu ĂȘtre introduit dans les cantons avant 1825 et que toute interprĂ©tation contraire frise l'absurditĂ©. Le jugement du juge en chef Lafontaine, aussi acceptable qu'il soit sur le plan politique, ne semble pas toutefois s'accorder avec le sens littĂ©ral des lois en question. Mais enfin que pouvait-on faire ? Une loi de 1857 de l'AssemblĂ©e lĂ©gislative a finalement optĂ© pour l'application de lois canadiennes dans tout le territoire quĂ©bĂ©cois et cette solution, aprĂšs l'abolition de la tenure française en 1854, semble avoir Ă©tĂ© acceptĂ©e par ces mĂȘmes milieux qui, dans les annĂ©es prĂ©cĂ©dentes, ont Ă©tĂ© agitĂ©s par la question. L'uniformitĂ© de notre droit commun ayant Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablie sur le sol quĂ©bĂ©cois, la perspective d'une codification Ă  la française s'ouvrait et devint rĂ©alitĂ©, comme on le sait, quelques annĂ©es plus tard

    Exploring complex vowels as phrase break correlates in a corpus of English speech with ProPOSEL, a prosody and POS English lexicon

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    Real-world knowledge of syntax is seen as integral to the machine learning task of phrase break prediction but there is a deficiency of a priori knowledge of prosody in both rule-based and data-driven classifiers. Speech recognition has established that pauses affect vowel duration in preceding words. Based on the observation that complex vowels occur at rhythmic junctures in poetry, we run significance tests on a sample of transcribed, contemporary British English speech and find a statistically significant correlation between complex vowels and phrase breaks. The experiment depends on automatic text annotation via ProPOSEL, a prosody and part-of-speech English lexicon. Copyright © 2009 ISCA

    Developments in Legal Education at McGill, 1970-1980

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    In order to trace the developments in legal education at McGill during the last decade, it is first of all necessary to recall the principal initiatives which occurred in the 1950s and 1960s. These were, in chronological order, the creation of the Institute of Air & Space Law in 1951 and the offering of higher degrees in that speciality; the creation of the Institute of Comparative Law in 1965 to give particular focus to graduate work at McGill in fields other than air and space law; and the institution, in 1968, of a programme of undergraduate study leading to the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), alongside the traditional Bachelor of Civil Law (B.C.L.). Both degrees were, at that time, set within the framework of a National Programme of legal education, that is to say an integrated curriculum in civil law and common law studies at the undergradate level

    Perceptions of Psychological Coercion and Human Trafficking in the West Midlands of England: Beginning to Know the Unknown

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    Modern slavery is less overt than historical state-sanctioned slavery because psychological abuse is typically used to recruit and then control victims. The recent UK Draft Modern Slavery Bill, and current UK government anti-slavery strategy relies heavily on a shared understanding and public cooperation to tackle this crime. Yet, UK research investigating public understanding of modern slavery is elusive. We report community survey data from 682 residents of the Midlands of England, where modern slavery is known to occur, concerning their understanding of nonphysical coercion and human trafficking (one particular form of modern slavery). Analysis of quantitative data and themed categorization of qualitative data revealed a mismatch between theoretical frameworks and understanding of psychological coercion, and misconceptions concerning the nature of human trafficking. Many respondents did not understand psychological coercion, believed that human trafficking did not affect them, and confused trafficking with immigration. The public are one of the most influential interest groups, but only if well informed and motivated towards positive action. Our findings suggest the need for strategically targeted public knowledge exchange concerning this crime

    Tools for Arabic Natural Language Processing: a case study in qalqalah prosody

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    In this paper, we focus on the prosodic effect of qalqalah or "vibration" applied to a subset of Arabic consonants under certain constraints during correct Qur'anic recitation or taǧwīd, using our Boundary-Annotated Qur’an dataset of 77430 words (Brierley et al 2012; Sawalha et al 2014). These qalqalah events are rule-governed and are signified orthographically in the Arabic script. Hence they can be given abstract definition in the form of regular expressions and thus located and collected automatically. High frequency qalqalah content words are also found to be statistically significant discriminators or keywords when comparing Meccan and Medinan chapters in the Qur'an using a state-of-the-art Visual Analytics toolkit: Semantic Pathways. Thus we hypothesise that qalqalah prosody is one way of highlighting salient items in the text. Finally, we implement Arabic transcription technology (Brierley et al under review; Sawalha et al forthcoming) to create a qalqalah pronunciation guide where each word is transcribed phonetically in IPA and mapped to its chapter-verse ID. This is funded research under the EPSRC "Working Together" theme

    Automatically generated, phonemic Arabic-IPA pronunciation tiers for the boundary annotated Qur'an dataset for machine learning (version 2.0)

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    In this paper, we augment the Boundary Annotated Qur?an dataset published at LREC 2012 (Brierley et al 2012; Sawalha et al 2012a) with automatically generated phonemic transcriptions of Arabic words. We have developed and evaluated a comprehensive grapheme-phoneme mapping from Standard Arabic \ensuremath> IPA (Brierley et al under review), and implemented the mapping in Arabic transcription technology which achieves 100% accuracy as measured against two gold standards: one for Qur?anic or Classical Arabic, and one for Modern Standard Arabic (Sawalha et al [1]). Our mapping algorithm has also been used to generate a pronunciation guide for a subset of Qur?anic words with heightened prosody (Brierley et al 2014). This is funded research under the EPSRC " Working Together" theme

    An empirical study of Arabic formulaic sequence extraction methods

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    This paper aims to implement what is referred to as the collocation of the Arabic keywords approach for extracting formulaic sequences (FSs) in the form of high frequency but semantically regular formulas that are not restricted to any syntactic construction or semantic domain. The study applies several distributional semantic models in order to automatically extract relevant FSs related to Arabic keywords. The data sets used in this experiment are rendered from a new developed corpus-based Arabic wordlist consisting of 5,189 lexical items which represent a variety of modern standard Arabic (MSA) genres and regions, the new wordlist being based on an overlapping frequency based on a comprehensive comparison of four large Arabic corpora with a total size of over 8 billion running words. Empirical n-best precision evaluation methods are used to determine the best association measures (AMs) for extracting high frequency and meaningful FSs. The gold standard reference FSs list was developed in previous studies and manually evaluated against well-established quantitative and qualitative criteria. The results demonstrate that the MI.log_f AM achieved the highest results in extracting significant FSs from the large MSA corpus, while the T-score association measure achieved the worst results

    jsmetrics v0.2.0: a Python package for metrics and algorithms used to identify or characterise atmospheric jet streams

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    The underlying dynamics controlling jet streams are complex, but it is expected that they will have an observable response to changes in the larger climatic system. A growing divergence in regional surface warming trends across the planet, which has been both observed and projected since the start of the 20th century, has likely altered the thermodynamic relationships responsible for jet stream formation and control. Despite this, the exact movements and trends in the changes to the jet streams generally remain unclear and without consensus in the literature. The latest IPCC report highlighted that trends both within and between a variety of observational and modelling studies were inconsistent . Trends in jet streams were associated with low to medium confidence, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. However, what is often overlooked in evaluating these trends is the confused message in the literature around how to first identify, and then characterise, the jet streams themselves. We classify the methods for characterising jet streams in the literature into three broad strategies: statistics that isolate individual values from the wind speed profile (jet statistics), methods for quantifying the sinuosity of the upper air (waviness metrics), and algorithms that identify a mask related to the coordinates of fast-flowing wind throughout the horizontal and/or vertical plane (jet core algorithms). While each approach can capture particular characteristics and changes, they are subject to the spatial and temporal specifications of their definition. There is therefore value in using them in combination to assess parametric and structural uncertainty and to carry out sensitivity analyses. Here, we describe jsmetrics version 0.2.0, a new open-source Python 3 module with standardised versions of 17 metrics that have been used for jet stream characterisation. We demonstrate the application of this library with two case studies derived from ERA5 climate reanalysis data
