4,024 research outputs found

    Securing future healthcare environments in a post-COVID-19 world: moving from frameworks to prototypes

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    The deployment of Internet of Things platforms as well as the use of mobile and wireless technologies to support healthcare environments have enormous potential to transform healthcare. This has also led to a desire to make eHealth and mHealth part of national healthcare systems. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the requirement to do this in order to reduce the number of patients needing to attend hospitals and General Practitioner surgeries. This direction however has resulted in a renewed need to look at security of future healthcare platforms including information and data security as well as network and cyber-physical security. There have been security frameworks that were developed to address such issues. However, it is necessary to develop a security framework with a combination of security mechanisms that can be used to provide all the essential security requirements for healthcare systems. In addition, there is now a need to move from frameworks to prototypes which is the focus of this paper. Several security frameworks for eHealth and mHealth are first examined. This leads to a new reference model from which an implementation framework is developed using new mechanisms such as Capabilities, Secure Remote Procedure Calls and a Service Management Framework. The prototype is then evaluated against practical security requirements

    Infection of the coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera : Scolytidae) by brazilian isolates of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae (Deuteromycotina : Hyphomycetes).

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    The virulence of four fungal isolates (three Beauveria bassiana and one Metarhizium anisopliae) against adultfemale coffee berry borers (CBB) was investigated. The most virulent isolate from initial bioassays, B. bassiana LPPI, with a LT50 of 3.4 days, was further investigated by application to berries prior to infestation and to berries already infested with CBB. At the highest concentration applied to berries (J x ]07 conidia mL -I), CBB mortality was 83% (berries inoculated prior to infestation ) and 62% (berries inoculated after infestation)

    Evaluation of the CNS and cardiovascular effects of prolonged exposure to bromotrifluromethane (CBrF3)

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    The proposed use of bromotrifluoromethane (CBrF3) as a fire extinguishant in aircraft, spacecraft and submarines has stimulated increasing interest and research in the toxicological properties of this compound. In a spacecraft, because of its unique recirculating life support system, the introduction of CBrF3 by leakage or intentional discharge, will result in continuous exposure of crewman to low concentrations of this compound for periods of up to 7 days, or possibly even longer. The effects of low concentrations of CBrF3, under continuous exposure conditions, on the CNS and cardiovascular systems of animals to enable an assessment of these risks were investigated

    Investigating the role of biometrics in education – the use of sensor data in collaborative learning

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    This paper provides a detailed description of how a smart spaces laboratory has been used for assessing learners’ performance in various educational contexts. The paper shares the authors’ experiences from using sensor-generated data in a number of learning scenarios. In particular the paper describes how a smart learning environment is created with the use of a range of sensors measuring key data from individual learners including (i) heartbeat, (ii) emotion detection, (iii) sweat levels, (iv) voice fluctuations and (v) duration and pattern of contribution via voice recognition. The paper also explains how biometrics are used to assess learner’ contribution in certain activities but also to evaluate collaborative learning in student groups. Finally the paper instigates research in the role of using visualization of biometrics as a medium for supporting assessment, facilitating learning processes and enhancing learning experiences. Examples of how learning analytics are created based on biometrics are also provided, resulting from a number of pilot studies that have taken place over the past couple of years

    Endomelanconiopsis, a new anamorph genus in the Botryosphaeriaceae

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    A new lineage is discovered within the Botryosphaeriaceae (Ascomycetes, Dothideomycetes, incertae sedis). Consistent with current practice of providing generic names for independent lineages, this lineage is described as Endomelanconiopsis gen. nov., with the anamorphic species E. endophytica sp. nov. and E. microspora comb. nov. (5 Endomelanconium microsporum). Endomelanconiopsis is characterized by eustromatic conidiomata and holoblastically produced, brown, nonapiculate, unicellular conidia, each with a longitudinal germ slit. Phylogenetic analysis of partial sequences of LSU, ITS and translation elongation factor 1 alpha (tef1) indicate that E. endophytica is sister of E. microspora and that they are nested within the Botryosphaeriaceae. However because there is no support for the ‘‘backbone’’ of the Botryosphaeriacae we are not able to see the interrelationships among the many genera in the family. Neither species is known to have a teleomorph. Endomelanconiopsis differs from Endomelanconium because conidia of the type species of Endomelanconium, E. pini, are papillate at the base, conidiogenous cells proliferate sympodially and the pycnidial wall is thinner; we postulate that the teleomorph of E. pini as yet unknown is an inoperculate discomycete. Endomelanconiopsis endophytica was isolated as an endophyte from healthy leaves of Theobroma cacao (cacao, Malvaceae) and Heisteria concinna (Erythroplaceae) in Panama. Endomelanconiopsis microspora was isolated from soil in EuropeA new lineage is discovered within the Botryosphaeriaceae (Ascomycetes, Dothideomycetes, incertae sedis). Consistent with current practice of providing generic names for independent lineages, this lineage is described as Endomelanconiopsis gen. nov., with the anamorphic species E. endophytica sp. nov. and E. microspora comb. nov. (5 Endomelanconium microsporum). Endomelanconiopsis is characterized by eustromatic conidiomata and holoblastically produced, brown, nonapiculate, unicellular conidia, each with a longitudinal germ slit. Phylogenetic analysis of partial sequences of LSU, ITS and translation elongation factor 1 alpha (tef1) indicate that E. endophytica is sister of E. microspora and that they are nested within the Botryosphaeriaceae. However because there is no support for the ‘‘backbone’’ of the Botryosphaeriacae we are not able to see the interrelationships among the many genera in the family. Neither species is known to have a teleomorph. Endomelanconiopsis differs from Endomelanconium because conidia of the type species of Endomelanconium, E. pini, are papillate at the base, conidiogenous cells proliferate sympodially and the pycnidial wall is thinner; we postulate that the teleomorph of E. pini as yet unknown is an inoperculate discomycete. Endomelanconiopsis endophytica was isolated as an endophyte from healthy leaves of Theobroma cacao (cacao, Malvaceae) and Heisteria concinna (Erythroplaceae) in Panama. Endomelanconiopsis microspora was isolated from soil in Europ

    Avaliação do desempenho de fungos entomopatogênicos sobre fêmeas de Dactylopius opuntiae (Hemiptera: dactylopiidae) em condições de laboratório.

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    Molecular hierarchy of mammary differentiation yields refined markers of mammary stem cells

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    The partial purification of mouse mammary gland stem cells (MaSCs) using combinatorial cell surface markers (Lin-CD24+CD29hCD49fh) has improved our understanding of their role in normal development and breast tumorigenesis. Despite the significant improvement in MaSC enrichment, there is presently no methodology that adequately isolates pure MaSCs. Seeking new markers of MaSCs, we characterized the stem-like properties and expression signature of label-retaining cells from the mammary gland of mice expressing a controllable H2b-GFP transgene. In this system, the transgene expression can be repressed in a doxycycline-dependent fashion, allowing isolation of slowly dividing cells with retained nuclear GFP signal. Here, we show that H2b-GFPh cells reside within the predicted MaSC compartment and display greater mammary reconstitution unit frequency compared with H2b-GFPneg MaSCs. According to their transcriptome profile, H2b-GFPh MaSCs are enriched for pathways thought to play important roles in adult stem cells. We found Cd1d, a glycoprotein expressed on the surface of antigen-presenting cells, to be highly expressed by H2b-GFPh MaSCs, and isolation of Cd1d+ MaSCs further improved the mammary reconstitution unit enrichment frequency to nearly a single-cell level. Additionally, we functionally characterized a set of MaSC-enriched genes, discovering factors controlling MaSC survival. Collectively, our data provide tools for isolating a more precisely defined population of MaSCs and point to potentially critical factors for MaSC maintenance

    Dissipative dynamics of vortex lines in superfluid 4^{4}He

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    We propose a Hamiltonian model that describes the interaction between a vortex line in superfluid 4^{4}He and the gas of elementary excitations. An equation of irreversible motion for the density operator of the vortex, regarded as a macroscopic quantum particle with a finite mass, is derived in the frame of Generalized Master Equations. This enables us to cast the effect of the coupling as a drag force with one reactive and one dissipative component, in agreement with the assumption of the phenomenological theories of vortex mutual friction in the two fluid model.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, to be published in PR