3,326 research outputs found

    The temperature dependent bandstructure of a ferromagnetic semiconductor film

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    The electronic quasiparticle spectrum of a ferromagnetic film is investigated within the framework of the s-f model. Starting from the exact solvable case of a single electron in an otherwise empty conduction band being exchange coupled to a ferromagnetically saturated localized spin system we extend the theory to finite temperatures. Our approach is a moment-conserving decoupling procedure for suitable defined Green functions. The theory for finite temperatures evolves continuously from the exact limiting case. The restriction to zero conduction band occupation may be regarded as a proper model description for ferromagnetic semiconductors like EuO and EuS. Evaluating the theory for a simple cubic film cut parallel to the (100) crystal plane, we find some marked correlation effects which depend on the spin of the test electron, on the exchange coupling, and on the temperature of the local-moment system.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Feed-Forward Chains of Recurrent Attractor Neural Networks Near Saturation

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    We perform a stationary state replica analysis for a layered network of Ising spin neurons, with recurrent Hebbian interactions within each layer, in combination with strictly feed-forward Hebbian interactions between successive layers. This model interpolates between the fully recurrent and symmetric attractor network studied by Amit el al, and the strictly feed-forward attractor network studied by Domany et al. Due to the absence of detailed balance, it is as yet solvable only in the zero temperature limit. The built-in competition between two qualitatively different modes of operation, feed-forward (ergodic within layers) versus recurrent (non- ergodic within layers), is found to induce interesting phase transitions.Comment: 14 pages LaTex with 4 postscript figures submitted to J. Phys.

    Algebraic characterization of X-states in quantum information

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    A class of two-qubit states called X-states are increasingly being used to discuss entanglement and other quantum correlations in the field of quantum information. Maximally entangled Bell states and "Werner" states are subsets of them. Apart from being so named because their density matrix looks like the letter X, there is not as yet any characterization of them. The su(2) X su(2) X u(1) subalgebra of the full su(4) algebra of two qubits is pointed out as the underlying invariance of this class of states. X-states are a seven-parameter family associated with this subalgebra of seven operators. This recognition provides a route to preparing such states and also a convenient algebraic procedure for analytically calculating their properties. At the same time, it points to other groups of seven-parameter states that, while not at first sight appearing similar, are also invariant under the same subalgebra. And it opens the way to analyzing invariant states of other subalgebras in bipartite systems.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Unusual magnetic properties of the low-dimensional quantum magnet Na2V3O7

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    We report the results of low-temperature measurements of the specific heat Cp(T), ac susceptibility chi(T) and 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance NMR of Na2V3O7. At liquid He temperatures Cp(T)/T exhibits broad field-dependent maxima, which shift to higher temperatures upon increasing the applied magnetic field H. Below 1.5 K the ac magnetic susceptibility chi(T) follows a Curie-Weiss law and exhibits a cusp at 0.086 mK which indicates a phase transition at very low temperatures. These results support the previous conjecture that Na2V3O7 is close to a quantum critical point (QCP) at mu_{0}H = 0 T. The entire data set, including results of measurements of the NMR spin-lattice relaxation 1/T1(T), reveals a complex magnetic behavior at low temperatures. We argue that it is due to a distribution of singlet-triplet energy gaps of dimerized V moments. The dimerization process evolves over a rather broad temperature range around and below 100 K. At the lowest temperatures the magnetic properties are dominated by the response of only a minor fraction of the V moments.Comment: 10.5 pages, 15 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Calculation of quantum discord for qubit-qudit or N qubits

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    Quantum discord, a kind of quantum correlation, is defined as the difference between quantum mutual information and classical correlation in a bipartite system. It has been discussed so far for small systems with only a few independent parameters. We extend here to a much broader class of states when the second party is of arbitrary dimension d, so long as the first, measured, party is a qubit. We present two formulae to calculate quantum discord, the first relating to the original entropic definition and the second to a recently proposed geometric distance measure which leads to an analytical formulation. The tracing over the qubit in the entropic calculation is reduced to a very simple prescription. And, when the d-dimensional system is a so-called X state, the density matrix having non-zero elements only along the diagonal and anti-diagonal so as to appear visually like the letter X, the entropic calculation can be carried out analytically. Such states of the full bipartite qubit-qudit system may be named "extended X states", whose density matrix is built of four block matrices, each visually appearing as an X. The optimization involved in the entropic calculation is generally over two parameters, reducing to one for many cases, and avoided altogether for an overwhelmingly large set of density matrices as our numerical investigations demonstrate. Our results also apply to states of a N-qubit system, where "extended X states" consist of (2^(N+2) - 1) states, larger in number than the (2^(N+1) - 1) of X states of N qubits. While these are still smaller than the total number (2^(2N) - 1) of states of N qubits, the number of parameters involved is nevertheless large. In the case of N = 2, they encompass the entire 15-dimensional parameter space, that is, the extended X states for N = 2 represent the full qubit-qubit system.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Are multiphase competition & order-by-disorder the keys to understanding Yb2Ti2O7?

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    If magnetic frustration is most commonly known for undermining long-range order, as famously illustrated by spin liquids, the ability of matter to develop new collective mechanisms in order to fight frustration is no less fascinating, providing an avenue for the exploration and discovery of unconventional properties of matter. Here we study an ideal minimal model of such mechanisms which, incidentally, pertains to the perplexing quantum spin ice candidate Yb2Ti2O7. Specifically, we explain how thermal and quantum fluctuations, optimized by order-by-disorder selection, conspire to expand the stability region of an accidentally degenerate continuous symmetry U(1) manifold against the classical splayed ferromagnetic ground state that is displayed by the sister compound Yb2Sn2O7. The resulting competition gives rise to multiple phase transitions, in striking similitude with recent experiments on Yb2Ti2O7 [Lhotel et al., Phys. Rev. B 89 224419 (2014)]. Considering the effective Hamiltonian determined for Yb2Ti2O7, we provide, by combining a gamut of numerical techniques, compelling evidence that such multiphase competition is the long-sought missing key to understanding the intrinsic properties of this material. As a corollary, our work offers a pertinent illustration of the influence of chemical pressure in rare-earth pyrochlores.Comment: 9 page

    Closing the loop – the role of pathologists in digital and computational pathology research

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    An increasing number of manuscripts related to digital and computational pathology are being submitted to The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research as part of the continuous evolution from digital imaging and algorithm-based digital pathology to computational pathology and artificial intelligence. However, despite these technological advances, tissue analysis still relies heavily on pathologists’ annotations. There are three crucial elements to the pathologist’s role during annotation tasks: granularity, time constraints, and responsibility for the interpretation of computational results. Granularity involves detailed annotations, including case level, regional, and cellular features; and integration of attributions from different sources. Time constraints due to pathologistshortages have led to the development of techniques to expedite annotation tasks from cell-level attributions up to so-called unsupervised learning. The impact of pathologists may seem diminished, but their role is crucial inproviding ground truth and connecting pathological knowledge generation with computational advancements. Measures to display results back to pathologists and reflections about correctly applied diagnostic criteria are mandatory to maintain fidelity during human–machine interactions. Collaboration and iterative processes, such as human-in-the-loop machine learning are key for continuous improvement, ensuring the pathologist’s involvement in evaluating computational results and closing the loop for clinical applicability. The journal is interested particularly in the clinical diagnostic application of computational pathology and invites submissions that address the issues raised in this editoria

    An objective frequency domain method for quantifying confined aquifer compressible storage using Earth and atmospheric tides

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    The groundwater hydraulic head response to the worldwide and ubiquitous atmospheric tide at 2 cycles per day (cpd) is a direct function of confined aquifer compressible storage. The ratio of the responses of hydraulic head to the atmospheric pressure change is a measure of aquifer barometric efficiency, from which formation compressibility and aquifer specific storage can be determined in situ rather than resorting to laboratory or aquifer pumping tests. The Earth tide also impacts the hydraulic head response at the same frequency, and a method is developed here to quantify and remove this interference. As a result, the barometric efficiency can be routinely calculated from 6-hourly hydraulic head, atmospheric pressure, and modeled Earth tide records where available for a minimum of 15 days duration. This new approach will be of critical importance in assessing worldwide problems of land subsidence or groundwater resource evaluation that both occur due to groundwater abstractio

    Определение эффективности нейтронного детектора из пластического сцинтиллятора o100?200 мм

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    Рассчитывается и экспериментально проверяется эффективность детектора. к нейтронам сверхвысоких (десятки и сотни МэВ) энергий