399 research outputs found

    Vertical motion of the thermocline, nitracline and chlorophyll maximum layers in relation to currents on the Southern California Shelf

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    A continuous four-day time series of nitrate concentration, temperature, chlorophyll fluorescence, and currents, sampled at fixed depths, revealed that distributions of temperature and nitrate could be accounted for by vertical motions in the water column associated with the semidiurnal internal tide and internal waves. A probable mixing event was observed: the transport of nitrate into the surface-layer associated with shear instabilities generated by internal waves. On temporal scales of less than a few hours, the variation of chlorophyll fluorescence could also be explained by vertical advection. However, on longer scales, swimming behavior of the phytoplankton assemblage (dominated by Ceratium spp.), along with vertical motions in the water column, appears to account for the vertical distribution of chlorophyll. These results indicate that the nitracline maintains a stable relationship with the density structure of the water column on a scale of days, whereas the subsurface chlorophyll maximum can change significantly over several hours

    Imaging of epilepsy following electrical injury

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    Electrical injury may result in brain injury with delayed symptoms and sequelae. We report a case of high-voltage cerebral electrical injury in a 42-year-old man through his right hand with delayed symptoms and with imaging abnormalities suggesting that haemorrhage had occurred on the cortical somatosensory areas of his left cerebral hemisphere. An appropriate patient’s clinical history should be obtained to correlate the lesions to the event as delay between the event and the symptoms can be very long

    Operation of a 1-Liter-Volume Gaseous Argon Scintillation Counter

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    We have built a gas-phase argon ionization detector to measure small nuclear recoil energies (< 10 keVee). In this paper, we describe the detector response to X-ray and gamma calibration sources, including analysis of pulse shapes, software triggers, optimization of gas content, and energy- and position-dependence of the signal. We compare our experimental results against simulation using a 5.9-keV X-ray source, as well as higher-energy gamma sources up to 1332 keV. We conclude with a description of the detector, DAQ, and software settings optimized for a measurement of the low-energy nuclear quenching factor in gaseous argon. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in part under Contract W-7405-Eng-48 and in part under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. Funded by Lab-wide LDRD. LLNL-JRNL-415990-DRAFT.Comment: 29 pages, single-column, double-spaced, 21 figure

    Estimate of the Cosmological Bispectrum from the MAXIMA-1 Cosmic Microwave Background Map

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    We use the measurement of the cosmic microwave background taken during the MAXIMA-1 flight to estimate the bispectrum of cosmological perturbations. We propose an estimator for the bispectrum that is appropriate in the flat sky approximation, apply it to the MAXIMA-1 data and evaluate errors using bootstrap methods. We compare the estimated value with what would be expected if the sky signal were Gaussian and find that it is indeed consistent, with a χ2\chi^2 per degree of freedom of approximately unity. This measurement places constraints on models of inflation.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. New version to match paper accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. Non-diagonal terms included leading to new limits on f_N
