1,589 research outputs found

    Clinical audit project in undergraduate medical education curriculum: An assessment validation study

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    Objectives: To evaluate the merit of the Clinical Audit Project (CAP) in an assessment program for undergraduate medical education using a systematic assessment validation framework. Methods: A cross-sectional assessment validation study at one medical school in Western Australia, with retrospective qualitative analysis of the design, development, implementation and outcomes of the CAP, and quantitative analysis of assessment data from four cohorts of medical students (2011-2014). Results: The CAP is fit for purpose with clear external and internal alignment to expected medical graduate outcomes. Substantive validity in students’ and examiners’ response processes is ensured through relevant methodological and cognitive processes. Multiple validity features are built-in to the design, planning and implementation process of the CAP. There is evidence of high internal consistency reliability of CAP scores (Cronbach’s alpha \u3e 0.8) and inter-examiner consistency reliability (intra-class correlation\u3e0.7). Aggregation of CAP scores is psychometrically sound, with high internal consistency indicating one common underlying construct. Significant but moderate correlations between CAP scores and scores from other assessment modalities indicate validity of extrapolation and alignment between the CAP and the overall target outcomes of medical graduates. Standard setting, score equating and fair decision rules justify consequential validity of CAP scores interpretation and use. Conclusions: This study provides evidence demonstrating that the CAP is a meaningful and valid component in the assessment program. This systematic framework of validation can be adopted for all levels of assessment in medical education, from individual assessment modality, to the validation of an assessment program as a whole

    Waste Water Treatment with Conventional Materials (Chlorine, Aluminium Sulphate, Polyelectrolyte) as Well as Local Materials (Activated Charcoal and Burnt Bricks) in Makurdi Benue State Nigeria: A Comparative Study

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    Used water from restaurants hands and utensils washing was collected for pilot treatment. Red burnt bricks known to contain a small amount of iron oxide and activated charcoal crushed together were used as traditional means of water coagulants .The impurities in water became suspended particles and gradually settled to the bottom of the container used .Large heavy particles settled out readily, smaller and lighter particles settled down more slowly . Conventional water treatment chemicals (0.25% aluminum sulphate solution and 0.25 % polyelectrolyte ) were added to another sample of the same waste water and the impurities were brought together into larger, heavier masses of solids called floc which also settled down . In both samples chlorine as sodium hypochlorite in granular form was added 2.5g while softening was achieved by adding 0 .25 % Soda ash -sodium trioxocarbonate (iv) Na2CO3 . In both samples results show the values of the physicochemical parameters (Conductivity Turbidity Odour Temperature oC Colour Suspended Solids mg/L Oil in Water mg/L Total Dissolved Solids mg/L and Total Solids mg/L ) reduced almost to zero levels and close to WHO/NIGERIA Allowable Standards 2005. This renders credibility to the use of both conventional and local materials for water treatment effectively and the need to source for more environmentally local materials for such purpose . Keywords: Physico-Chemical, Waste Water, Heavy Particles, Sustainability, Turbidit

    Use of three joints as predictors of carcass and body fat depots in Blanca Celtibérica goats

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    Nineteen adult goats of the Blanca Celtibérica breed - in non productive stage - from the experimental flock of Servicio de Investigación Agraria (Diputación General de Aragón) were scored using the lumbar, breast and tail palpation. Sternal triangle joint, lumbar square jointt a ailn tdha t were handled to assess body condition scores were dissected into muscle, bone subcutaneous fat and intermuscular fat. Regression analyses were developed for predicting carcass and body fat depots, using sternal triangle, lumbar square joint and tail compositions like independent variables. The best predictor of omental fat, subcutaneous fat, intermuscular fat, kidney fat, total body and total carcass fat depots was the totaol ff alut mbar square joint. On the other hand8 9, 80 and 86% (PS0,Ol) of the variationo f mesenteric, heart and udder fat depots, respectively, were accounted for by variation in intermuscular fat of sternal triangle joint. Finally, the subcutaneous fat weight of 1 tail vertebra accounted for 96% of the total variation of tail fat weight. In conclusion, the best predictor of the most important carcass and body fat depots (omental, subcutaneous, intermuscular, kidney, total body and total carcass fat) was the total fat of lumbar square. Utilisation de trois points de prélèvement comme prédicteurs des dépôts adipeux de la carcasse et du corps chez des chèvres de race Blanca Celtibérica". Un lot de 19 chèvres adultes de race Blanca Celtibérica, vides et taries, appartenant au troupeau expérimental du Service de la Recherche Agronomique (Gouvernement Autonome d'Aragon), ont été notées par la palpation au niveau lombaire, setet crnaauld al. Le triangle sternal, le carré lombaire et la queue ont été soumis à dissection en muscle, os, gras sous-cutané et intermusculaire. L 'analyse des régressionsé até utilisée pour prédire les dépôts adipeux de la carcaests edu corps de l'animal moyennant l'utilisation de la composition du triangle sterna/, du carré lombaire et de la queue comme variables indépendantes. Le meilleur prédicteur des graisses omentales, sous-cutanées, intermusculaires, rénales totales du corps, et totales de la carcasse é até le gras total du carré lombaire. D'autre part, 89, e8t0 8 6% (E0,Ol) de la variation des dépôts de gras mésentérique, du coeur et de la mamelle respectivement, ont eté expliqués par la variation du gras intermusculaire du triangle sternal. Comme conclusion, le meilleur prédicteur des dépôts adipeux de la carcasse et du corps les plus importants (omental, sous-cutané, intermusculaire, rénal, total du corps et total de la carcasse) a été le gras total du carré lombaire

    Project Omoverhi : a thermal storage solution

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    One principal energy source that is underutilized in the world today is solar energy. While the United States has tried to make a push for reusable and \u27green\u27 energy sources, these sources are frequently overlooked in developing nations. While the set up costs of solar energy may be expensive due to installation and the high cost of certain parts, the savings over time is well worth the initial cost. In many developing nations large areas of the country are off of the power grid or have inconsistent power. One way to help people living in these areas is by introducing the use of solar power. Unfortunately one major drawback to using solar energy is the difficulty of storing it. While photovoltaic panels can store energy in batteries, they are extremely expensive and inefficient. Using solar collectors that are either manufactured or handmade rather than PV panels can be more than four times as efficient and cost much less. The one negative issue with solar collectors is that they will only work when the sun is out. The 2011 to 2012 Project Omoverhi team\u27s goal was to utilize this energy from solar collectors and store it in a thermal storage container. The stored energy could then be used when direct sunlight was not available. Using paraffin wax as a phase change material because of its melting temperature and excellent storage properties, Project Omoverhi was able to achieve this goal and create an affordable, easy to use system that can be attached to a solar collector. The system was tested to determine if it would enable an incubator to keep a steady temperature that would meet the requirements of a premature infant or successfully hatch chicken eggs. Data collected showed that Project Omoverhi\u27s design is an effective way to store heat and energy from a solar collector so that it can be utilized as needed

    Regional specialization within the human striatum for diverse psychological functions

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    Decades of animal and human neuroimaging research have identified distinct, but overlapping, striatal zones, which are interconnected with separable corticostriatal circuits, and are crucial for the organization of functional systems. Despite continuous efforts to subdivide the human striatum based on anatomical and resting-state functional connectivity, characterizing the different psychological processes related to each zone remains a work in progress. Using an unbiased, data-driven approach, we analyzed large-scale coactivation data from 5,809 human imaging studies. We (i) identified five distinct striatal zones that exhibited discrete patterns of coactivation with cortical brain regions across distinct psychological processes and (ii) identified the different psychological processes associated with each zone. We found that the reported pattern of cortical activation reliably predicted which striatal zone was most strongly activated. Critically, activation in each functional zone could be associated with distinct psychological processes directly, rather than inferred indirectly from psychological functions attributed to associated cortices. Consistent with well-established findings, we found an association of the ventral striatum (VS) with reward processing. Confirming less well-established findings, the VS and adjacent anterior caudate were associated with evaluating the value of rewards and actions, respectively. Furthermore, our results confirmed a sometimes overlooked specialization of the posterior caudate nucleus for executive functions, often considered the exclusive domain of frontoparietal cortical circuits. Our findings provide a precise functional map of regional specialization within the human striatum, both in terms of the differential cortical regions and psychological functions associated with each striatal zone

    Graduated Stress Exposure of Spaceflight Hazards in a Virtual Environment

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    Stress experienced by astronauts during high-level hazardous situations may poses risk to personnel wellbeing and to mission success. Stress inoculation training (SIT) provides individuals with experience of minor stressors and coping skills during non-critical times to enhance their resistance to stress. This study evaluates the effect of exposure to a low level stressor on physiological response and cognitive load in high level stressor setting. Simulation of fire emergency on the International Space Station (ISS) in a full-scale, immersive, interactive, 3D virtual reality environment facilitated a process for stress inoculation. The experimental settings included two groups that have been exposed to either virtual no-smoke or to virtual light-smoke conditions. The two groups then experienced a subsequent stress exposure in a later trail to heavy-smoke conditions. Physiological responses and cognitive load measure were collected during the trials. The results indicated weak differences in physiological responses between the two groups, in the heavy smoke conditions. Overall, no significant differences have been detected on cognitive load categories according to NASA TLX
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