271 research outputs found

    The Infrared Behaviour of the Running Coupling in Landau Gauge QCD

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    Approximate solutions for the gluon and ghost propagators as well as the running coupling in Landau gauge Yang-Mills theories are presented. These propagators obtained from the corresponding Dyson-Schwinger equations are in remarkable agreement with those of recent lattice calculations. The resulting running coupling possesses an infrared fixed point, αS(0)=8.92/Nc\alpha_S(0) = 8.92/N_c for all gauge groups SU(NcN_c). Above one GeV the running coupling rapidly approaches its perturbative form.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, uses ActaStyle.cls, Invited talk given by R.A. at the conference RENORMALIZATION GROUP 2002, March 10 - 16, 2002, Strba, Slovaki

    Kugo-Ojima confinement criterion, Zwanziger-Gribov horizon condition, and infrared critical exponents in Landau gauge QCD

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    The Kugo-Ojima confinement criterion and its relation to the infrared behaviour of the gluon and ghost propagators in Landau gauge QCD are reviewed. The realization of this confinement criterion (which in Landau gauge relates to Zwanziger's horizon condition) results from quite general properties of the ghost Dyson-Schwinger equation. The numerical solutions for the gluon and ghost propagators obtained from a truncated set of Dyson-Schwinger equations provide an explicit example for the anticipated infrared behaviour. These results are in good agreement, also quantitatively, with corresponding lattice data obtained recently. The resulting running coupling approaches a fixed point in the infrared, α(0)=8.9/Nc\alpha(0) = 8.9/N_c. Solutions for the coupled system of Dyson-Schwinger equations for the quark, gluon and ghost propagators are presented. Dynamical generation of quark masses and thus spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry is found. In the quenched approximation the quark propagator functions agree well with those of corresponding lattice calculations. For a small number of light flavours the quark, gluon and ghost propagators deviate only slightly from the quenched ones. While the positivity violation of the gluon spectral function is apparent in the gluon propagator, there are no clear indications of positivity violations in the Landau gauge quark propagator.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; invited talk presented by R. Alkofer at the International Conference Confinement V Gargnano, Italy, September 10-14, 200

    On dynamical gluon mass generation

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    The effective gluon propagator constructed with the pinch technique is governed by a Schwinger-Dyson equation with special structure and gauge properties, that can be deduced from the correspondence with the background field method. Most importantly the non-perturbative gluon self-energy is transverse order-by-order in the dressed loop expansion, and separately for gluonic and ghost contributions, a property which allows for a meanigfull truncation. A linearized version of the truncated Schwinger-Dyson equation is derived, using a vertex that satisfies the required Ward identity and contains massless poles. The resulting integral equation, subject to a properly regularized constraint, is solved numerically, and the main features of the solutions are briefly discussed.Comment: Special Article - QNP2006: 4th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics, Madrid, Spain, 5-10 June 200

    Infrared Exponents and the Running Coupling of Landau gauge QCD and their Relation to Confinement

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    The infrared behaviour of the gluon and ghost propagators in Landau gauge QCD is reviewed. The Kugo-Ojima confinement criterion and the Gribov-Zwanziger horizon condition result from quite general properties of the ghost Dyson-Schwinger equation. The numerical solutions for the gluon and ghost propagators obtained from a truncated set of Dyson-Schwinger equations provide an explicit example for the anticipated infrared behaviour. The results are in good agreement with corresponding lattice data obtained recently. The resulting running coupling approaches a fix point in the infrared, α(0)=8.92/Nc\alpha(0) = 8.92/N_c. Two different fits for the scale dependence of the running coupling are given and discussed.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures; talk given by R.A. at the conference Quark Nuclear Physics 200

    Sarma phase in relativistic and non-relativistic systems

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    We investigate the stability of the Sarma phase in two-component fermion systems in three spatial dimensions. For this purpose we compare strongly-correlated systems with either relativistic or non-relativistic dispersion relation: relativistic quarks and mesons at finite isospin density and spin-imbalanced ultracold Fermi gases. Using a Functional Renormalization Group approach, we resolve fluctuation effects onto the corresponding phase diagrams beyond the mean-field approximation. We find that fluctuations induce a second order phase transition at zero temperature, and thus a Sarma phase, in the relativistic setup for large isospin chemical potential. This motivates the investigation of the cold atoms setup with comparable mean-field phase structure, where the Sarma phase could then be realized in experiment. However, for the non-relativistic system we find the stability region of the Sarma phase to be smaller than the one predicted from mean-field theory. It is limited to the BEC side of the phase diagram, and the unitary Fermi gas does not support a Sarma phase at zero temperature. Finally, we propose an ultracold quantum gas with four fermion species that has a good chance to realize a zero-temperature Sarma phase.Comment: version published in Phys.Lett.B; 10 pages, 5 figure

    Verifying the Kugo-Ojima Confinement Criterion in Landau Gauge Yang-Mills Theory

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    Expanding the Landau gauge gluon and ghost two-point functions in a power series we investigate their infrared behavior. The corresponding powers are constrained through the ghost Dyson-Schwinger equation by exploiting multiplicative renormalizability. Without recourse to any specific truncation we demonstrate that the infrared powers of the gluon and ghost propagators are uniquely related to each other. Constraints for these powers are derived, and the resulting infrared enhancement of the ghost propagator signals that the Kugo-Ojima confinement criterion is fulfilled in Landau gauge Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 4 pages, no figures; version to be published in Physical Review Letter

    Propagators in Coulomb gauge from SU(2) lattice gauge theory

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    A thorough study of 4-dimensional SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in Coulomb gauge is performed using large scale lattice simulations. The (equal-time) transverse gluon propagator, the ghost form factor d(p) and the Coulomb potential V_{coul} (p) ~ d^2(p) f(p)/p^2 are calculated. For large momenta p, the gluon propagator decreases like 1/p^{1+\eta} with \eta =0.5(1). At low momentum, the propagator is weakly momentum dependent. The small momentum behavior of the Coulomb potential is consistent with linear confinement. We find that the inequality \sigma_{coul} \ge \sigma comes close to be saturated. Finally, we provide evidence that the ghost form factor d(p) and f(p) acquire IR singularities, i.e., d(p) \propto 1/\sqrt{p} and f(p) \propto 1/p, respectively. It turns out that the combination g_0^2 d_0(p) of the bare gauge coupling g_0 and the bare ghost form factor d_0(p) is finite and therefore renormalization group invariant.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Infrared exponents and the strong-coupling limit in lattice Landau gauge

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    We study the gluon and ghost propagators of lattice Landau gauge in the strong-coupling limit beta=0 in pure SU(2) lattice gauge theory to find evidence of the conformal infrared behavior of these propagators as predicted by a variety of functional continuum methods for asymptotically small momenta q2ΛQCD2q^2 \ll \Lambda_\mathrm{QCD}^2. In the strong-coupling limit, this same behavior is obtained for the larger values of a^2q^2 (in units of the lattice spacing a), where it is otherwise swamped by the gauge field dynamics. Deviations for a^2q^2 < 1 are well parameterized by a transverse gluon mass 1/a\propto 1/a. Perhaps unexpectedly, these deviations are thus no finite-volume effect but persist in the infinite-volume limit. They furthermore depend on the definition of gauge fields on the lattice, while the asymptotic conformal behavior does not. We also comment on a misinterpretation of our results by Cucchieri and Mendes in Phys. Rev. D81 (2010) 016005.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures. Revised version (mainly sections I and II); references and comments on subsequent work on the subject added