137 research outputs found

    Boson-conserving one-nucleon transfer operator in the interacting boson model

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    The boson-conserving one-nucleon transfer operator in the interacting boson model (IBA) is reanalyzed. Extra terms are added to the usual form used for that operator. These new terms change generalized seniority by one unit, as the ones considered up to now. The results obtained using the new form for the transfer operator are compared with those obtained with the traditional form in a simple case involving the pseudo-spin Bose-Fermi symmetry UB(6)UF(12)U^{B}(6) \otimes U^F(12) in its UBF(5)UF(2)U^{BF}(5) \otimes U^F(2) limit. Sizeable differences are found. These results are of relevance in the study of transfer reactions to check nuclear supersymmetry and in the description of (\beta)-decay within IBA.Comment: 13 pages, 1 table, 0 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Overconstrained estimates of neutrinoless double beta decay within the QRPA

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    Estimates of nuclear matrix elements for neutrinoless double beta decay (0nu2beta) based on the quasiparticle random phase approximations (QRPA) are affected by theoretical uncertainties, which can be substantially reduced by fixing the unknown strength parameter g_pp of the residual particle-particle interaction through one experimental constraint - most notably through the two-neutrino double beta decay (2nu2beta) lifetime. However, it has been noted that the g_pp adjustment via 2\nu2\beta data may bring QRPA models in disagreement with independent data on electron capture (EC) and single beta decay (beta^-) lifetimes. Actually, in two nuclei of interest for 0nu2beta decay (Mo-100 and Cd-116), for which all such data are available, we show that the disagreement vanishes, provided that the axial vector coupling g_A is treated as a free parameter, with allowance for g_A<1 (``strong quenching''). Three independent lifetime data (2nu2beta, EC, \beta^-) are then accurately reproduced by means of two free parameters (g_pp, g_A), resulting in an overconstrained parameter space. In addition, the sign of the 2nu2beta matrix element M^2nu is unambiguously selected (M^2nu>0) by the combination of all data. We discuss quantitatively, in each of the two nuclei, these phenomenological constraints and their consequences for QRPA estimates of the 0nu2beta matrix elements and of their uncertainties.Comment: Revised version (27 pages, including 10 figures), focussed on Mo-100 and Cd-116. To appear in J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys. (2008

    Gamow-Teller Strength in the Region of 100^{100}Sn

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    New calculations are presented for Gamow-Teller beta decay of nuclei near 100^{100}Sn. Essentially all of the 100^{100}Sn Gamow-Teller decay strength is predicted to go to a single state at an excitation energy of 1.8 MeV in 100^{100}In. The first calculations are presented for the decays of neighboring odd-even and odd-odd nuclei which show, in contrast to 100^{100}Sn, surprisingly complex and broad Gamow-Teller strength distributions. The results are compared to existing experimental data and the resulting hindrance factors are discussed.Comment: 12 pages (latex) and 2 figures available on reques

    Cute Balloons with Thickness

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    Based on the fnite element method, we present a simple volume-preserved thin shell deformation algorithm to simulate the process of inflating a balloon. Diff erent from other thin shells, the material of balloons has special features: large stretch, small bend and shear, and incompressibility. Previous deformation methods often focus on typical three-dimensional models or thin plate models such as cloth model. The rest thin shell methods are complex or ignore the special features of thin shells especially balloons. We modify the triangle element to simple three-prism element, ignore bending and shearing deformation, and use volume preservation algorithm to match the incompressibility of balloons. Simple gas model is used, which interacts with shells to make the balloons inflated. Di different balloon examples have been tested in our experiments and the results are compared with those of other methods. The experiments show that our algorithm is simple and effective

    Large-space shell-model calculations for light nuclei

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    An effective two-body interaction is constructed from a new Reid-like NNNN potential for a large no-core space consisting of six major shells and is used to generate the shell-model properties for light nuclei from AA=2 to 6. (For practical reasons, the model space is partially truncated for AA=6.) Binding energies and other physical observables are calculated and compare favorably with experiment.Comment: prepared using LaTex, 21 manuscript pages, no figure

    Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay in Gauge Theories

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    Neutrinoless double beta decay is a very important process both from the particle and nuclear physics point of view. Its observation will severely constrain the existing models and signal that the neutrinos are massive Majorana particles. From the elementary particle point of view it pops up in almost every model. In addition to the traditional mechanisms, like the neutrino mass, the admixture of right handed currents etc, it may occur due to the R-parity violating supersymmetric (SUSY) interactions. From the nuclear physics point of view it is challenging, because: 1) The relevant nuclei have complicated nuclear structure. 2) The energetically allowed transitions are exhaust a small part of all the strength. 3) One must cope with the short distance behavior of the transition operators, especially when the intermediate particles are heavy (eg in SUSY models). Thus novel effects, like the double beta decay of pions in flight between nucleons, have to be considered. 4) The intermediate momenta involved are about 100 MeV. Thus one has to take into account possible momentum dependent terms in the nucleon current. We find that, for the mass mechanism, such modifications of the nucleon current for light neutrinos reduce the nuclear matrix elements by about 25 per cent, almost regardless of the nuclear model. In the case of heavy neutrinos the effect is much larger and model dependent. Taking the above effects into account, the available nuclear matrix elements for the experimentally interesting nuclei A = 76, 82, 96, 100, 116, 128, 130, 136 and 150 and the experimental limits on the life times we have extracted new stringent limits on the average neutrino mass and on the R-parity violating coupling for various SUSY models.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, 1 postscript figure, uses iopconf.st

    Can we predict real-time fMRI neurofeedback learning success from pretraining brain activity?

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    Neurofeedback training has been shown to influence behavior in healthy participants as well as to alleviate clinical symptoms in neurological, psychosomatic, and psychiatric patient populations. However, many real-time fMRI neurofeedback studies report large inter-individual differences in learning success. The factors that cause this vast variability between participants remain unknown and their identification could enhance treatment success. Thus, here we employed a meta-analytic approach including data from 24 different neurofeedback studies with a total of 401 participants, including 140 patients, to determine whether levels of activity in target brain regions during pretraining functional localizer or no-feedback runs (i.e., self-regulation in the absence of neurofeedback) could predict neurofeedback learning success. We observed a slightly positive correlation between pretraining activity levels during a functional localizer run and neurofeedback learning success, but we were not able to identify common brain-based success predictors across our diverse cohort of studies. Therefore, advances need to be made in finding robust models and measures of general neurofeedback learning, and in increasing the current study database to allow for investigating further factors that might influence neurofeedback learning

    fMRI scanner noise interaction with affective neural processes

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    The purpose of the present study was the investigation of interaction effects between functional MRI scanner noise and affective neural processes. Stimuli comprised of psychoacoustically balanced musical pieces, expressing three different emotions (fear, neutral, joy). Participants (N=34, 19 female) were split into two groups, one subjected to continuous scanning and another subjected to sparse temporal scanning that features decreased scanner noise. Tests for interaction effects between scanning group (sparse/quieter vs continuous/noisier) and emotion (fear, neutral, joy) were performed. Results revealed interactions between the affective expression of stimuli and scanning group localized in bilateral auditory cortex, insula and visual cortex (calcarine sulcus). Post-hoc comparisons revealed that during sparse scanning, but not during continuous scanning, BOLD signals were significantly stronger for joy than for fear, as well as stronger for fear than for neutral in bilateral auditory cortex. During continuous scanning, but not during sparse scanning, BOLD signals were significantly stronger for joy than for neutral in the left auditory cortex and for joy than for fear in the calcarine sulcus. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first study to show a statistical interaction effect between scanner noise and affective processes and extends evidence suggesting scanner noise to be an important factor in functional MRI research that can affect and distort affective brain processes

    Spatial patterns of white matter hyperintensities associated with Alzheimer's disease risk factors in a cognitively healthy middle-aged cohort

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    Background White matter hyperintensities (WMH) of presumed vascular origin have been associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This study aims to describe the patterns of WMH associated with dementia risk estimates and individual risk factors in a cohort of middle-aged/late middle-aged individuals (mean 58 (interquartile range 51–64) years old). Methods Magnetic resonance imaging and AD risk factors were collected from 575 cognitively unimpaired participants. WMH load was automatically calculated in each brain lobe and in four equidistant layers from the ventricular surface to the cortical interface. Global volumes and regional patterns of WMH load were analyzed as a function of the Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging and Incidence of Dementia (CAIDE) dementia risk score, as well as family history of AD and Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype. Additional analyses were performed after correcting for the effect of age and hypertension. Results The studied cohort showed very low WMH burden (median 1.94 cm3) and 20-year dementia risk estimates (median 1.47 %). Even so, higher CAIDE scores were significantly associated with increased global WMH load. The main drivers of this association were age and hypertension, with hypercholesterolemia and body mass index also displaying a minor, albeit significant, influence. Regionally, CAIDE scores were positively associated with WMH in anterior areas, mostly in the frontal lobe. Age and hypertension showed significant association with WMH in almost all regions analyzed. The APOE-ε2 allele showed a protective effect over global WMH with a pattern that comprised juxtacortical temporo-occipital and fronto-parietal deep white matter regions. Participants with maternal family history of AD had higher WMH load than those without, especially in temporal and occipital lobes. Conclusions WMH load is associated with AD risk factors even in cognitively unimpaired subjects with very low WMH burden and dementia risk estimates. Our results suggest that tight control of modifiable risk factors in middle-age/late middle-age could have a significant impact on late-life dementia