195 research outputs found

    Lipoma intrauricular derecho. Reporte de un caso

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    We present the case of a 56-year-old male patient with a history of atrial flutter for six months; he was admitted to the hospital for presenting a mass of 8 cm in maximum diameter in the right atrium, which prolapsed through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. Emergency surgery was scheduled, performing exeresis of the tumor and tricuspid annuloplasty. The Pathological anatomy determined that the removed mass corresponded to a cardiac lipoma.Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón de 56 años, con antecedente de Flutter auricular desde hace 6 meses; ingresó al hospital por presentar una masa de 8 cm de diámetro máximo en la aurícula derecha, la cual prolapsaba a través de la válvula tricúspide hacia el ventrículo derecho. Se programó la cirugía de urgencia en la que se realizó la exéresis de la tumoración y la anuloplastia tricuspídea. La anatomía patológica determinó que la masa extraida correspondía a un lipoma cardiaco

    Un caso inusual de quiste sebáceo infectado por Dermabacter hominis

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    ResumenLa especie Dermabacter hominis está constituida por bacilos gram positivos corineformes, anaerobios facultativos, que forman parte de la microbiota residente de la piel. Excepcionalmente se ha asociado a estos microorganismos con infecciones en pacientes inmunocomprometidos o muy debilitados. Se describe el caso de una mujer adulta joven, inmunocompetente, con un quiste sebáceo en el cuello, infectado por D. hominis como único agente etiológico. Se logró la identificación fenotípica del agente causal mediante pruebas simples basadas en el esquema originalmente propuesto por Funke y Bernard, factibles de ser realizadas en un laboratorio hospitalario de microbiología. Características fenotípicas como la morfología cocoide, el olor acre/espermático, la hidrólisis de la esculina, la producción de pirrolidonil arilamidasa y de lisina y ornitina descarboxilasas son pruebas claves en la identificación de D. hominis. La espectrometría de masas (MALDI-TOF MS) confirmó la identificación fenotípica.AbstractDermabacter hominis species is constituted by Gram positive facultative anaerobic coryneform rods being part of the resident microbiota human skin, and exceptionally associated to infections in immunocompromised or severely debilitated patients. An immunocompetent young adult woman with a neck sebaceous cyst infected by D. hominis as unique etiologic agent is presented. Phenotypic identification of the causative agent was achieved through simple tests, based on the originally scheme proposed by Funke and Bernard, and feasible to be performed in a hospital Microbiology Laboratory. Phenotypic characteristics as coccoid morphology, the acrid/spermatic odor, esculin hydrolysis, the production of pyrrolidonyl-arylamidase, lysine and ornithine decarboxylase, are key tests to identify D. hominis. The matrix-asisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) confirmed the phenotypic identification

    Imágenes urológicas ITU por cuerpo extraño vesical

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    Three patients aged (a) 52 years, (b) 60 years and (c) 42 years intervened 5 years, 3 years and 2 years ago, respectively, for stress urinary incontinence using the Burch procedure via the abdominal route.Tres pacientes de (a) 52 años, (b) 60 años y (c) 42 años de edad intervenidos hace 5 años, 3 años y 2 años respectivamente de incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo mediante la intervención de Burch vía abdominal

    Six-fold rotationally symmetric vanadium oxide nanostructures by a morphotropic phase transition

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    In this work, we report the first observation of unique hierarchical six‐fold rotational symmetrical vanadium oxide based nanocomposite synthesized by a simple chemical route and highlight the first observation of a morphotropic reconstructive phase transistion from a lamellar V2O5 to that of a single crystalline V6O11 nanostructure


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    ABSTRACT Propolis is a very valuable bee product due to its antioxidant, bacteriostatic, antifungal and therapeutical properties which are related to the content of The propolis differed mainly in the presence of phenolic compounds being significantly largest in pampeana area propolis samples where the plant species are in the families mirthaceas and salicaceas

    Organ-specific allergen challenges in airway allergy: Current utilities and future directions

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    Atopy has been long used as the screening method for airway allergy. Nevertheless, aeroallergens can trigger respiratory symptoms not only in atopic patients (atopic res piratory allergy, ARA), but also in non-atopic subjects (local respiratory allergy, LRA). Moreover, ARA and LRA can coexist in the same patient, and this clinical scenario has been called dual respiratory allergy (DRA). When the clinical history cannot determine the relevance of sensitizations in ARA patients, nasal, conjunctival or bronchial aller gen challenges (NAC, CAC, and BAC, respectively) should be conducted. Moreover, these tests are required to identify patients with LRA and DRA. The clarification of the allergic triggers of airway diseases has a profound impact on the management strategies the patients can be offered. Importantly, allergen immunotherapy (AIT) remains as the only disease-modifying intervention for ARA. Recent data indicate that AIT might have a similar effect on LRA patients. Nevertheless, AIT success relies largely on the correct phenotyping of allergic individuals, and NAC, CAC, and BAC are very helpful tools in this regard. In this review, we will summarize the main indications and methodology of CAC, NAC, and BAC. Importantly, the clinical implementation of these tests might translate into precision medicine approaches and better health outcomes for patients with airway allergy.Consejería de Salud, Junta de Andalucía, Grant/Award Number: P20_00405; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Number: PI20/01715, RD21/0002/0008, CM21/00262, CM20/00160, JR22/00048 and JR19/00029. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA

    ATXN3 controls DNA replication and transcription by regulating chromatin structure

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    The deubiquitinating enzyme Ataxin-3 (ATXN3) contains a polyglutamine (PolyQ) region, the expansion of which causes spinocerebellar ataxia type-3 (SCA3). ATXN3 has multiple functions, such as regulating transcription or controlling genomic stability after DNA damage. Here we report the role of ATXN3 in chromatin organization during unperturbed conditions, in a catalytic-independent manner. The lack of ATXN3 leads to abnormalities in nuclear and nucleolar morphology, alters DNA replication timing and increases transcription. Additionally, indicators of more open chromatin, such as increased mobility of histone H1, changes in epigenetic marks and higher sensitivity to micrococcal nuclease digestion were detected in the absence of ATXN3. Interestingly, the effects observed in cells lacking ATXN3 are epistatic to the inhibition or lack of the histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3), an interaction partner of ATXN3. The absence of ATXN3 decreases the recruitment of endogenous HDAC3 to the chromatin, as well as the HDAC3 nuclear/cytoplasm ratio after HDAC3 overexpression, suggesting that ATXN3 controls the subcellular localization of HDAC3. Importantly, the overexpression of a PolyQ-expanded version of ATXN3 behaves as a null mutant, altering DNA replication parameters, epigenetic marks and the subcellular distribution of HDAC3, giving new insights into the molecular basis of the disease.</p

    ATXN3 controls DNA replication and transcription by regulating chromatin structure

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    The deubiquitinating enzyme Ataxin-3 (ATXN3) contains a polyglutamine (PolyQ) region, the expansion of which causes spinocerebellar ataxia type-3 (SCA3). ATXN3 has multiple functions, such as regulating transcription or controlling genomic stability after DNA damage. Here we report the role of ATXN3 in chromatin organization during unperturbed conditions, in a catalytic-independent manner. The lack of ATXN3 leads to abnormalities in nuclear and nucleolar morphology, alters DNA replication timing and increases transcription. Additionally, indicators of more open chromatin, such as increased mobility of histone H1, changes in epigenetic marks and higher sensitivity to micrococcal nuclease digestion were detected in the absence of ATXN3. Interestingly, the effects observed in cells lacking ATXN3 are epistatic to the inhibition or lack of the histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3), an interaction partner of ATXN3. The absence of ATXN3 decreases the recruitment of endogenous HDAC3 to the chromatin, as well as the HDAC3 nuclear/cytoplasm ratio after HDAC3 overexpression, suggesting that ATXN3 controls the subcellular localization of HDAC3. Importantly, the overexpression of a PolyQ-expanded version of ATXN3 behaves as a null mutant, altering DNA replication parameters, epigenetic marks and the subcellular distribution of HDAC3, giving new insights into the molecular basis of the disease.Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion´ [PID2019- 109222RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033]; European Union Regional Funds (FEDER) (to R.F., V.A.J.S.); Agencia Canaria de Investigacion, ´ Innovacion´ y Sociedad de la Informacion´ [ProID2020010109]; FEDER (to R.F.); Agencia Canaria de Investigacion, ´ Innovacion´ y European Social Fund integrated Operational programme of the Canary Islands Sociedad de la Informacion´ de la Consejer´ıa de Econom´ıa, Industria, Comercio y Conocimiento and the 2014–2020, Eje 3 Tema Prioritario 74 (85%) (to E.H.C.); Medical Research Council Programme [MR/X006409/1 to K.R.]; Breast Cancer Now [2019DecPR1406 to K.R.]. Funding for open access charge: Agencia Canaria de Investigacion, ´ Innovacion´ y Sociedad de la Informacion´ [ProID2020010109]; European Union Regional Funds (FEDER)