1,575 research outputs found

    Description of the 3 MW SWT-3 wind turbine at San Gorgonio Pass, California

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    The SWT-3 wind turbine, a microprocessor controlled three bladed variable speed upwind machine with a 3MW rating that is presently operational and undergoing system testing, is discussed. The tower, a rigid triangular truss configuration, is rotated about its vertical axis to position the wind turbine into the prevailing wind. The blades rotate at variable speed in order to maintain an optimum 6 to 1 tip speed ratio between cut in and fated wind velocity, thereby maximizing power extraction from the wind. Rotor variable speed is implemented by the use of a hydrostatic transmission consisting of fourteen fixed displacement pumps operating in conjunction with eighteen variable displacement motors. Full blade pitch with on-off hydraulic actuation is used to maintain 3MW of output power

    Analytical study of the inside-out Gimbal dynamics. Volume 1: Analytical study of inside-out/coincident Gimbal dynamics

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    The performance capabilities and limitations of the instrument pointing system (IPS) are described. Suggestions of design modifications that result in overall improved IPS performance are included. Since the design and configuration of the IPS was modified a portion of the study was performed with the inside-out Gimbal configuration which was updated to the present coincident Gimbal system configuration. Due to the similarity of the two systems, the results obtained for the inside-out Gimbal also apply to the coincident Gimbal system

    Automated longwall guidance and control systems, phase 1

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    Candidate vertical control systems (VCS) and face advancement systems (FAS) required to satisfactorily automate the longwall system were analyzed and simulated in order to develop an overall longwall system configuration for preliminary design

    Trophic ecology of the Endangered Darwin's frog inferred by stable isotopes

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    Indexación: Scopus.Acknowledgements. We thank Dr. Mauricio González-Chang for his contribution to invertebrate identification and Sally Wren for the revision of an earlier version of the manuscript. We are also extremely grateful to Tomás Elgueta Alvarez for providing Video S1. B.E.M.B. has a fellowship awarded by Universidad Andres Bello. This research project was approved by the Bioethics Committee at the Universi-dad Andres Bello, Chile (N°13/2015), and by permits N°5666/2013, N°230/2015, and N°212/2016 of the Chilean Agriculture and Livestock Service, and N°026/2013 and N°11/2015 IX of the Chilean National Forestry Corporation. This study was funded by the Dirección General de Investi-gación y Doctorados, Universidad Andres Bello, through grant N°DI-53-11/R and national funds through FONDE CYT N°11140902 and 1181758 (to C.S.A.).Darwin's frogs Rhinoderma spp. are the only known mouth-brooding frogs on Earth. The southern Darwin's frog, R. darwinii, is found in the temperate forests of southern South America, is listed as Endangered and could be the only extant representative of this genus. Based on stomach contents, invertebrate prey availability and stable isotope analysis, we determined for the first time trophic ecological parameters for this species. Our results showed that R. darwinii is a generalist sit-and-wait predator and a secondary consumer, with a trophic position of 2.9. Carbon and nitrogen isotope composition indicated that herbivore invertebrates are their main prey, detected in 68.1% of their assimilated food. The most consumed prey included mosquitoes, flies, crickets, grasshoppers and ants. Detritivore and carnivore invertebrates were also ingested, but in lower proportions. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the feeding habits of this fully terrestrial amphibian and provide the first insight into their role linking low forest trophic positions with intermediate predators. We provide valuable biological information for in situ and ex situ conservation which can be used when developing habitat protection, reintroduction and captive breeding programmes. As revealed here, stable isotope analysis is a valuable tool to study the trophic ecology of highly endangered and cryptic species. © The authors 2018.https://www.int-res.com/abstracts/esr/v36/p269-278

    Semi-analytic calculation of cosmic microwave background anisotropies from wiggly and superconducting cosmic strings

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    We study how the presence of world-sheet currents affects the evolution of cosmic string networks, and their impact on predictions for the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies generated by these networks. We provide a general description of string networks with currents and explicitly investigate in detail two physically motivated examples: wiggly and superconducting cosmic string networks. By using a modified version of the CMBact code, we show quantitatively how the relevant network parameters in both of these cases influence the predicted CMB signal. Our analysis suggests that previous studies have overestimated the amplitude of the anisotropies for wiggly strings. For superconducting strings the amplitude of the anisotropies depends on parameters which presently are not well known-but which can be measured in future high resolution numerical simulations

    A closed-loop model of the respiratory system: Focus on hypercapnia and active expiration

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    Breathing is a vital process providing the exchange of gases between the lungs and atmosphere. During quiet breathing, pumping air from the lungs is mostly performed by contraction of the diaphragm during inspiration, and muscle contraction during expiration does not play a significant role in ventilation. In contrast, during intense exercise or severe hypercapnia forced or active expiration occurs in which the abdominal "expiratory" muscles become actively involved in breathing. The mechanisms of this transition remain unknown. To study these mechanisms, we developed a computational model of the closed-loop respiratory system that describes the brainstem respiratory network controlling the pulmonary subsystem representing lung biomechanics and gas (O2and CO2) exchange and transport. The lung subsystem provides two types of feedback to the neural subsystem: a mechanical one from pulmonary stretch receptors and a chemical one from central chemoreceptors. The neural component of the model simulates the respiratory network that includes several interacting respiratory neuron types within the Bötzinger and pre-Bötzinger complexes, as well as the retrotrapezoid nucleus/parafacial respiratory group (RTN/pFRG) representing the central chemoreception module targeted by chemical feedback. The RTN/pFRG compartment contains an independent neural generator that is activated at an increased CO2level and controls the abdominal motor output. The lung volume is controlled by two pumps, a major one driven by the diaphragm and an additional one activated by abdominal muscles and involved in active expiration. The model represents the first attempt to model the transition from quiet breathing to breathing with active expiration. The model suggests that the closed-loop respiratory control system switches to active expiration via a quantal acceleration of expiratory activity, when increases in breathing rate and phrenic amplitude no longer provide sufficient ventilation. The model can be used for simulation of closed-loop control of breathing under different conditions including respiratory disorders