3,455 research outputs found

    Stratigraphic signature of the late Palaeozoic Ice Age in the Parmeener Supergroup of Tasmania, SE Australia, and inter-regional comparisons

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    Recent research in eastern Australia has established that rather than being a single, long-lived epoch, the late Palaeozoic Ice Age comprised a series of glacial intervals each 1–8 million years in duration, separated by non-glacial intervals of comparable duration. In order to test whether the glacial events recognized in New South Wales and Queensland have broader extent, we conducted a reappraisal of the Parmeener Supergroup of Tasmania, southeast Australia. A facies analysis of the Pennsylvanian to Permian section was carried out, allowing rationalization of the succession into four recurrent facies associations: a) glacigenic facies association, restricted to the basal Pennsylvanian/earliest Permian Wynyard Formation and correlatives, b) glacially/cold climate-influenced to open marine shelf facies association, which accounts for large parts of the Permian succession, c) deltaic facies association, which specifically describes the Lower Permian “Lower Freshwater Sequence” interval, and d) fluvial to estuarine facies association, which specifically addresses the Upper Permian Cygnet Coal Measures and correlatives. Indicators of sediment accumulation under glacial influence and cold climate are restricted to four discrete stratigraphic intervals, all of which indicate that glaciation was temperate in nature. The lowermost of these, incorporating the basal Wynyard Formation and its correlatives, and overlying Woody Island Formation, shows evidence of proximal glacial influence (subglacial, grounding-line fan and ?fjordal facies), and is likely a composite of one or more Pennsylvanian glacial event(s) and an earliest Permian (Asselian) glacial. The second, of late Sakmarian to early Artinskian age, comprises an initial more proximal ice-influenced section and an overlying more distal ice-influenced interval. The third (Kungurian to Roadian) and fourth (Capitanian) intervals are both distal glacimarine records. The four intervals are of comparable age to glacials P1–P4, respectively, recognized in New South Wales and Queensland (notwithstanding apparent discrepancies of \u3c 2 million years in age), and display similar facies characteristics and vertical contrasts to those intervals. Accordingly, it is concluded that the late Palaeozoic stratigraphy of Tasmania preserves a glacial/cold climate record correlatable to that of mainland eastern Australia, lending support to the hypothesis that these events were widespread across this portion of Gondwana

    A pan-Asian survey of risk perception, attitudes and practices associated with live animal markets.

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    Key Messages 1. Causal attributions for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) of the H5N1 virus among live poultry, consumers, retailers and breeders in Vietnam, Thailand, Guangzhou and Hong Kong were studied. 2. Three main themes embodying lay explanation for the causes of H5N1 HPAI emerged: viruses, husbandry-related factors, and vulnerability factors. 3. A deeper understanding of the perceptions of risks, biases, causal attributions, and both the facilitators and barriers to change is needed for planning effective changes in health related behaviour.published_or_final_versio

    Assessing the potential of autonomous submarine gliders for ecosystem monitoring across multiple trophic levels (plankton to cetaceans) and pollutants in shallow shelf seas

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    A combination of scientific, economic, technological and policy drivers is behind a recent upsurge in the use of marine autonomous systems (and accompanying miniaturized sensors) for environmental mapping and monitoring. Increased spatial–temporal resolution and coverage of data, at reduced cost, is particularly vital for effective spatial management of highly dynamic and heterogeneous shelf environments. This proof-of-concept study involves integration of a novel combination of sensors onto buoyancy-driven submarine gliders, in order to assess their suitability for ecosystem monitoring in shelf waters at a variety of trophic levels. Two shallow-water Slocum gliders were equipped with CTD and fluorometer to measure physical properties and chlorophyll, respectively. One glider was also equipped with a single-frequency echosounder to collect information on zooplankton and fish distribution. The other glider carried a Passive Acoustic Monitoring system to detect and record cetacean vocalizations, and a passive sampler to detect chemical contaminants in the water column. The two gliders were deployed together off southwest UK in autumn 2013, and targeted a known tidal-mixing front west of the Isles of Scilly. The gliders’ mission took about 40 days, with each glider travelling distances of >1000 km and undertaking >2500 dives to depths of up to 100 m. Controlling glider flight and alignment of the two glider trajectories proved to be particularly challenging due to strong tidal flows. However, the gliders continued to collect data in poor weather when an accompanying research vessel was unable to operate. In addition, all glider sensors generated useful data, with particularly interesting initial results relating to subsurface chlorophyll maxima and numerous fish/cetacean detections within the water column. The broader implications of this study for marine ecosystem monitoring with submarine gliders are discussed

    Challenges in the estimation of the annual risk of mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in children aged less than 5 years

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    Accurate estimates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in young children provide a critical indicator of ongoing community transmission of M. tuberculosis. Cross-reactions due to infection with environmental mycobacteria and/or bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination compromise the estimates derived from population-level tuberculin skin-test surveys using traditional cutoff methods. Newer statistical approaches are prone to failure of model convergence, especially in settings where the prevalence of M. tuberculosis infection is low and environmental sensitization is high. We conducted a tuberculin skin-test survey in 5,119 preschool children in the general population and among household contacts of tuberculosis cases in 2012–2014 in a district in northern Malawi where sensitization to environmental mycobacteria is common and almost all children are BCG-vaccinated. We compared different proposed methods of estimating M. tuberculosis prevalence, including a method described by Rust and Thomas more than 40 years ago. With the different methods, estimated prevalence in the general population was 0.7%–11.5% at ages <2 years and 0.8%–3.3% at ages 2–4 years. The Rust and Thomas method was the only method to give a lower estimate in the younger age group (0.7% vs 0.8%), suggesting that it was the only method that adjusted appropriately for the marked effect of BCG-attributable induration in the very young

    When are active Brownian particles and run-and-tumble particles equivalent? Consequences for motility-induced phase separation

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    Active Brownian particles (ABPs, such as self-phoretic colloids) swim at fixed speed vv along a body-axis u{\bf u} that rotates by slow angular diffusion. Run-and-tumble particles (RTPs, such as motile bacteria) swim with constant \u until a random tumble event suddenly decorrelates the orientation. We show that when the motility parameters depend on density ρ\rho but not on u{\bf u}, the coarse-grained fluctuating hydrodynamics of interacting ABPs and RTPs can be mapped onto each other and are thus strictly equivalent. In both cases, a steeply enough decreasing v(ρ)v(\rho) causes phase separation in dimensions d=2,3d=2,3, even when no attractive forces act between the particles. This points to a generic role for motility-induced phase separation in active matter. However, we show that the ABP/RTP equivalence does not automatically extend to the more general case of \u-dependent motilities

    Paper and electronic versions of HM-PRO, a novel patient-reported outcome measure for hematology: an equivalence study.

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    © 2019 Goswami, Oliva, Ionova et al.Aim:To determine measurement equivalence of paper and electronic application of the hematologi-cal malignancy-patient-reported outcome (HM-PRO), a specific measure for the evaluation of patient-reported outcomes in HMs.Patients & methods:Following International Society of Pharmacoeconomicsand Outcomes Research ePRO Good Research Practice Task Force guidelines, a total of 193 adult patientswith different HMs were recruited into a multicenter prospective study. The paper and the electronic ver-sion of the instrument were completed in the outpatient clinics in a randomized crossover design with a30-min time interval to minimize the learning effect. Those who completed the paper version first, com-pleted the electronic version after 30 min and vice versa. Instrument version and order effects were testedon total score of the two parts of the HM-PRO (Part A: quality of life and Part B: signs & symptoms) in atwo-way ANOVA with patients as random effects. Intraclass correlation coefficients (95% CI) and Spear-man’s rank correlation coefficients were used to evaluate test–retest reliability and reproducibility. Theeffects of instrument version and order were tested on total score of the two parts of HM-PRO.Results:The questionnaire version and administration order effects were not significant at the 5% level. Therewere no interactions found between these two factors for HM-PRO (Part A [quality of life]; p=0.95); and(part B [signs and symptoms]; p=0.72]. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients were greater than 0.9, andintraclass correlation coefficients ranged from 0.94 to 0.98; furthermore, the scores were not statisticallydifferent between the two versions, showing acceptable reliability indexes. Noteworthy, the differencebetween the completion time for both paper (mean=6:38 min) and electronic version (mean=7:29 min)was not statistically significant (n=100; p=0.11). Patients did not report any difficulty in completing theelectronic version during cognitive interviews and were able to understand and respond spontaneously.Conclusion:Measurement equivalence has been demonstrated for the paper and electronic applicationof the HM-PRO.Peer reviewe