16 research outputs found

    Rhombenzephalosynapsis, biparietale Alopezie und HornhauttrĂĽbung

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    Zusammenfassung: Bei der Untersuchung des mental retardierten und stimmungslabilen 16-Jährigen mit kongenitalem Hydrocephalus internus fielen eine parietale Alopezie, eine Hornhauttrübung, ein Brachyturrizephalus, eine späte Pubertät, ein Kleinwuchs und eine Ataxie auf. In der Magnetresonanztomographie fanden sich eine Rhombenzephalosynapsis sowie weitere zerebrale Auffälligkeiten. Wir diagnostizierten ein Gómez-López-Hernández-Syndrom. Dieses ist gekennzeichnet durch das kombinierte Auftreten einer Rhombenzephalosynapsis und einer parietalen Alopezie, häufig assoziiert mit weiteren typischen Fehlbildunge

    Biogenic weathering bridges the nutrient gap in pristine ecosystems - a global comparison

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    In many pristine ecosystems there seems to be negative nutrient budget existent, meaning that export exceeds the input received by aeolian deposition and physico-chemical weathering. Such ecosystems should degrade rather quickly, but are often found surprisingly stable on the long run. Our hypothesis was that this nutrient gap is an artefact caused by not considering the contribution of photoassimilatory-mediated biogenic weathering to the overall nutrient input, which might constitute an additional, energetically directed and demand driven pathway. Here, we firstly evaluated the evolution of mutualistic biogenic weathering along an Antarctic chronosequence and secondly compared the biogenic weathering rates under mycorrhized ecosystems over a global gradient of contrasting states of soil development. We found the ability to perform biogenic weathering increasing along its evolutionary development in photoautotroph-symbiont interaction and furthermore a close relation between fungal biogenic weathering and available potassium across all 16 forested sites in the study, regardless of the dominant mycorrhiza type (AM or EM), climate, and plant-species composition. Our results point towards a general alleviation of nutrient limitation at ecosystem scale via directional, energy driven and on-demand biogenic weathering

    Rhombenzephalosynapsis, biparietale Alopezie und HornhauttrĂĽbung

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    Bei der Untersuchung des mental retardierten und stimmungslabilen 16-Jährigen mit kongenitalem Hydrocephalus internus fielen eine parietale Alopezie, eine Hornhauttrübung, ein Brachyturrizephalus, eine späte Pubertät, ein Kleinwuchs und eine Ataxie auf. In der Magnetresonanztomographie fanden sich eine Rhombenzephalosynapsis sowie weitere zerebrale Auffälligkeiten. Wir diagnostizierten ein Gómez-López-Hernández-Syndrom. Dieses ist gekennzeichnet durch das kombinierte Auftreten einer Rhombenzephalosynapsis und einer parietalen Alopezie, häufig assoziiert mit weiteren typischen Fehlbildunge

    Aktuelle Forschungsaktivitäten zur personenzentrierten Medizin in akademischen Instituten für Allgemeinmedizin in Deutschland und Österreich [Current research activities on person-centered medicine in academic institutes for general practice in Germany and Austria]

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    Aim of study Person-centered medicine (PCM) with its focus on humanistic-biographical-oriented medicine and integrated, positive-salutogenic health is a central aspect in the patient-physician relationship in general practice. The objective of this analysis is to assess the prevalence and type of research project in academic institutions of general practice in Germany (Ger) and Austria (At) and the thematic priorities of the projects in the areas PCM, health promotion (HP), prevention (PRE) and conventional medicine (CM). Methods A search was conducted (September–December 2015) on the websites of 30 institutes and divisions of general medicine for their current research projects. The retrieved projects were assigned to five categories: PCM, HP, PRE, CM and others. Subsequently, we identified the targeted patient groups of the projects as well as the thematic focus in the categories PCM, HP, PRE and CM with focus on PCM and HP. Results 541 research projects were identified, 452 in Germany and 89 in Austria. Research projects were only included if they were explicitly indicated as research-oriented. Seventy projects addressed PCM aspects, 15 projects HP aspects, 32 projects PRE aspects and 396 projects CM aspects. The most frequently target groups in the categories PCM (24 of 70) and HP (7 of 15) were chronically ill patients. The most common thematic focus in PCM was communication (13 of 70) and in HP, physical activity (6 of 15). Conclusion The vast majority of research projects investigated conventional medical topics. The percentage of research activities in the field of PCM (13%) or PCM including HP (16%) in Ger and At is below the European average of 20%. From our point of view, PCM and HP need to be implemented to a greater extent in general practice

    Geowissenschaftliche Untersuchungen on- und offshore Nazca-Platte/Zentralanden an der aktiven suedostpazifischen Subduktionszone. SONNE-Fahrt SO-104. Fahrtabschnitte SO-104/1, SO-104/2 und SO-104/3 Fachlicher Abschlussbericht

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    The main goal of the CINCA project (Crustal Investigations Off- and Onshore Nazca/Central Andes) was to investigate the structure and evolution of the continental margin of North Chile between 19 S and 26 S. It was postulated that subduction erosion is active, here. During SONNE cruise SO-104, in a multidisciplinary effort German, Chilean and Spanish institutions acquired 4,500 km marine multi-channel seismic data, 8,800 km marine non-seismic data (gravity, magnetics, bathymetric swathmapping and sediment echography), 1,760 km off- and onshore seismic wide-angle/refraction data and seismicity data. Additionally, geological seafloor sampling, geochemical fluid sampling and thermal heat-flow probing was carried out. The results support the hypothesis of subduction erosion basically due to the surface geometries and deep-reaching fracturing of the subducting oceanic crust, lack of an accretionary wedge, the pronounced farctured and extensional character of the continental slope as well as its continuing subsidence since at least Miocene demonstrated by geological sampling. According to the eastward migration of the volcanic arc the ancient continental margin in Early Jurassic times at ca. 200 Ma bp was probably located at more than 200 km west of its modern position and the formerly existing continental crust in this region was removed. Two models of the subduction erosion processes were analyzed in the light of the comprehensive new CINCA results: A - major contributions from the top side of the continental slope and the frontal slope unit, and B - almost all contribution from the base of the continental wedge. Due to higher compatability with the acquired geoscientific data model B is favoured although still some uncertainties exist. The terrace-like shape of the continental middle slope and a structural outer high at its eastern border are observed throughout the entire study area. They are obviously produced by different impact of fluid processes effectuating stronger erosion at the base of the middle slope and hence stronger subsidence. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F98B2136+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman