319 research outputs found

    Nuclear models on a lattice

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    We present the first results of a quantum field approach to nuclear models obtained by lattice techniques. Renormalization effects for fermion mass and coupling constant in case of scalar and pseudoscalar interaction lagrangian densities are discussed.Comment: 4 pages - 7 figures ; Invited talk to QCD 05: 12th International QCD Conference, 4-9 Jul 2005, Montpellier, France ; To appear in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.

    The Infrared Behaviour of the Pure Yang-Mills Green Functions

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    We study the infrared behaviour of the pure Yang-Mills correlators using relations that are well defined in the non-perturbative domain. These are the Slavnov-Taylor identity for three-gluon vertex and the Schwinger-Dyson equation for ghost propagator in the Landau gauge. We also use several inputs from lattice simulations. We show that lattice data are in serious conflict with a widely spread analytical relation between the gluon and ghost infrared critical exponents. We conjecture that this is explained by a singular behaviour of the ghost-ghost-gluon vertex function in the infrared. We show that, anyhow, this discrepancy is not due to some lattice artefact since lattice Green functions satisfy the ghost propagator Schwinger-Dyson equation. We also report on a puzzle concerning the infrared gluon propagator: lattice data seem to favor a constant non vanishing zero momentum gluon propagator, while the Slavnov-Taylor identity (complemented with some regularity hypothesis of scalar functions) implies that it should diverge.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures; replaced version with some references adde and an enlarged discussion of the non-renormalization theorem; second replacement with improved figures and added reference

    Asymptotic behavior of the ghost propagator in SU3 lattice gauge theory

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    We study the asymptotic behavior of the ghost propagator in the quenched SU(3) lattice gauge theory with Wilson action. The study is performed on lattices with a physical volume fixed around 1.6 fm and different lattice spacings: 0.100 fm, 0.070 fm and 0.055 fm. We implement an efficient algorithm for computing the Faddeev-Popov operator on the lattice. We are able to extrapolate the lattice data for the ghost propagator towards the continuum and to show that the extrapolated data on each lattice can be described up to four-loop perturbation theory from 2.0 GeV to 6.0 GeV. The three-loop values are consistent with those extracted from previous perturbative studies of the gluon propagator. However the effective \Lambda_{\ms} scale which reproduces the data does depend strongly upon the order of perturbation theory and on the renormalization scheme used in the parametrization. We show how the truncation of the perturbative series can account for the magnitude of the dependency in this energy range. The contribution of non-perturbative corrections will be discussed elsewhere.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Evaluation agronomique de variétés de canne à sucre en début de campagne de récolte à Ferké au Nord de la Côte d’Ivoire : vers un allègement du schéma de sélection

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    Dans le but de contribuer à l’allègement du schéma de sélection de la canne à sucre, 16 variétés ont été évaluées, sur la base du rendement en sucre extractible, de la tolérance au charbon (U. scitaminea), à l’échaudure des feuilles (maladies endémiques) et au foreur de tiges (E. saccharina), dans 4 essais, conduits sur 5 ans, en début de saison de récolte à Sucaf-Ferké 2 (nord de la Côte d’Ivoire). Les variétés commerciales SP701143, SP711406, MEX73523, N19, R575, SP75184 et SP791230 ont présenté, respectivement, des TSE/ha de 12,2 ; 15,3 ; 11,6 ; 11,7 ; 10,6 ; 11,5 et 12,1 significativement supérieures à celles de NCo376 (variété la plus cultivée jusqu’en 2008). Par ailleurs, celles-ci ont été moins sensibles au charbon et au foreur de tiges que NCo376 (taux de charbon < 5000 fouets/ha et ENA % < 3 %). Les variétés commerciales se sont avérées plus adaptées aux conditions de culture du site que les présélectionnées, avec des taux d’adaptation de 33 %, 100 %, 67 % et 75 %. L’étude suggère en outre, la possibilité de réduire la 2e étape de sélection de 2 ans et de conduire le criblage en une seule étape de 3 ans. Ce qui ramènerait la durée du cycle de sélection à 6 ans, contre 11, voire 15 ans auparavant.Mots clés : Variétés de canne à sucre, adaptation, charbon, foreur, Côte d’Ivoir

    A low-energy effective Yang-Mills theory for quark and gluon confinement

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    We derive a gauge-invariant low-energy effective model of the Yang-Mills theory. We find that the effective gluon propagator belongs to the Gribov-Stingl type and agrees with it when a mass term which breaks nilpotency of the BRST symmetry is included. We show that the effective model with gluon propagator of the Gribov-Stingl type exhibits both quark and gluon confinement: the Wilson loop average has the area law and the Schwinger function violates reflection positivity. However, we argue that both quark and gluon confinement can be obtained even in the absence of such a mass term.Comment: 5 pages, no figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review D (Rapid Communication

    Assessment of various strategies for the preservation of clonal genetic resources in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)

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    Three different approaches for the preservation of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) clonal genetic resources and their impacts on the induction of the « mantled » somaclonal variation were assessed. In vitro long term preservation of somatic embryos stock-cultures was studied : after a 5 year cultivation period, 75 % of clonal lines were still normal. Between 8 and 13 years of embryo cultures, half of the considered clonal lines were found to be « mantled ». Finally, 40 % were found to be normal over 15 years of in vitro conservation. Clonal conformity of ramets resulting from the re-cloning of somaplants depended, on one hand, on the floral status of the mother plant at the time of sampling and, on the other hand, on its origin. Re-cloning of abnormal regenerants led, in all cases, to 100 % abnormal offspring. The age of the ramet used as mother palm at the time of sampling was found to be critical for true-to-type regeneration. There is a high risk of obtaining variant regenerant palms if the clonal mother palm is sampled at nursery stage. Field observations carried out on palms originating from somatic embryos cryopreserved at -196 °C showed floral conformity rates comparable to those obtained from standard not-cryopreserved clonal palms, for 6 out of the 8 clonal lines studied. From the 2 remaining clonal lines, a few regenerant palms originating from standard batch were found to be « mantled », whereas those resulting from cryopreserved embryos were all normal. The assumption of changes in levels of genomic DNA methylation during preservation was discussed, together with the capacity of our cryopreservation protocol to select embryogenic cells which were only suited to trueto-type regeneration

    A new specimen-based checklist of ferns and lycophytes from Rotuma (Fiji)

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    ABSTRACT The island of Rotuma lies about 580 km north of the main archipelago of Fiji, and while politically part of that country, it differs culturally and floristically. It has not typically been included in botanical treatments for Fiji as a whole despite visits from several botanists. Pteridophytes of Rotuma were described by St. John in 1954 based on a visit there in 1938, but little additional information is available since then. Much of the original Rotuman forest has been altered by human activity, but pockets of original vegetation persist and substantial areas of secondary forest currently occur there. In June 2019, the first two authors of this report visited Rotuma to study ferns and lycophytes. We added six native species to the total of 31 found by St. John, and we found three species that have become naturalised since St. John was there. We revise the identification of several of those that he found, based on studying his specimens as well as our own, and we update nomenclature for many others to reflect current taxonomy. We conclude that 37 native and three naturalised pteridophyte species are confirmed for Rotuma, and two others may be present as natives based on unconfirmed reports. We discuss geographic relationships of the pteridophyte flora and note that at least four native species on Rotuma are not known from elsewhere in Fiji, but almost all Rotuman pteridophytes are known from Samoa. We speculate that additional pteridophytes remain to be found on Rotuma, and we note that declining coconut cultivation is leading to increased recovery of secondary forest on the island. Additionally, we confirm that the endemic angiosperm Cyrtandra rotumaensis H. St.John Gesneriaceae persists on Rotuma

    Formalism for dilepton production via virtual photon bremsstrahlung in hadronic reactions

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    We derive a set of new formulas for various distributions in dilepton production via virtual photon bremsstrahlung from pseudoscalar mesons and unpolarized spin-one-half fermions. These formulas correspond to the leading and sub-leading terms in the Low-Burnett-Kroll expansion for real photon bremsstrahlung. The relation of our leading-term formulas to previous works is also shown. Existing formulas are examined in the light of Lorentz covariance and gauge invariance. Numerical comparison is made in a simple example, where an "exact" formula and real photon data exist. The results reveal large discrepancies among different bremsstrahlung formulas. Of all the leading-term bremsstrahlung formulas, the one derived in this work agrees best with the exact formula. The issues of M_T-scaling and event generators are also addressed.Comment: 37 pages, RevTeX, epsf.sty, 10 embedded figure
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