555 research outputs found

    Lactobacillus crispatus as the etiological agent in cytolytic vaginosis

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    Introduction: Lactobacillus spp. dominate the vaginal niche but can also be involved in other vaginal dysbiosis, such as cytolytic vaginosis (CV), which remains poorly studied. It is characterized by a cryptic symptomatology, that often confounds the clinic. Goals: The aim of this work was to search for the etiological agent of CV, by studying the vaginal microbiome and metabolomics of women afflicted with this disease and compare it with women with other clinical diagnostic. Methods: Twenty-one vaginal washes have been collected from women attending a gynaecology consultation of a private clinic. The samples were categorized according with clinical diagnosis at the time of sampling (CV, 11; vulvovaginal candidosis, 8; Healthy, 2). The distribution of bacterial species, and their prevalence was assessed by next-generation sequencing of the 16S V4 region. In addition, total lactate D-lactic acid and L-lactic acid was quantified in all washes by a commercial kit, as well as lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity. Results: L. crispatus was dominant (>70%) in all CV samples. Lactate was increased in CV in comparison with other cases. The presence of D-lactic acid isomer was associated with presence of L. crispatus. LDH activity was increased in vaginal washes that tested positive for the presence of L. crispatus, however no direct association was found with CV cases. Discussion/Conclusions: The microbiome of women afflicted with CV was dominated in all cases by L. crispatus, contrarily with the results obtained for women diagnosed with other clinical symptomatology. In addition, the finding that an increase in D-lactic acid is associated with CV patients can be related to the role of L. crispatus in CV. The determination of LDH activity did not correlate exclusively with CV cases. On the other hand, D-lactic acid and total lactate quantification could be used as a valuable biomarker to diagnose this cryptic vaginal infection.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Role of Lactobacillus crispatus in vaginal infections: insights from metagenomics and metabolomics studies

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    Objective: Lactobacillus spp. constitute the most prevalent bacterial microorganism in the vaginal milleu. Several probiotic mechanisms have been associated with Lactobacillus, but the most relevant one is lactate production – resulting in a low pH value, typical of the healthy vagina. We aim to elucidate the role of a native vaginal microorganism, Lactobacillus crispatus, in vaginal infections. Methods: Twenty-four vaginal washes have been collected from women (mean 38±14 years of age) attending a gynecology consultation of a private clinic. The samples were categorized according with clinical diagnosis at the time of sampling. The distribution of bacterial species, and their prevalence was assessed by next-generation sequencing of the 16S V4 region. In addition, lactate was quantified in all washes by a commercial kit. Results: L. crispatus was dominant (>70%) in 11 out of 24 samples – diagnosed for vaginal atrophy (VA, 3), cytolytic vaginosis (CV, 2), lactobacillosis (LB, 2) and vulvovaginal candidosis (VVC, 1). For three samples, diagnostic was inconclusive. Lactate was increased in CV, LB and VA cases only. One sample, diagnosed with VVC had 23% dominance of L. crispatus; and lower lactate metabolite. L. crispatus was not detected in the remaining 12 cases (6 VVC, 4 VA, 1 healthy and 1 inconclusive). Of these, only 5 samples had moderate lactate metabolite. Conclusions: L. crispatus dominance, associated with increased lactate production, was observed in CV, LB and VA cases. These results indicate that this microorganism might have a role in dysbiosis of the vagina associated with these specific pathologies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of Lactobacillus crispatus´ role in vaginal infections: friend or foe?

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    Lactobacillus spp. are the most prevalent microorganisms in the vaginal milleu. Several probiotic mechanisms have been associated with Lactobacillus, but the most relevant one is lactate production – resulting in a low pH value, typical of the healthy vagina. However, its pathogenic state is still unknown. We aim to elucidate the role of a commensal vaginal microorganism, Lactobacillus crispatus, in vaginal infections. Twenty-four vaginal washes have been collected from women attending a gynaecology consultation of a private clinic. The samples were categorized according with clinical diagnosis at the time of sampling. The distribution of bacterial species, and their prevalence was assessed by Next-Generation Sequencing of the 16S rRNA V4 region. In addition, L- and D-lactate concentration, and LDH enzymatic activity was quantified in all washes by a commercial kit. Detection of Candida spp. was performed by PCR. L. crispatus was dominant (>70%) in 11 out of 24 samples – diagnosed for vaginal atrophy (VA, 3), cytolytic vaginosis (CV, 2) and lactobacillosis (LB, 2). Lactate was increased in CV, LB and VA cases only. The remaining samples, diagnosed for vulvovaginal candidosis in its majority, had lower prevalence of L. crispatus; and lower to moderate lactate metabolite. There was not a direct relationship between LDH enzymatic activity and clinical diagnosis. L. crispatus dominance, associated with increased lactate production, was observed in CV, LB and VA cases. These results indicate that this microorganism might have a role in dysbiosis of the vagina associated with these specific pathologies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bacteriocin production of the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus KS400

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    In the last years, the use of probiotics, including Lactobacillus species, has received much attention to prevent and treat vaginal disorders. These species have been described as having the ability to colonize the epithelial surface and produce antimicrobial metabolites that are able to control the remaining vaginal microflora. This study aimed to identify and characterize, for the first time, a bacteriocin natively produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus KS400 (probiotic strain from Gynoflor®-Medinova AG, Switzerland) and its antimicrobial activity against relevant urogenital pathogens. After organic acids and hydrogen peroxide neutralization in the fermented Lactobacillus acidophilus KS400 culture medium, bacteriocin activity was tested against the indicator microorganism Lactobacillus delbrueckii ATCC9649. The fermentation of Lactobacillus acidophilus KS400 for bacteriocin production was carried out in batch mode, and its antimicrobial activity, optical density and pH were monitored. After production and extraction, the bacteriocin molecular weight was estimated by electrophoresis and tested against vaginal pathogenic microorganisms. As described for other bacteriocins, batch fermentation profiles indicated that bacteriocin production occurs during the exponential growth phase of the lactobacilli, and declines during their stationary growth phase. The molecular weight of the bacteriocin is approximately 7.5 kDa. The bacteriocin containing protein extract was shown to inhibit the growth of Gardnerella vaginalis, Streptococcus agalactiae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the indicator strain Lactobacillus delbrueckii ATCC9649. We conclude that L. acidophilus KS400 produces bacteriocin with antimicrobial activity against relevant urogenital pathogens.Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007491; Medinovainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Educação matemática no Ensino Médio e a inclusão de alunos com deficiência visual

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    Este trabalho de mestrado com foco na educação matemática vincula-se ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação do Centro de Educação da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Nossa pesquisa de cunho qualitativo investiga as possibilidades de aprendizagens em matemática em uma turma de ensino médio comum com alunos com deficiência visual. Procuramos responder a pergunta: Que possibilidades de aprendizagem matemática ocorrem em uma turma de 3º ano de ensino médio com quatro alunos com deficiência visual, quando se incorpora uma prática de resolução e elaboração de problemas associada com a interação entre os alunos? Para analisar os processos de interação na aprendizagem nos apoiamos na teoria de Vygotsky. Para fundamentar a metodologia de resolução de problemas e aprendizagem matemática utilizamos principalmente Polya e Santos-Wagner. Nosso estudo foi desenvolvido no ano de 2011, com alunos do 3º ano do ensino médio de uma escola estadual do município de Vitória, ES. Coletamos dados por meio de questionários, atividades em sala de aula e oficinas. Na análise de nosso trabalho encontramos indícios de mudanças nos hábitos de estudos dos alunos fora do horário de aula, desenvolvimento da autonomia em busca de novas aprendizagens matemáticas através da interação com os colegas e a professora como também maior interação entre os alunos com deficiência visual com os demais colegas. Esperamos que nosso trabalho possa inspirar os colegas em busca de desenvolver práticas que busquem garantir a participação e aprendizagem de todos os alunos de suas turmas, levando em consideração as deficiências e habilidades de todos os envolvidos nesse processo

    Cross-sectional and prospective associations between moderate to vigorous physical activity and sedentary time with adiposity in children.

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    BACKGROUND: Physical activity (PA) and sedentary time (SED) have both been suggested as potential risk factors for adiposity in children. However, there is paucity of data examining the temporal associations between these variables. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to analyze the cross-sectional and prospective associations between PA, SED and body composition in children. METHODS: A total of 510 children (age at baseline 10.1±0.8, age at follow-up 11.8±0.9) from six Portuguese schools from the Oeiras Municipality participated in this study. PA and SED were measured by accelerometry and trunk fat mass (TFM) and body fat mass (BFM) were measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Fat mass index (FMI) was calculated as BFM divided by height squared. Several regression models adjusted for age, sex, maturity status, follow-up duration, baseline levels of the outcome variable and SED or moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA) were performed. RESULTS: MVPA (min per day) was cross-sectionally inversely associated with adiposity indexes (FMI, TFM and BFM). Adiposity indexes were inversely associated with time in MVPA. In prospective analyses, MVPA was associated with a lower levels of FMI (β=-0.37, 95% confidence interval (CI): -0.49 to -0.26, P<0.001), TFM (β=-0.20, 95% CI: -0.29 to -0.10, P<0.001) and BFM (β=-0.37, 95% CI: -0.49 to -0.26, P<0.001). When the model was adjusted for age, sex, maturity status and for baseline levels of the outcome variables MVPA remained a significant predictor of lower adiposity indexes (FMI: β=-0.09, 95% CI: -0.16 to -0.01, P<0.05; TFM: β=-0.08, 95% CI: -0.15 to -0.01, P<0.05; BFM: β=-0.07, 95% CI: -0.15 to 0.00, P<0.05). Adiposity was not associated with MVPA when modeled as the exposure in prospective analyses. SED was not related with adiposity indexes, except for the relationship with FMI. CONCLUSIONS: In cross-sectional and prospective analyses, MVPA is associated with lower adiposity independent of covariates and SED. Results suggest that promoting MVPA is important for preventing gain in adiposity in healthy children.The study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology. Support/grant: PTDC/DES/108372/2008.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from NPG via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ijo.2015.16

    Acute toxicity of plant extracts towards Daphnia magna

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    The demand for natural based products for the cosmetics industry is increasing sharply and therefore the search for new alternatives to the traditionally used plants is growing. These alternative plants can be an important source of bioactive compounds under a circular economy approach. Within the framework of Inovep project, several plant species, some of which autochthonous from Portugal, were identified as potential sources of bioactive compounds, namely: gum rockrose (Cistus ladanifer), curry plant (Helichrysum italicum), hop (Humulus lupulus), Mediterranean thyme (Thymbra capitata) and basil (Ocimum basilicum). Considering the potential future use of these plant extracts by the industry, it is necessary to assess the risk associated with their introduction into the ecosystem. This work aims to evaluate the toxic effects of different extracts of these five species. Acute toxicity tests using the model organism Daphnia magna were performed and the immobilization after 24 and 48 hours of exposure was evaluated. The EC50 (the concentration estimated to immobilize 50 per cent of the Daphnia) varied from 201.8±3.28 x10-5 mg.L-1 at 24 hours and 199.5±5.9410x10-5 mg.L-1 at 48 hours for Cistus ladanifer extract and 11.2±0.2403 mg.L- 1 at 24 hours and 11.2±0.4095 mg.L-1 at 48 hours for Thymbra capitata essential oil. For Humulus lupulus, Helichrysum italicum, Thymbra capitata in the form of hidrolate, and Ocimum basilicum no immobilization was observed until the highest concentrations tested for various types of extracts, suggesting these extracts present low to no risk towards D. magna

    Sistema de controle de pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul SCPESCA/MS 2 - 1995.

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    Neste documento encontram-se as informacoes coletadas e organizadas pelo Sistema de Controle da Pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul - SCPESCA/MS, para o ano de 1995. Essas informacoes foram obtidas para todo o pescado (profissional e esportivo) oficialmente vistoriado e desembarcado no Estado. Foi registrado um total de 1.399 toneladas de pescado, onde 31,4% correspondem a pesca profissional e a 68,6% a pesca esportiva. As especies mais capturadas foram: pacu (427t), pintado (280t), piavucu (129t), cachara (108t), jau (55t), barbado (50t) e piranha (48t). A contribuicao dos rios mais piscosos foi: Paraguai 53,1%, Miranda 19,8%, Aquidauana 7,1%, Taquari 5,2% e Cuiaba (localmente conhecido como Sao Lourenco) 3,2%. Um total de 43.921 pescadores esprotivos visitaram o Estado, com maior concentracao nos meses de julho a outubro, provenientes, principalmente, de Sao Paulo (71,1%), Parana (11,0%) e Minas Gerais (7,1%). Em mediana, os pescadores profissionais realizaram viagens de pesca com duracao de 1 a 7 dias, capturando entre 36 e 84kg de pescado por viagem; os pescadores esportivos realizaram viagens de pesca com duracao de 4 a 5 dias, capturando entre 20 a 27kg de pescado por viagem.bitstream/item/37438/1/BP14.pd

    Decreased susceptibility to lipid peroxidation of Goto-Kakizaki rats: Relationship to mitochondrial antioxidant capacity

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    The respiratory function and the antioxidant capacity of liver mitochondrial preparations isolated from Goto-Kakizaki non-insulin dependent diabetic rats and from Wistar control rats, with the age of 6 months, were compared. It was found that Goto-Kakizaki mitochondrial preparations presented a higher coupling between oxidative and phosphorylative systems, compared to non-diabetic preparations. Goto-Kakizaki mitochondria presented a lower susceptibility to lipid peroxidation induced by ADP/Fe2+, as evaluated by the formation of thiobarbituric acid substances. The decreased susceptibility to peroxidation in diabetic rats was correlated with an increase in mitochondrial vitamin E ([alpha]-tocopherol) content and GSH/GSSG ratio. Moreover, the glutathione reductase activity was significantly increased, whereas the glutathione peroxidase was decreased. Superoxide dismutase activity was unchanged in diabetic rats. Fatty acid analyses showed that the content in polyunsaturated fatty acids of Goto-Kakizaki mitochondrial membranes was significantly higher compared to controls. These results indicate that the lower susceptibility to lipid peroxidation of mitochondria from diabetic rats was related to their antioxidant defense systems, and may correspond to an adaptative response of the cells against oxidative stress in the early phase of diabetes.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T99-3X8G9CD-5/1/b5e217dc4a404181393f80ec4d7df98