3,184 research outputs found

    N-body simulations in modified Newtonian dynamics

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    We describe some results obtained with N-MODY, a code for N-body simulations of collisionless stellar systems in modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). We found that a few fundamental dynamical processes are profoundly different in MOND and in Newtonian gravity with dark matter. In particular, violent relaxation, phase mixing and galaxy merging take significantly longer in MOND than in Newtonian gravity, while dynamical friction is more effective in a MOND system than in an equivalent Newtonian system with dark matter.Comment: 4 pages, no figures. To appear in EAS Publication Series (Proceedings of Symposium 7 of the JENAM 2008, Vienna

    The Evolutionary Status of SS433

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    We consider possible evolutionary models for SS 433. We assume that common-envelope evolution is avoided if radiation pressure is able to expel most of a super-Eddington accretion flow from a region smaller than the accretor's Roche lobe. This condition is satisfied, at least initially, for largely radiative donors with masses in the range 4-12 solar masses. For donors more massive than about 5 solar masses, moderate mass ratios q = M_2/M_1 > 1 are indicated, thus tending to favor black-hole accretors. For lower mass donors, evolutionary considerations do not distinguish between a neutron star or black hole accretor. In all cases the mass transfer (and mass loss) rates are much larger than the likely mass-loss rate in the precessing jets. Almost all of the transferred mass is expelled at radii considerably larger than the jet acceleration region, producing the "stationary" H-alpha line, the infrared luminosity, and accounting for the low X-ray luminosity.Comment: 13 pages, Astrophysical Journal Letters, accepte

    Virial mass in DGP brane cosmology

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    We study the virial mass discrepancy in the context of a DPG brane-world scenario and show that such a framework can offer viable explanations to account for the mass discrepancy problem. This is done by defining a geometrical mass N\mathcal{N} that we prove to be proportional to the virial mass. Estimating N\mathcal{N} using observational data, we show that it behaves linearly with rr and has a value of the order of M200M_{200}, pointing to a possible resolution of the virial mass discrepancy. We also obtain the radial velocity dispersion of galaxy clusters and show that it is compatible with the radial velocity dispersion profile of such clusters. This velocity dispersion profile can be used to differentiate various models predicting the virial mass.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, to appear in CQ

    Organizing the innovation process : complementarities in innovation networking

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    This paper contributes to the developing literature on complementarities in organizational design. We test for the existence of complementarities in the use of external networking between stages of the innovation process in a sample of UK and German manufacturing plants. Our evidence suggests some differences between the UK and Germany in terms of the optimal combination of innovation activities in which to implement external networking. Broadly, there is more evidence of complementarities in the case of Germany, with the exception of the product engineering stage. By contrast, the UK exhibits generally strong evidence of substitutability in external networking in different stages, except between the identification of new products and product design and development stages. These findings suggest that previous studies indicating strong complementarity between internal and external knowledge sources have provided only part of the picture of the strategic dilemmas facing firms

    A Nonlocal Metric Formulation of MOND

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    We study a class of nonlocal, but causal, covariant and conserved field equations for the metric. Although nonlocal, these equations do not seem to possess extra graviton solutions in weak field perturbation theory. Indeed, the equations reduce to those of general relativity when the Ricci scalar vanishes throughout spacetime. When a static matter source is present we show how these equations can be adjusted to reproduce Milgrom's Modified Newtonian Dynamics in the weak field regime, while reducing to general relativity for strong fields. We compute the angular deflection of light in the weak field regime and demonstrate that it is the same as for general relativity, resulting in far too little lensing if no dark matter is present. We also study the field equations for a general Robertson-Walker geometry. An interesting feature of our equations is that they become conformally invariant in the MOND limit.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX 2 epsilon, no figure

    Curious Negotiator

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    n negotiation the exchange of information is as important as the exchange of offers. The curious negotiator is a multiagent system with three types of agents. Two negotiation agents, each representing an individual, develop consecutive offers, supported by information, whilst requesting information from its opponent. A mediator agent, with experience of prior negotiations, suggests how the negotiation may develop. A failed negotiation is a missed opportunity. An observer agent analyses failures looking for new opportunities. The integration of negotiation theory and data mining enables the curious negotiator to discover and exploit negotiation opportunities. Trials will be conducted in electronic business

    Wide binaries as a critical test of Classical Gravity

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    Modified gravity scenarios where a change of regime appears at acceleration scales a<a0a<a_{0} have been proposed. Since for 1M1 M_{\odot} systems the acceleration drops below a0a_{0} at scales of around 7000 AU, a statistical survey of wide binaries with relative velocities and separations reaching 10410^{4} AU and beyond should prove useful to the above debate. We apply the proposed test to the best currently available data. Results show a constant upper limit to the relative velocities in wide binaries which is independent of separation for over three orders of magnitude, in analogy with galactic flat rotation curves in the same a<a0a<a_{0} acceleration regime. Our results are suggestive of a breakdown of Kepler's third law beyond aa0a \approx a_{0} scales, in accordance with generic predictions of modified gravity theories designed not to require any dark matter at galactic scales and beyond.Comment: accepted for publication in EPJ

    Open Questions in Classical Gravity

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    We discuss some outstanding open questions regarding the validity and uniqueness of the standard second order Newton-Einstein classical gravitational theory. On the observational side we discuss the degree to which the realm of validity of Newton's Law of Gravity can actually be extended to distances much larger than the solar system distance scales on which the law was originally established. On the theoretical side we identify some commonly accepted but actually still open to question assumptions which go into the formulating of the standard second order Einstein theory in the first place. In particular, we show that while the familiar second order Poisson gravitational equation (and accordingly its second order covariant Einstein generalization) may be sufficient to yield Newton's Law of Gravity they are not in fact necessary. The standard theory thus still awaits the identification of some principle which would then make it necessary too. We show that current observational information does not exclusively mandate the standard theory, and that the conformal invariant fourth order theory of gravity considered recently by Mannheim and Kazanas is also able to meet the constraints of data, and in fact to do so without the need for any so far unobserved non-luminous or dark matter.Comment: UCONN-93-1, plain TeX format, 22 pages (plus 7 figures - send requests to [email protected]). To appear in a special issue of Foundations of Physics honoring Professor Fritz Rohrlich on the occasion of his retirement, L. P. Horwitz and A. van der Merwe Editors, Plenum Publishing Company, N.Y., Fall 199

    The Distribution of Mass in the Orion Dwarf Galaxy

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    Dwarf galaxies are good candidates to investigate the nature of Dark Matter, because their kinematics are dominated by this component down to small galactocentric radii. We present here the results of detailed kinematic analysis and mass modelling of the Orion dwarf galaxy, for which we derive a high quality and high resolution rotation curve that contains negligible non-circular motions and we correct it for the asymmetric drift. Moreover, we leverage the proximity (D = 5.4 kpc) and convenient inclination (47{\deg}) to produce reliable mass models of this system. We find that the Universal Rotation Curve mass model (Freeman disk + Burkert halo + gas disk) fits the observational data accurately. In contrast, the NFW halo + Freeman disk + gas disk mass model is unable to reproduce the observed Rotation Curve, a common outcome in dwarf galaxies. Finally, we attempt to fit the data with a MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) prescription. With the present data and with the present assumptions on distance, stellar mass, constant inclination and reliability of the gaseous mass, the MOND "amplification" of the baryonic component appears to be too small to mimic the required "dark component". The Orion dwarf reveals a cored DM density distribution and a possible tension between observations and the canonical MOND formalism.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA