727 research outputs found

    SMEs and Business Information Provision Strategies: Analytical Perspective

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    The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of business information provision mechanism for SMEs with a view of highlighting aspects critical in any business information provision modalities. It makes a reflection on SMEs as information user groups, highlights notable challenges faced in the business information chain and gives an account of the ICTs impact on business information provision to SMEs. To inform decision making regarding appropriate business provision, some aspects from three countries are highlighted. The guiding principles for developing effective business development services are outlined. The article concludes by a call for the adoption of serious information provision strategies and makes useful recommendations for business information providers, academicians and policy makers. The provision of business information to the SMEs is crucial. However, this must be based on a clear understanding of the basic ingredients crucial for any meaningful design to take place. This review highlights important issues that business information providers should take into consideration. It provides a platform for business information providers and policy makers, academicians in LIS profession to rethink best practices to curtail challenges in business information provision to SMEs

    Left Ventricular Inflow Obstruction by Giant Atrial Septal Aneurysm in a Neonate with Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome: Case Report

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    Atrial septal aneurysm remains a rare congenital cardiac malformation. In the neonatal age group it can occur as an isolated cardiac malformation or in association with complex hypoplastic cardiac malformations of the right and left heart. In the adult population most aneurysms have been described in association with stroke. Baby H.N delivered on 10/05/2008 by C/S, was cyanosed at birth with systemic desaturation. Chest X-ray showed oligaemic lung fields while two dimensional echocardiograms showed tricuspid atresia with hypoplastic right ventricle, large secundum atrial septal defect, and highly mobile gigantic aneurysms of the atrial septum obstructing the inflow of the mitral valve and entering the left ventricle in diastole. Surgical intervention was not possible and child died on second day

    Assessment of Legal Information Needs and Access Problems of Lawyers in Uganda

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    Access to the right kind of legal information is imperative for efficient and effective performance in any judicial process. This study investigated the legal information needs and problems faced by lawyers (as main consumers of legal information) in accessing legal information. The study used a survey design in which a structured questionnaire was used to elicit the required data. It was carried out in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. The study found that law reference; laws of other countries; law reports; update of court rules and judge cases constitute the most needed legal information of lawyers and attorneys in Uganda. While problems faced in accessing legal information include: inadequate information materials; limited law libraries; out dated information materials and limited time to search for the required legal information. The study concludes that to make lawyers succeed in their judicial processes, more serious and proactive ways of accessing legal information are required. Hence, recommended among others the need for legal information providers to be proactive; legal information providers to network or form consortium to ease legal information acquisition; integration of ICTs in information provision and if possible, phone text message service be dovetailed

    [Accepted Manuscript] Optimizing tubal ligation service delivery: a prospective cohort study to measure the task-sharing experience of Marie Stopes International Ethiopia.

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    The Ethiopian government implements a progressive task-sharing policy for health services as a strategy to address shortages of highly skilled providers and increase access to critical services, such as family planning. Since 2009, Marie Stopes International Ethiopia has trained health officers to provide tubal ligations, a permanent method of family planning, as part of its task-sharing strategy. The objectives of this research were to evaluate task-sharing tubal ligations to health officers at Marie Stopes International Ethiopia, specifically: (a) to investigate safety, as measured by the proportion of major adverse events; (b) to evaluate the feasibility, as measured by adherence to the standard tubal ligation procedure protocol and (c) to investigate acceptability to clients of the tubal ligation procedure provided by health officers. We established a prospective cohort of women aged  ≥18 years presenting for tubal ligation at Marie Stopes International Ethiopia sites in three regions in Ethiopia (March-May 2014). Data on adverse events (incomplete procedure, pain, bleeding, infection, perforation) were collected intra-operatively; peri-operatively (1-h post-procedure); and post-operatively (7 days post-procedure). To measure feasibility, 65% of procedures were selected for 'audit', where a nurse observed and scored health officers adherence to standard protocol using an 18-item checklist. To assess acceptability, women were asked about their satisfaction with the procedure. In total, 276 women were enrolled in the study. 97.5% of procedures took place in rural settings. All participants were followed up 7 days post-procedure (100% response rate). The overall proportion of major adverse events was 3% (95% CI 1-6%). The most frequent adverse event was 'failure to complete the TL' (2.2%, n = 6). The average score on protocol adherence was 96.9%. Overall, 98.2% (n = 271) of clients would recommend the procedure to a friend. Findings from this study, indicating safety, feasibility and acceptability, are consistent with the existing literature, which indicate safety and acceptability for task-sharing tubal ligations, and other methods of contraception with non-physician health providers. This study adds to scant literature on task-sharing tubal ligations in rural and low-resource settings.<br/

    Seasonal variability in food and nutrition security among children 0-3 years in Karamoja sub-region of Uganda

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    Optimal nutrition and good feeding of infants and young children are among the most important determinants of their health, growth and development. Due to unimodal climate in Karamoja sub-region, north eastern Uganda, achieving food security remains a development challenge in the area impacting negatively on the nutrition and health status of infants and young children. The current study, therefore, is important in providing the basis for season-based interventions to improve food and nutrition security in Karamoja sub-region. A longitudinal study involving 267 lactating mothers during harvesting season and 380 during planting season was conducted. Data were collected using Individual level Dietary Diversity questionnaire, 24-Hour Dietary Recall, and Anthropometry and were analyzed statistically. The findings indicated that except Abim district, 77.8-97.8%of the lactating mothers never attended school; 75- 100% depend on subsistence farming. Lactating mothers (29.9-41.9%) introduced complementary foods to their infants at 6 months, while the age at first introduction of any food to the infant was mostly between 4-6 months. Dietary quality of complementary foods was low across all the districts; 6.7-38.9% of the children ate foods from four or more of the seven food groups in the previous day (Minimum Dietary Diversity) in both seasons. Complementary foods were characterized by plant food sources. With exception of milk and milk products, proportion of children who consumed animal-sourced foods was low, ranging from 0% in meats to 8.9% in fish and sea foods. Energy and nutrient intakes varied according to age groups of the children across districts and season. The proportion of children below -2 Z-score also varied according to districts and it is generally higher during the planting season than the harvesting season. The median of the z-scores for height-for age and Mid Upper Arm Circumference for age ranged from -1 to -2.5. In conclusion, there were variations and disparities in dietary diversity, energy and nutrient intake as well as nutrition status of infants and young children across season and districts in Karamoja sub-region of Uganda. Therefore, interventions to combat malnutrition among children 0-3 years need to take into account seasonal variations for each of the geographical locations in Karamoja sub-region

    Critical linkages between livestock production, livestock trade and potential spread of human African trypanosomiasis in Uganda:Bioeconomic herd modeling and livestock trade analysis

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    Background: Tsetse-transmitted human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) remains endemic in Uganda. The chronic form caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (gHAT) is found in north-western Uganda, whereas the acute zoonotic form of the disease, caused by T. b. brucei rhodesiense (rHAT), occurs in the eastern region. Cattle is the major reservoir of rHAT in Uganda. These two forms of HAT are likely to converge resulting in a public health disaster. This study examines the intricate and intrinsic links between cattle herd dynamics, livestock trade and potential risk of spread of rHAT northwards. Methods: A bio-economic cattle herd model was developed to simulate herd dynamics at the farm level. Semi-structured interviews (n = 310), focus group discussions (n = 9) and key informant interviews (n = 9) were used to evaluate livestock markets (n = 9) as part of the cattle supply chain analysis. The cattle market data was used for stochastic risk analysis. Results: Cattle trade in eastern and northern Uganda is dominated by sale of draft and adult male cattle as well as exportation of young male cattle. The study found that the need to import draft cattle at the farm level was to cover deficits because of the herd structure, which is mostly geared towards animal traction. The importation and exportation of draft cattle and disposal of old adult male cattle formed the major basis of livestock movement and could result in the spread of rHAT northwards. The risk of rHAT infected cattle being introduced to northern Uganda from the eastern region via cattle trade was found to be high (i.e. probability of 1). Conclusion: Through deterministic and stochastic modelling of cattle herd and cattle trade dynamics, this study identifies critical links between livestock production and trade as well as potential risk of rHAT spread in eastern and northern Uganda. The findings highlight the need for targeted and routine surveillance and control of zoonotic diseases such as rHAT

    Livestock network analysis for rhodesiense human African trypanosomiasis control in Uganda

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    Background: Infected cattle sourced from districts with established foci for Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense human African trypanosomiasis (rHAT) migrating to previously unaffected districts, have resulted in a significant expansion of the disease in Uganda. This study explores livestock movement data to describe cattle trade network topology and assess the effects of disease control interventions on the transmission of rHAT infectiousness.Methods: Network analysis was used to generate a cattle trade network with livestock data which was collected from cattle traders (n = 197) and validated using random graph methods. Additionally, the cattle trade network was combined with a susceptible, infected, recovered (SIR) compartmental model to simulate spread of rHAT (Ro 1.287), hence regarded as “slow” pathogen, and evaluate the effects of disease interventions.Results: The cattle trade network exhibited a low clustering coefficient (0.5) with most cattle markets being weakly connected and a few being highly connected. Also, analysis of the cattle movement data revealed a core group comprising of cattle markets from both eastern (rHAT endemic) and northwest regions (rHAT unaffected area). Presence of a core group may result in rHAT spread to unaffected districts and occurrence of super spreader cattle market or markets in case of an outbreak. The key cattle markets that may be targeted for routine rHAT surveillance and control included Namutumba, Soroti, and Molo, all of which were in southeast Uganda. Using effective trypanosomiasis such as integrated cattle injection with trypanocides and spraying can sufficiently slow the spread of rHAT in the network.Conclusion: Cattle trade network analysis indicated a pathway along which T. b. rhodesiense could spread northward from eastern Uganda. Targeted T. b. rhodesiense surveillance and control in eastern Uganda, through enhanced public–private partnerships, would serve to limit its spread


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    Kenya is witnessing an immense increase in number of smallholder dairy agripreneurs sourcing income from the dairy sub-sector. Smallholder dairy agripreneurs who dominate the production sector are forced to sell milk to informal buyers such as middlemen/women, who exploit them by paying less than the market price. As a result of this, the Kenyan Government has made significant efforts to upgrade dairy cooperatives to link the dairy agripreneurs with consumers. In spite of this, milk marketing is still dominated by traditional informal outlets. This study sought to determine the effect of provision of agribusiness support services on choice of dairy cooperative market channel. Data were collected from a cross-sectional survey of 682 respondents from Muranga County in Kenya, using a semi-structured questionnaire. Results revealed that provision of business plan training, group marketing, pregnancy diagnosis and deworming support services had significant and positive effects on the choice of cooperative market channel. In contrast, access to vaccination services and supply of feeds had negative effectson the choice of cooperative market channel. This study recommends strong coordination among the agribusiness support service providers and the dairy cooperatives in order to increase adoption of the cooperative marketing channel. In addition, dairy cooperatives need to redesign their business models to ensure that their members not only receive agribusiness support services, but also get better prices and prompt payments to increase supply of milk to cooperatives by dairy agripreneurs.En ces deux derni\ue8res d\ue9cennies, le secteur laitier au Kenya a attir\ue9 l\u2019attention d\u2019un grand nombre des petits entrepreneurs, qui en outre consid\ue8rent l\u2019activit\ue9 entrepreneuriale dans le secteur laitier comme leur source principale de revenu. Mais au vu de leur taille d\u2019activit\ue9s, ils sont contraints d\u2019op\ue9rer dans le circuit informel de commercialisation de leurs produits laitiers, et par cons\ue9quent per\ue7oivent le prix de revient inferieur, que celui du march\ue9 formel. Par contre le Gouvernement Kenyan avait mis en place une s\ue9rie des politiques de soutien aux coop\ue9ratives laiti\ue8res du pays afin de formaliser le circuit de commercialisation des produits laitiers, pour une connectivit\ue9 efficace entre les petits entrepreneurs du secteur laitier \ue0 leurs consommateurs potentiels. Malgr\ue9 ces efforts, il est \ue0 signaler que le march\ue9 laitier kenyan est toujours domin\ue9 par un circuit de commercialisation informelle. Cette \ue9tude cherchait \ue0 d\ue9terminer les effets des subventions de soutien aux entreprises laiti\ue8res sur les choix du circuit de commercialisation. Les donn\ue9es \ue9taient collect\ue9es sur un \ue9chantillon de 682 r\ue9pondants dans la collectivit\ue9 de Muranga au Kenya, sur base d\u2019une enqu\ueate transversale, utilisant un questionnaire semi-structur\ue9. Les r\ue9sultats ont r\ue9v\ue9l\ue9 que la formation \ue0 la gestion d\u2019affaires, le groupement des vendeurs, le diagnostic de grossesse et l\u2019acc\ue8s aux services de d\ue9parasitage ont eu des effets significatifs et positifs sur le choix du circuit de commercialisation par coop\ue9rative. En revanche, l\u2019acc\ue8s aux services de vaccination et la fourniture d\u2019aliments ont n\ue9gativement influenc\ue9 le choix du circuit de commercialisation par coop\ue9rative. Ainsi, la pr\ue9sente \ue9tude recommande une effective coordination entre les prestataires de services de soutien \ue0 l\u2019agro-industrie laiti\ue8re et les coop\ue9ratives afin d\u2019accro\ueetre l\u2019adoption du circuit de commercialisation formel par coop\ue9rative. En outre, les coop\ue9ratives laiti\ue8res doivent r\ue9viser leurs mod\ue8les d\u2019op\ue9ration d\u2019achat et de vente pour garantir \ue0 leurs membres non seulement des services de soutien, mais \ue9galement les meilleur conditions de paiement, \ue0 des prix r\ue9mun\ue9rateur, \ue0 temps pour enfin financer les approvisionnements en lait et accroitre ainsi l\u2019offre de lait de la part des Agripreneurs