322 research outputs found

    Nowcasting of convective cells over Italian Peninsula

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    International audienceThe aim of the study is the individuation of convective cells over the Italian peninsula with the conjunction use of geostationary satellite data (METEOSAT, MSG satellite) in the IR and WV channels and lightning data. We will use GCD (Global Convective Diagnostic) algorithm developed at Aviation Weather Centre (AWC) of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). This algorithm is based on the idea that a deep convective cloud will not have any significant moisture above it. This technique works quite well at identifying active deep convection and can be applied to all the world's geostationary satellites. However it does not always agree with lightning sensors. Low topped convection with lightning will be missed. We will extend the capabilities of GCD using lightning data. The new product will be validate over different cases in the central Italy using the C-band polarimetric radar of ISAC-CNR (Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate-of the Italian National Research Council) Rome

    The role of formyl peptide receptors in permanent and low-grade inflammation: Helicobacter pylori infection as a model

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    Formyl peptide receptors (FPRs) are cell surface pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), belonging to the chemoattractant G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) family. They play a key role in the innate immune system, regulating both the initiation and the resolution of the inflammatory response. FPRs were originally identified as receptors with high binding affinity for bacteria or mitochondria N-formylated peptides. However, they can also bind a variety of structurally different ligands. Among FPRs, formyl peptide receptor-like 1 (FPRL1) is the most versatile, recognizing N-formyl peptides, non-formylated peptides, and synthetic molecules. In addition, according to the ligand nature, FPRL1 can mediate either pro-or anti-inflammatory responses. Hp(2-20), a Helicobacter pylori-derived, non-formylated peptide, is a potent FPRL1 agonist, participating in Helicobacter pylori-induced gastric inflammation, thus contributing to the related site or not-site specific diseases. The aim of this review is to provide insights into the role of FPRs in H. pylori-associated chronic inflammation, which suggests this receptor as potential target to mitigate both microbial and sterile inflammatory diseases

    MEMS-based Inertial Navigation Systems onboard Balloons

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    Performances of low-cost inertial navigation sensors, usually poor, can often match different mission requirements by means of a careful signal and data processing and/or an augmentation by means of different observables. The paper presents the LOWCOINS navigation experiment, intended to fly onboard BEXUS balloon mission in late 2008. LOWCOINS has as the main component a low-cost three-axes inertial unit, integrating three accelerometers and three gyros. The slow dynamic typical of a balloon flight is deemed as an ideal test to verify the performances of the unit and to improve the knowledge on the data processing needed to obtain an accurate final navigation solution. In order to enlarge the set of available data, a cluster of magnetometers and a pressure sensor, always belonging to low-cost instrumentation range, are hosted on board. Measurements are both stored on board and downlinked to a ground station. Position and velocity components (both the onboard computed first guess and the post-flight calibrated solution) will be compared with the data gathered by a GPS receiver, which is a standard component of BEXUS balloon avionics. Substantial attention to thermal aspects has been requested in order to cope with environmental conditions prior of and all along the flight. The requested navigation unit case design is shortly reported

    Water resource management through systemic approach: The case of Lake Bracciano

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    Today natural water resources are becoming scarce, both due to global climate change but also due to irresponsible behaviour of human beings. Lakes are among the most delicate aquatic systems due to their limited size. The objective of this paper is to propose a System Dynamics model, employed in a real case study regarding the city of Rome and one of its water reserves, the Bracciano Lake, for the evaluation of different strategies and policies to reduce environmental impacts, considering different climatic and context scenarios. The results indicate that, as the system is currently exposed to a high risk of ecological disaster, the situation might worsen, and the disaster effectively happen. Simulation models may help agencies and administrations to explore policies and find solutions to address this fundamental problem, that may become even worst over the next years, given the potential severe consequences deriving from the current global warming trends

    Kawasaki disease recurrence in the COVID-19 era: a systematic review of the literature

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    Kawasaki disease (KD) is a vasculitis of unknown origin of small and medium caliber blood vessels, especially involving coronary arteries and is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in childhood in developed countries. Although rarely, it can recur: most recurrences occur within 2 years of the initial episode. No data are available on incidence of recurrent KD in Europe and multiple recurrences are rarely seen. We reviewed the medical literature on Kawasaki disease recurrence and reported a new case of Kawasaki disease recurrence in a child with SARS-CoV-2 infection. We believe that in our case SARS Cov2 acted as a trigger capable to determine, in a genetically susceptible individual, a second recurrence of the disease. In the Covid-19 era we affirm the importance for Kawasaki disease to be tested for SARS Cov2 infection

    Methylene Blue has a potent antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 and H1N1 influenza virus in the absence of UV-activation in vitro.

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    Methylene blue is an FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and EMA (European Medicines Agency) approved drug with an excellent safety profile. It displays broad-spectrum virucidal activity in the presence of UV light and has been shown to be effective in inactivating various viruses in blood products prior to transfusions. In addition, its use has been validated for methemoglobinemia and malaria treatment. In this study, we first evaluated the virucidal activity of methylene blue against influenza virus H1N1 upon different incubation times and in the presence or absence of light activation, and then against SARS-CoV-2. We further assessed the therapeutic activity of methylene blue by administering it to cells previously infected with SARS-CoV-2. Finally, we examined the effect of co-administration of the drug together with immune serum. Our findings reveal that methylene blue displays virucidal preventive or therapeutic activity against influenza virus H1N1 and SARS-CoV-2 at low micromolar concentrations and in the absence of UV-activation. We also confirm that MB antiviral activity is based on several mechanisms of action as the extent of genomic RNA degradation is higher in presence of light and after long exposure. Our work supports the interest of testing methylene blue in clinical studies to confirm a preventive and/or therapeutic efficacy against both influenza virus H1N1 and SARS-CoV-2 infections

    A fast Reoptimization approach for the dynamic technician routing and scheduling problem

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    The Technician Routing and Scheduling Problem (TRSP) consists in routing staff to serve requests for service, taking into account time windows, skills, tools, and spare parts. Typical applications include maintenance operations and staff routing in telecoms, public utilities, and in the health care industry. In this paper we tackle the Dynamic TRSP (D-TRSP) in which new requests appear over time. We propose a fast reoptimization approach based on a parallel Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search (RpALNS) able to achieve state-of-the-art results on the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. In addition, we solve a set of randomly generated D-TRSP instances and discuss the potential gains with respect to a heuristic modeling a human dispatcher solution

    Evidence of orbital reconstruction at interfaces in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 films

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    Electronic properties of transition metal oxides at interfaces are influenced by strain, electric polarization and oxygen diffusion. Linear dichroism (LD) x-ray absorption, diffraction, transport and magnetization on thin La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 films, allow identification of a peculiar universal interface effect. We report the LD signature of preferential 3d-eg(3z2-r2) occupation at the interface, suppressing the double exchange mechanism. This surface orbital reconstruction is opposite of that favored by residual strain and independent of dipolar fields, chemical nature of the substrate and capping.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Unintentional staining of lens posterior capsule with trypan blue during extracapsular cataract extraction: case report

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    Report of a complication related to the use of 0.1% trypan blue during capsular staining of the anterior crystalline lens capsule in an extracapsular cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation. The capsular dye was injected using an air-bubble technique, inadvertently, it was done using high pressure dispersing the dye through the zonules leading to a complete losts of red reflex, the following steps of the procedure becoming more difficult after the cataract extraction and causing a temporary disturbance of visual acuity in the postoperative period. In order to avoid this complication, the authors also describe the use of Modified air-bubble technique where dispersive viscoelastic is placed into the iridolenticular space 360° to create a protection barrier.Relato de complicação relacionada ao uso do azul de tripano 0,1% ocorrida ao corar a cápsula anterior do cristalino em facectomia extracapsular com implante de lente intra-ocular. O corante foi injetado sob alta pressão utilizando a técnica de bolha de ar ocasionando a migração deste através da zônula e conseqüente perda do reflexo vermelho no peroperatório dificultando os passos subseqüentes à extração da catarata e comprometendo temporariamente a acuidade visual no pós-operatório. Tendo como objetivo evitar esta complicação, os autores descrevem ainda, o uso da Técnica de bolha de ar modificada no qual o viscoelástico dispersivo é injetado no espaço iridolenticular 360° para compor uma barreira de proteção.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Faculdade de Medicina do ABC Departamento de OftalmologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, EPM, São Paulo, BrazilSciEL