516 research outputs found

    The structure of correlation tensors in homogeneous anisotropic turbulence

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    The study of turbulence with spatially homogeneous but anisotropic statistical properties has applications in space physics and laboratory plasma physics. The first step in the systematic study of such fluctuations is the elucidation of the kinematic properties of the relevant statistical objects, which are the correlation tensors. The theory of isotropic tensors, developed by Robertson, Chandrasekhar and others, is reviewed and extended to cover the general case of turbulence with a pseudo-vector preferred direction, without assuming mirror reflection invariance. Attention is focused on two point correlation functions and it is shown that the form of the decomposition into proper and pseudo-tensor contributions is restricted by the homogeneity requirement. It is also shown that the vector and pseudo-vector preferred direction cases yield different results. An explicit form of the two point correlation tensor is presented which is appropriate for analyzing interplanetary magnetic fluctuations. A procedure for determining the magnetic helicity from experimental data is presented

    MHD‐driven kinetic dissipation in the solar wind and corona

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    Mechanisms for the deposition of heat in the lower coronal plasma are discussed, emphasizing recent attempts to reconcile the fluid and kinetic perspectives. Structures at magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) scales may drive a nonlinear cascade, preferentially exciting high perpendicular wavenumber fluctuations. Relevant dissipative kinetic processes must be identified that can absorb the associated energy flux. The relationship between the MHD cascade and direct cyclotron absorption, including cyclotron sweep, is discussed. We conclude that for coronal and solar wind parameters the perpendicular cascade cannot be neglected and may be more rapid than cyclotron sweep. Solar wind observational evidence suggests the relevance of the ion inertial scale, which is associated with current sheet thickness during reconnection. We conclude that a significant fraction of dissipation in the corona and solar wind likely proceeds through a perpendicular cascade and small-scale reconnection, coupled to kinetic processes that act at oblique wavevectors

    Evaluation of magnetic helicity in homogeneous turbulence

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    A technique for the measurement of magnetic helicity from values of the two point magnetic field correlation matrix under the assumption of spatial homogeneity is presented. Knowledge of a single scalar function of space, derivable from the correlation matrix, suffices to determine the magnetic helicity. The technique is illustrated by reporting the first measurement of the magnetic helicity of the solar wind

    The turbulent generation of outward traveling Alfvenic fluctuations in the solar wind

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    From an analysis of the incompressible MHD equations, it is concluded that the frequent observation of outward propagating Alfvenic fluctuations in the solar wind can arise from early stages of in situ turbulent evolution, and need not reflect coronal processes

    Large amplitude MHD waves upstream of the Jovian bow shock

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    Observations of large amplitude magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) waves upstream of Jupiter's bow shock are analyzed. The waves are found to be right circularly polarized in the solar wind frame which suggests that they are propagating in the fast magnetosonic mode. A complete spectral and minimum variance eigenvalue analysis of the data was performed. The power spectrum of the magnetic fluctuations contains several peaks. The fluctuations at 2.3 mHz have a direction of minimum variance along the direction of the average magnetic field. The direction of minimum variance of these fluctuations lies at approximately 40 deg. to the magnetic field and is parallel to the radial direction. We argue that these fluctuations are waves excited by protons reflected off the Jovian bow shock. The inferred speed of the reflected protons is about two times the solar wind speed in the plasma rest frame. A linear instability analysis is presented which suggests an explanation for many of the observed features of the observations

    Empirical Constraints on Proton and Electron Heating in the Fast Solar Wind

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    We analyze measured proton and electron temperatures in the high-speed solar wind in order to calculate the separate rates of heat deposition for protons and electrons. When comparing with other regions of the heliosphere, the fast solar wind has the lowest density and the least frequent Coulomb collisions. This makes the fast wind an optimal testing ground for studies of collisionless kinetic processes associated with the dissipation of plasma turbulence. Data from the Helios and Ulysses plasma instruments were collected to determine mean radial trends in the temperatures and the electron heat conduction flux between 0.29 and 5.4 AU. The derived heating rates apply specifically for these mean plasma properties and not for the full range of measured values around the mean. We found that the protons receive about 60% of the total plasma heating in the inner heliosphere, and that this fraction increases to approximately 80% by the orbit of Jupiter. A major factor affecting the uncertainty in this fraction is the uncertainty in the measured radial gradient of the electron heat conduction flux. The empirically derived partitioning of heat between protons and electrons is in rough agreement with theoretical predictions from a model of linear Vlasov wave damping. For a modeled power spectrum consisting only of Alfvenic fluctuations, the best agreement was found for a distribution of wavenumber vectors that evolves toward isotropy as distance increases.Comment: 11 pages (emulateapj style), 5 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Three-Dimensional Structure Of Magnetic Reconnection In A Laboratory Plasma

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    The local three-dimensional structure of magnetic reconnection has been measured for the first time in a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) laboratory plasma at the Swarthmore Spheromak Experiment. An array of 600 magnetic probes which resolve ion inertial length and MHD time scale dynamics on a single shot basis measured the magnetic structure of partial spheromak merging events. Counter-helicity spheromaks merge rapidly, and reconnection activity clearly self-generates a local component of B which breaks the standard 2D symmetry at the ion inertial scale. Consistent with prior results, no reconnection is observed for co-helicity merging

    Generalized Ohm\u27s Law In A 3-D Reconnection Experiment

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    We report the measurement of non-ideal terms of the generalized Ohm\u27s law at a reconnection site of a weakly collisional laboratory magnetohydrodynamic plasma. Results show that the Hall term dominates the measured terms; resistive and electron inertia terms are small. We suggest that electron pressure (not measured) supports the observed quasistatic reconnection rate, and that anomalous resistivity, while not ruled out, is not required to account for the results