234 research outputs found

    Tornado Detection with Support Vector Machines

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    Abstract. The National Weather Service (NWS) Mesocyclone Detec-tion Algorithms (MDA) use empirical rules to process velocity data from the Weather Surveillance Radar 1988 Doppler (WSR-88D). In this study Support Vector Machines (SVM) are applied to mesocyclone detection. Comparison with other classification methods like neural networks and radial basis function networks show that SVM are more effective in meso-cyclone/tornado detection.

    Small Interfering RNA–Mediated Suppression of Proislet Amyloid Polypeptide Expression Inhibits Islet Amyloid Formation and Enhances Survival of Human Islets in Culture

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    OBJECTIVE—Islet amyloid, formed by aggregation of the β-cell peptide islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP; amylin), is a pathological characteristic of pancreatic islets in type 2 diabetes. Toxic IAPP aggregates likely contribute to the progressive loss of β-cells in this disease. We used cultured human islets as an ex vivo model of amyloid formation to investigate whether suppression of proIAPP expression would inhibit islet amyloid formation and enhance β-cell survival and function

    One-loop Vilkovisky-DeWitt Counterterms for 2D Gravity plus Scalar Field Theory

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    The divergent part of the one-loop off-shell effective action is computed for a single scalar field coupled to the Ricci curvature of 2D gravity (cϕRc \phi R), and self interacting by an arbitrary potential term V(ϕ)V(\phi). The Vilkovisky-DeWitt effective action is used to compute gauge-fixing independent results. In our background field/covariant gauge we find that the Liouville theory is finite on shell. Off-shell, we find a large class of renormalizable potentials which include the Liouville potential. We also find that for backgrounds satisfying R=0R=0, the Liouville theory is finite off shell, as well.Comment: 19 pages, OKHEP 92-00

    Universally Coupled Massive Gravity, II: Densitized Tetrad and Cotetrad Theories

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    Einstein's equations in a tetrad formulation are derived from a linear theory in flat spacetime with an asymmetric potential using free field gauge invariance, local Lorentz invariance and universal coupling. The gravitational potential can be either covariant or contravariant and of almost any density weight. These results are adapted to produce universally coupled massive variants of Einstein's equations, yielding two one-parameter families of distinct theories with spin 2 and spin 0. The theories derived, upon fixing the local Lorentz gauge freedom, are seen to be a subset of those found by Ogievetsky and Polubarinov some time ago using a spin limitation principle. In view of the stability question for massive gravities, the proven non-necessity of positive energy for stability in applied mathematics in some contexts is recalled. Massive tetrad gravities permit the mass of the spin 0 to be heavier than that of the spin 2, as well as lighter than or equal to it, and so provide phenomenological flexibility that might be of astrophysical or cosmological use.Comment: 2 figures. Forthcoming in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Wind Data Mining by Kohonen Neural Networks

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    Time series of Circulation Weather Type (CWT), including daily averaged wind direction and vorticity, are self-classified by similarity using Kohonen Neural Networks (KNN). It is shown that KNN is able to map by similarity all 7300 five-day CWT sequences during the period of 1975–94, in London, United Kingdom. It gives, as a first result, the most probable wind sequences preceding each one of the 27 CWT Lamb classes in that period. Inversely, as a second result, the observed diffuse correlation between both five-day CWT sequences and the CWT of the 6(th) day, in the long 20-year period, can be generalized to predict the last from the previous CWT sequence in a different test period, like 1995, as both time series are similar. Although the average prediction error is comparable to that obtained by forecasting standard methods, the KNN approach gives complementary results, as they depend only on an objective classification of observed CWT data, without any model assumption. The 27 CWT of the Lamb Catalogue were coded with binary three-dimensional vectors, pointing to faces, edges and vertex of a “wind-cube,” so that similar CWT vectors were close

    MCP-1 Upregulates Amylin Expression in Murine Pancreatic β Cells through ERK/JNK-AP1 and NF-κB Related Signaling Pathways Independent of CCR2

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    BACKGROUND: Amylin is the most abundant component of islet amyloid implicated in the development of type 2 diabetes. Plasma amylin levels are elevated in individuals with obesity and insulin resistance. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1, CCL2) is involved in insulin resistance of obesity and type 2 diabetes. We investigated the effect of MCP-1 on amylin expression and the underlying mechanisms with murine pancreatic β-cell line MIN6 and pancreatic islets. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that MCP-1 induced amylin expression at transcriptional level and increased proamylin and intermediate forms of amylin at protein level in MIN6 cells and islets. However, MCP-1 had no effect on the expressions of proinsulin 1 and 2, as well as prohormone convertase (PC) 1/3 and PC2, suggesting that MCP-1 specifically induces amylin expression in β-cells. Mechanistic studies showed that although there is no detectable CCR2 mRNA in MIN6 cells and islets, pretreatment of MIN6 cells with pertussis toxin inhibited MCP-1 induced amylin expression, suggesting that alternative Gi-coupled receptor(s) mediates the inductive effect of MCP-1. MCP-1 rapidly induced ERK1/2 and JNK phosphorylation. Inhibitors for MEK1/2 (PD98059), JNK (SP600125) or AP1 (curcumin) significantly inhibited MCP-1-induced amylin mRNA expression. MCP-1 failed to induce amylin expression in pancreatic islets isolated from Fos knockout mice. EMSA showed that JNK and ERK1/2 were involved in MCP-1-induced AP1 activation. These results suggest that MCP-1 induces murine amylin expression through AP1 activation mediated by ERK1/2 or JNK. Further studies showed that treatment of MIN6 cells with NF-κB inhibitor or overexpression of IκBα dominant-negative construct in MIN6 cells significantly inhibited MCP-1-induced amylin expression, suggesting that NF-κB related signaling also participates in MCP-1-induced murine amylin expression. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: MCP-1 induces amylin expression through ERK1/2/JNK-AP1 and NF-κB related signaling pathways independent of CCR2. Amylin upregulation by MCP-1 may contribute to elevation of plasma amylin in obesity and insulin resistance

    Direct bandgap GeSn alloys for laser application

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    Efforts towards development of monolithically integrated silicon-compatible lasers have been revitalized since the demonstration of optically pumped GeSn waveguide lasers. Here we investigate the laser emission of GeSn alloys by means of waveguide and microdisk photoluminescence

    Islamic legal methodologies and Shariah screening standards: application in the Indonesian stock market

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    This article provides a framework for applying the principles of Islamic legal methodology to determine the optimal Shariah screening standards for Islamic equity markets. It is argued that using maslahah mursalah (unrestricted benefit) is an appropriate method for identifying appropriate financial standards and its principles stipulate that the benchmark that yields the best economic returns to investors should be chosen. The methodological framework is applied to the Indonesia equity market where the economic implications of the Islamic stock screening standards of the Indonesian Islamic Shariah Stock Index and four global indices are assessed. Portfolios are constructed by applying Islamic stock screening standards for each of the indices by using data on 377 stocks listed in the Indonesian stock market for 5 years. The performances measured by the Sharpe ratio, Treynor index, and Jensen alpha reveal that the Dow Jones Islamic Index screening criteria performs the best. Based on the method of maslahah mursalah, the article recommends using the screening standard of this index in the Indonesian stock market to maximize benefits to investors. While the approach used in this article is applied to Islamic equity markets, the methodological framework can also be used for other similar cases in Islamic finance

    The Calcitonin Receptor Gene Is a Candidate for Regulation of Susceptibility to Herpes simplex Type 1 Neuronal Infection Leading to Encephalitis in Rat

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    Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) is a fatal infection of the central nervous system (CNS) predominantly caused by Herpes simplex virus type 1. Factors regulating the susceptibility to HSE are still largely unknown. To identify host gene(s) regulating HSE susceptibility we performed a genome-wide linkage scan in an intercross between the susceptible DA and the resistant PVG rat. We found one major quantitative trait locus (QTL), Hse1, on rat chromosome 4 (confidence interval 24.3–31 Mb; LOD score 29.5) governing disease susceptibility. Fine mapping of Hse1 using recombinants, haplotype mapping and sequencing, as well as expression analysis of all genes in the interval identified the calcitonin receptor gene (Calcr) as the main candidate, which also is supported by functional studies. Thus, using unbiased genetic approach variability in Calcr was identified as potentially critical for infection and viral spread to the CNS and subsequent HSE development