7,834 research outputs found

    Ionization Structure and the Reverse Shock in E0102-72

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    The young oxygen-rich supernova remnant E0102-72 in the Small Magellanic Cloud has been observed with the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer of Chandra. The high resolution X-ray spectrum reveals images of the remnant in the light of individual emission lines of oxygen, neon, magnesium and silicon. The peak emission region for hydrogen-like ions lies at larger radial distance from the SNR center than the corresponding helium-like ions, suggesting passage of the ejecta through the "reverse shock". We examine models which test this interpretation, and we discuss the implications.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures; To appear in "Young Supernova Remnants" (11th Annual Astrophysics Conference in Maryland), S. S. Holt & U. Hwang (eds), AIP, New York (2001

    The Political Economy of Law Enforcement

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    The legal order is the legitimate foundation of liberal democracy. Its incomplete enforcement of the law can therefore appear dysfunctional, reflecting weak institutions, state capture, and corrupt practices. This paper casts doubt on such categorical assessments by systematically examining the reasons for and intentions behind incomplete enforcement. It argues that law enforcement is part of the political process that is deeply affected by the constellation of actors concerned. Choices over law enforcement produce social order that is analytically distinct from the production of legal norms and their formal implementation. By analyzing different types of partial enforcement, its rationales, and intended effects, we propose an approach that studies law enforcement as an integral part of public policy analysis and of the study of socioeconomic orders.Si l’on considère le droit comme fondement légitime de la démocratie libérale, son application partielle peut paraître dysfonctionnelle, témoignage de la faiblesse des institutions, de la capture étatique ou de la corruption. Cet article met en question une analyse aussi catégorique, en interrogeant les motivations et objectifs d’une mise en application juridique incomplète ou sélective. Nous concevons l’application de la loi comme partie intégrante de l’action publique, profondément façonnée par la constellation des acteurs concernés. Les arbitrages sur la mise en vigueur des lois sont une manière de produire de l’ordre social qui doit être analytiquement distincte de la production des lois et de sa mise en oeuvre. En examinant différentes formes de l’application partielle de la loi, leurs motivations et leurs impacts, nous proposons une approche qui inclut la mise en application du droit comme partie intégrante de l’action publique et de l’étude des ordres socio-économiques.1 Introduction 2 Common explanations for variations in law enforcement 3 The political economy of law enforcement 4 Typologies of enforcement 5 How to study uneven enforcement 6 Conclusion Reference

    The Formation of the Double Pulsar PSR J0737-3039A/B

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    Recent timing observations of the double pulsar J0737-3039A/B have shown that its transverse velocity is extremely low, only 10 km/s, and nearly in the Plane of the Galaxy. With this new information, we rigorously re-examine the history and formation of this system, determining estimates of the pre-supernova companion mass, supernova kick and misalignment angle between the pre- and post-supernova orbital planes. We find that the progenitor to the recently formed `B' pulsar was probably less than 2 MSun, lending credence to suggestions that this object may not have formed in a normal supernova involving the collapse of an iron core. At the same time, the supernova kick was likely non-zero. A comparison to the history of the double-neutron-star binary B1534+12 suggests a range of possible parameters for the progenitors of these systems, which should be taken into account in future binary population syntheses and in predictions of the rate and spatial distribution of short gamma-ray burst events.Comment: To appear in MNRAS Letters. Title typo fix only; no change to pape

    Spectral Line Imaging Observations of 1E0102.2-7219

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    E0102-72 is the second brightest X-ray source in the Small Magellanic Cloud and the brightest supernova remnant in the SMC. We observed this SNR for ~140 ksec with the High Energy Transmission Gratings (HETG) aboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The small angular size and high surface brightness make this an excellent target for HETG and we resolve the remnant into individual lines. We observe fluxes from several lines which include O VIII Lyα\alpha, Lyβ\beta, and O VII along with several lines from Ne X, Ne IX and Mg XII. These line ratios provide powerful constraints on the electron temperature and the ionization age of the remnant.Comment: To appear in "Young Supernova Remnants" (11th Annual Astrophysics Conference in Maryland), S. S. Holt & U. Hwang (eds), AIP, New York (2001

    Questioning and organization studies

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    This essay identifies a cleavage in the organisation literature that separates ‘questions’ and ‘questioning’ at a very fundamental philosophical level. On the one hand, the objective notion of ‘questions’ has already been well addressed within organization studies, evident in how scholars have scrutinized questions as objects of analysis; for example, paying close attention to the forms and functions of questions as instruments of research. More recently, the linguistic turn within the social sciences has influenced how organization studies researchers have considered organizations as discursive entities, with debate extending to the discursive nature of ‘questions’. On the other hand, the process of ‘questioning’ remains under-researched. From one perspective, questioning the process of questioning is challenging, but, as we submit, this is precisely where American pragmatism can be helpful. As we explore in this essay, the forward-looking quality of pragmatist inquiry is what motors the process of questioning. Our pragmatist-inflected argument is that questioning does not have to always serve critique and position building in the organization studies field. Rather, questioning out of curiosity can build new dialogue and open up new methodological avenues. This may help change the habitual ways in which we explore ideas, problems and situations in organization studies as well as lead to more democratic forms of organizing. Crucially, in this essay we are not looking for ultimate ‘answers’; rather we hope to excite discussion about questioning by giving prominence to something that is so ubiquitous and taken-for-granted as to be invisible to many of us as an object of inquiry

    Neural networks-based regularization for large-scale medical image reconstruction

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    In this paper we present a generalized Deep Learning-based approach for solving ill-posed large-scale inverse problems occuring in medical image reconstruction. Recently, Deep Learning methods using iterative neural networks (NNs) and cascaded NNs have been reported to achieve state-of-the-art results with respect to various quantitative quality measures as PSNR, NRMSE and SSIM across different imaging modalities. However, the fact that these approaches employ the application of the forward and adjoint operators repeatedly in the network architecture requires the network to process the whole images or volumes at once, which for some applications is computationally infeasible. In this work, we follow a different reconstruction strategy by strictly separating the application of the NN, the regularization of the solution and the consistency with the measured data. The regularization is given in the form of an image prior obtained by the output of a previously trained NN which is used in a Tikhonov regularization framework. By doing so, more complex and sophisticated network architectures can be used for the removal of the artefacts or noise than it is usually the case in iterative NNs. Due to the large scale of the considered problems and the resulting computational complexity of the employed networks, the priors are obtained by processing the images or volumes as patches or slices. We evaluated the method for the cases of 3D cone-beam low dose CT and undersampled 2D radial cine MRI and compared it to a total variation-minimization-based reconstruction algorithm as well as to a method with regularization based on learned overcomplete dictionaries. The proposed method outperformed all the reported methods with respect to all chosen quantitative measures and further accelerates the regularization step in the reconstruction by several orders of magnitude

    Age constraints in the double pulsar system J0737-3039

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    We investigate the age constraints that can be placed on the double pulsar system using models for the spin-down of the first-born 22.7-ms pulsar A and the 2.77-s pulsar B with characteristic ages of 210 and 50 Myr respectively. Standard models assuming dipolar spin-down of both pulsars suggest that the time since the formation of B is ~50 Myr, i.e. close to B's characteristic age. However, adopting models which account for the impact of A's relativistic wind on B's spin-down we find that the formation of B took place either 80 or 180 Myr ago, depending the interaction mechanism. Formation 80 Myr ago, closer to B's characteristic age, would result in the contribution from J0737-3039 to the inferred coalescence rates for double neutron star binaries increasing by 40%. The 180 Myr age is closer to A's characteristic age and would be consistent with the most recent estimates of the coalescence rate. The new age constraints do not significantly impact recent estimates of the kick velocity, tilt angle between pre and post-supernova orbital planes or pre-supernova mass of B's progenitor.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication by MNRA

    Schools and the legacy of hybrid buildings

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    Learning from the past, collecting data on the Italian condition of school buildings, our R&D work aimed to question the design process of school buildings in Italy introducing an innovative model of school, which turned the conventional and isolated, mono-functional and rigid school buildings into interior urban public spaces and porous community hubs to empower the communities around them and to become manifestos of sustainability. Through some built examples of school buildings designed in Italy, the paper discusses the outputs and impact of the introduction of new design layouts, participation projects with different stakeholders and sustainability. The research has guided the introduction of the new Italian guide-lines for school building design, approved in 2013. A future perspective to be explored is the reconsideration of exporting the strategy in different contexts and to design reconsider other public infrastructures turning the mono-functional use of public buildings into hybrid and multifunctional ones
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