972 research outputs found

    Does magnetic pressure affect the ICM dynamics?

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    A possible discrepancy found in the determination of mass from gravitational lensing data, and from X-rays observations, has been largely discussed in the latest years (for instance, Miralda-Escude & Babul (1995)). Another important discrepancy related to these data is that the dark matter is more centrally condensed than the X-ray-emitting gas, and also with respect to the galaxy distribution (Eyles et al. 1991). Could these discrepancies be consequence of the standard description of the ICM, in which it is assumed hydrostatic equilibrium maintained by thermal pressure? We follow the evolution of the ICM, considering a term of magnetic pressure, aiming at answering the question whether or not these discrepancies can be explained via non-thermal terms of pressure. Our results suggest that the magnetic pressure could only affect the dynamics of the ICM on scales as small as < 1kpc. Our models are constrained by the observations of large and small scale fields and we are successful at reproducing available data, for both Faraday rotation limits and inverse Compton limits for the magnetic fields. In our calculations the radius (from the cluster center) in which magnetic pressure reaches equipartition is smaller than radii derived in previous works, as a consequence of the more realistic treatment of the magnetic field geometry and the consideration of a sink term in the cooling flow.Comment: 8 pages with 7 figures included. MNRAS accepted. Minor changes in the section of discussions and conclusions. Also available at http://www.iac.es/publicaciones/preprints.htm

    An improved method of supercharged transposed latissimus dorsi flap with the skin paddle for the management of a complicated lumbosacral defect

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    OBJECTIVE: Treatment of nonhealing wounds of lower back often poses a powerful challenge. We present one of the first report of treatment of a lumbosacral defect with a supercharged latissimus dorsi flap with the skin paddle. CASE REPORT: We report a case of a 59 yearold man with myeloma of the sacral spine who underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy and subsequently, laminectomies and placement of hardware for ongoing paresis and spine instability. Then, he developed an open wound and osteomyelitis of the spine with culture positive tuberculous granulomas. After multiple surgical debridement, he presented to our service and was treated with a single stage debridement followed by the performance of a latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap based on paraspinal perforators and supercharged. RESULTS: This solution, allowed for augmentation of blood flow to the muscle with the inferior gluteal artery, provided coverage of the defect resistant to the pressure, and simplified post-operative management of the patient. CONCLUSIONS: Alternative treatment options, including free tissue transfer, posed difficulties in finding suitable recipient vessels near the defect, in inserting the flap so as to restore its original length without compromising blood flow, and in postoperative care of the patient. Treatment of a lumbosacral defect with a supercharged latissimus dorsi flap with the skin paddle may represent a milestone procedure for complicated lower spine wounds

    The XMM-LSS survey: the Class 1 cluster sample over the extended 11 deg2^2 and its spatial distribution

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    This paper presents 52 X-ray bright galaxy clusters selected within the 11 deg2^2 XMM-LSS survey. 51 of them have spectroscopic redshifts (0.05<z<1.060.05<z<1.06), one is identified at zphot=1.9z_{\rm phot}=1.9, and all together make the high-purity "Class 1" (C1) cluster sample of the XMM-LSS, the highest density sample of X-ray selected clusters with a monitored selection function. Their X-ray fluxes, averaged gas temperatures (median TX=2T_X=2 keV), luminosities (median LX,500=5×1043L_{X,500}=5\times10^{43} ergs/s) and total mass estimates (median 5×1013h1M5\times10^{13} h^{-1} M_{\odot}) are measured, adapting to the specific signal-to-noise regime of XMM-LSS observations. The redshift distribution of clusters shows a deficit of sources when compared to the cosmological expectations, regardless of whether WMAP-9 or Planck-2013 CMB parameters are assumed. This lack of sources is particularly noticeable at 0.4z0.90.4 \lesssim z \lesssim 0.9. However, after quantifying uncertainties due to small number statistics and sample variance we are not able to put firm (i.e. >3σ>3 \sigma) constraints on the presence of a large void in the cluster distribution. We work out alternative hypotheses and demonstrate that a negative redshift evolution in the normalization of the LXTXL_{X}-T_X relation (with respect to a self-similar evolution) is a plausible explanation for the observed deficit. We confirm this evolutionary trend by directly studying how C1 clusters populate the LXTXzL_{X}-T_X-z space, properly accounting for selection biases. We point out that a systematically evolving, unresolved, central component in clusters and groups (AGN contamination or cool core) can impact the classification as extended sources and be partly responsible for the observed redshift distribution.[abridged]Comment: 33 pages, 21 figures, 3 tables ; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Cosmological implications of the KATRIN experiment

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    The upcoming Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment will put unprecedented constraints on the absolute mass of the electron neutrino, \mnue. In this paper we investigate how this information on \mnue will affect our constraints on cosmological parameters. We consider two scenarios; one where \mnue=0 (i.e., no detection by KATRIN), and one where \mnue=0.3eV. We find that the constraints on \mnue from KATRIN will affect estimates of some important cosmological parameters significantly. For example, the significance of ns<1n_s<1 and the inferred value of ΩΛ\Omega_\Lambda depend on the results from the KATRIN experiment.Comment: 13 page

    The XXL Survey X: K-band luminosity - weak-lensing mass relation for groups and clusters of galaxies

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    We present the K-band luminosity-halo mass relation, LK,500M500,WLL_{K,500}-M_{500,WL}, for a subsample of 20 of the 100 brightest clusters in the XXL Survey observed with WIRCam at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). For the first time, we have measured this relation via weak-lensing analysis down to M500,WL=3.5×1013MM_{500,WL} =3.5 \times 10^{13}\,M_\odot. This allows us to investigate whether the slope of the LKML_K-M relation is different for groups and clusters, as seen in other works. The clusters in our sample span a wide range in mass, M500,WL=0.3512.10×1014MM_{500,WL} =0.35-12.10 \times 10^{14}\,M_\odot, at 0<z<0.60<z<0.6. The K-band luminosity scales as log10(LK,500/1012L)βlog10(M500,WL/1014M)\log_{10}(L_{K,500}/10^{12}L_\odot) \propto \beta log_{10}(M_{500,WL}/10^{14}M_\odot) with β=0.850.27+0.35\beta = 0.85^{+0.35}_{-0.27} and an intrinsic scatter of σlnLKM=0.370.17+0.19\sigma_{lnL_K|M} =0.37^{+0.19}_{-0.17}. Combining our sample with some clusters in the Local Cluster Substructure Survey (LoCuSS) present in the literature, we obtain a slope of 1.050.14+0.161.05^{+0.16}_{-0.14} and an intrinsic scatter of 0.140.07+0.090.14^{+0.09}_{-0.07}. The flattening in the LKML_K-M seen in previous works is not seen here and might be a result of a bias in the mass measurement due to assumptions on the dynamical state of the systems. We also study the richness-mass relation and find that group-sized halos have more galaxies per unit halo mass than massive clusters. However, the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in low-mass systems contributes a greater fraction to the total cluster light than BCGs do in massive clusters; the luminosity gap between the two brightest galaxies is more prominent for group-sized halos. This result is a natural outcome of the hierarchical growth of structures, where massive galaxies form and gain mass within low-mass groups and are ultimately accreted into more massive clusters to become either part of the BCG or one of the brighter galaxies. [Abridged]Comment: A&A, in pres

    Possible evidence for a large-scale enhancement in the Lyman-α\alpha forest power spectrum at redshift z4\mathbf{\textit{z}\geq 4}

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    Inhomogeneous reionization enhances the 1D Lyman-α\alpha forest power spectrum on large scales at redshifts z4z\geq4. This is due to coherent fluctuations in the ionized hydrogen fraction that arise from large-scale variations in the post-reionization gas temperature, which fade as the gas cools. It is therefore possible to use these relic fluctuations to constrain inhomogeneous reionization with the power spectrum at wavenumbers log10(k/km1s)1.5\log_{10}(k/{\rm km^{-1}\,s})\lesssim -1.5. We use the Sherwood-Relics suite of hybrid radiation hydrodynamical simulations to perform a first analysis of new Lyman-α\alpha forest power spectrum measurements at 4.0z4.64.0\leq z \leq 4.6. These data extend to wavenumbers log10(k/km1s)3\log_{10}(k/{\rm km^{-1}\,s})\simeq -3, with a relative uncertainty of 1010--2020 per cent in each wavenumber bin. Our analysis returns a 2.7σ2.7\sigma preference for an enhancement in the Lyman-α\alpha forest power spectrum at large scales, in excess of that expected for a spatially uniform ultraviolet background. This large-scale enhancement could be a signature of inhomogeneous reionization, although the statistical precision of these data is not yet sufficient for obtaining a robust detection of the relic post-reionization fluctuations. We show that future power spectrum measurements with relative uncertainties of 2.5\lesssim 2.5 per cent should provide unambiguous evidence for an enhancement in the power spectrum on large scales.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS, 13 pages, 8 figure

    The Physics of Cluster Mergers

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    Clusters of galaxies generally form by the gravitational merger of smaller clusters and groups. Major cluster mergers are the most energetic events in the Universe since the Big Bang. Some of the basic physical properties of mergers will be discussed, with an emphasis on simple analytic arguments rather than numerical simulations. Semi-analytic estimates of merger rates are reviewed, and a simple treatment of the kinematics of binary mergers is given. Mergers drive shocks into the intracluster medium, and these shocks heat the gas and should also accelerate nonthermal relativistic particles. X-ray observations of shocks can be used to determine the geometry and kinematics of the merger. Many clusters contain cooling flow cores; the hydrodynamical interactions of these cores with the hotter, less dense gas during mergers are discussed. As a result of particle acceleration in shocks, clusters of galaxies should contain very large populations of relativistic electrons and ions. Electrons with Lorentz factors gamma~300 (energies E = gamma m_e c^2 ~ 150 MeV) are expected to be particularly common. Observations and models for the radio, extreme ultraviolet, hard X-ray, and gamma-ray emission from nonthermal particles accelerated in these mergers are described.Comment: 38 pages with 9 embedded Postscript figures. To appear in Merging Processes in Clusters of Galaxies, edited by L. Feretti, I. M. Gioia, and G. Giovannini (Dordrecht: Kluwer), in press (2001

    An improved method of supercharged transposed latissimus dorsi flap with the skin paddle for the management of a complicated lumbosacral defect

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    OBJECTIVE: Treatment of non-healing wounds of lower back often poses a powerful challenge. We present one of the first report of treatment of a lumbosacral defect with a supercharged latissimus dorsi flap with the skin paddle. CASE REPORT: We report a case of a 59 year-old man with myeloma of the sacral spine who underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy and subsequently, laminectomies and placement of hardware for ongoing paresis and spine instability. Then, he developed an open wound and osteomyelitis of the spine with culture positive tuberculous granulomas. After multiple surgical debridement, he presented to our service and was treated with a single stage debridement followed by the performance of a latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap based on paraspinal perforators and supercharged. RESULTS: This solution, allowed for augmentation of blood flow to the muscle with the inferior gluteal artery, provided coverage of the defect resistant to the pressure, and simplified post-operative management of the patient. CONCLUSIONS: Alternative treatment options, including free tissue transfer, posed difficulties in finding suitable recipient vessels near the defect, in inserting the flap so as to restore its original length without compromising blood flow, and in postoperative care of the patient. Treatment of a lumbosacral defect with a supercharged latissimus dorsi flap with the skin paddle may represent a milestone procedure for complicated lower spine wounds