35 research outputs found

    A Geography of Cohabitation in the Americas, 1970-2010

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    In this chapter, we trace the geography of unmarried cohabitation in the Americas on an unprecedented geographical scale in family demography. We present the percentage of partnered women aged 25-29 in cohabitation across more than 19,000 local units of 39 countries, from Canada to Argentina, at two points in time, 2000 and 2010. The local geography is supplemented by a regional geography of cohabitation that covers five decades of data from 1960 to 2010. Our data derive primarily from the rich collection of census microdata amassed by the Centro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Demografía (CELADE) of the United Nations and from the IPUMS-international collection of harmonized census microdata samples (Minnesota Population Center, Integrated public use microdata series, international: Version 6.3 [Machine-readable database]. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 2014). Our analyses unveil a substantial amount of spatial heterogeneity both within and across countries. Despite the spectacular rise in cohabitation, its regional patterning has remained relatively unchanged over the last decades, which points to the presence of geo-historical legacies in the present patterns of unmarried cohabitation

    Soft tissue reconstruction after pelvic amputation: The efficacy and reliability of free fillet flap reconstruction

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    Background: The majority of hindquarter amputation defects can be reconstructed with local anterior or posterior thigh flaps. Less than 5% of soft tissue defects require free flap reconstruction after tumour resection. Lower extremity fillet flap is described for reconstructing such defects, but the majority of publications are case reports or short single institutional series. There is a lack of data regarding the oncological outcomes of this highly selected patient group. Methods: Three tertiary sarcoma units treated twelve patients with hindquarter amputation or hip disarticulation for oncological indications with a free flap reconstruction of the soft tissue defect. Results: The median age of patients was 60 (range 12-76) years. Bone resection was carried out through the SI-joint in six patients and through the sacrum in five patients, with one patient undergoing hip disarticulation. Nine patients had R0 resection margin and three had R1 resection. The median surgical time and flap ischaemia time was 420 (249-650) and 89 (64-210) min, respectively. Median hospital and ICU stay was 18 (10-42) and 3 (1-8) days, respectively. Median blood loss was 2400 (950-10000) ml. There were three returns to theatre due to vascular compromise, with one total flap loss due to arterial thrombosis. Overall survival was 58% (95%CI 28-91%) both at 1-year and at 3-years. Discussion: Carefully selected patients requiring hindquarter amputation with extensive soft tissue defect necessitating free flap reconstruction can be reconstructed with a lower extremity free fillet flap with low rate of local wound complications. Survival of these patients is similar to that in patients requiring less extensive resection. Keywords: Fillet flap; Free flap; Hindquarter amputation; Hip disarticulation; Sarcoma; Survival.Background: The majority of hindquarter amputation defects can be reconstructed with local anterior or posterior thigh flaps. Less than 5% of soft tissue defects require free flap reconstruction after tumour resection. Lower extremity fillet flap is described for reconstructing such defects, but the majority of publications are case reports or short single institutional series. There is a lack of data regarding the oncological outcomes of this highly selected patient group. Methods: Three tertiary sarcoma units treated twelve patients with hindquarter amputation or hip disarticulation for oncological indications with a free flap reconstruction of the soft tissue defect. Results: The median age of patients was 60 (range 12-76) years. Bone resection was carried out through the SI-joint in six patients and through the sacrum in five patients, with one patient undergoing hip disarticulation. Nine patients had R0 resection margin and three had R1 resection. The median surgical time and flap ischaemia time was 420 (249-650) and 89 (64-210) min, respectively. Median hospital and ICU stay was 18 (10-42) and 3 (1-8) days, respectively. Medianblood loss was 2400 (950-10000) ml. There were three returns to theatre due to vascular compromise, with one total flap loss due to arterial thrombosis. Overall survival was 58% (95%CI 28-91%) both at 1-year and at 3-years. Discussion: Carefully selected patients requiring hindquarter amputation with extensive soft tissue defect necessitating free flap reconstruction can be reconstructed with a lower extremity free fillet flap with low rate of local wound complications. Survival of these patients is similar to that in patients requiring less extensive resection. (c) 2020 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals different strategies for degradation of steam-exploded sugarcane bagasse by Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma reesei

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    The consequences of parental divorce on the life course outcomes of Canadian children

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    <b>English</b><p>Applying the theory of the intergenerational transmission of divorce, thispaperexamines the consequences of parental divorce on three aspects of the life courseof children: union formation, nonmarital fertility, and marital dissolution. The1995 Canadian General Social Survey (GSS) is used to estimate various regressionmodels (Cox proportional hazards). Results show that children of divorced parentshave a significantly higher likelihood to have births outside of marriage, enter intocohabiting unions, and to experience higher levels of divorce. Throughout thepaper, attention is placed on the markedly different behaviour observed in Quebeccompared to elsewhere in Canada.<p><b>French</b><p>S’inspirant de la théorie de la transmission intergénérationnelle du divorce, cetarticle examine les conséquences d’un divorce parental en regard de trois aspectsde la trajectoire de vie des enfants rendus à l’âge adulte: la formation du couple,l’arrivée d’une naissance hors mariage et le risque de rupture du mariage. Lesdonnées provenant de l’Enquête sociale générale sur la famille, réalisée parStatistique Canada en 1995, sont analysées à partir de différents modèles derégression (analyse des transitions ou modèle de Cox). Les résultats montrent queles enfants venant d’une famille divorcée sont plus à risque que les enfants venantd’une famille intacte d’avoir une naissance hors mariage, de former une unionlibre et de divorcer une fois mariés. Une attention particulière est portée auxdifférences de comportements qui séparent le Québec du reste du Canada

    Comparison of porosity evaluation techniques for L-PBF manufacturing

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    International audiencePorosity is a major concern in additively manufactured (AM) parts; therefore, its accurate detection andmeasurement becomes extremely crucial for ensuring the safety of the part. In this work, we have manufacturedseveral AM samples of AlSi7Mg in the form of small cylinders (10 mm diameter) by modifying each time fewrelevant fabrication parameters.The Archimedes method is traditionally used as a classical and low cost technique for density (or porosity)determination. Although fast in terms of time and data processing steps, its accuracy is somewhat limited and itgives only a global information. Especially, it does not provide information about the distribution and sizes ofthe pores.X-ray computed tomography, on another hand, is a powerful but expensive tool for holistic measurements ofpores. We have analysed the AM samples first with laboratory micro-tomography and we have compared theresults to those of the Archimedes method. In addition, an ultra-high resolution (2.3 µm) tomography has beenobtained from synchrotron CT to cross-check the effect of resolution on porosity determination when comparedwith laboratory X-ray CT.On a different line of investigation, the Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy (RUS) technique is also suitable forfast porosity evaluation, since the density reduction modifies the resonance spectra. In this work, the focus ison the validation of the information obtained from all the techniques in order to assess the practical limitationsof each of the techniques for density evaluation

    Status of the Sodium Gas Heat Exchanger (SGHE) development for the Nitrogen Power Conversion System planned for the ASTRID SFR prototype

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    International audienceIn the framework of the CEA RandD program developing the Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration (ASTRID), the present work describes the current status of an innovative compact heat exchanger and highlights the industrial challenges this technology raises. One of the main innovative options under investigation for ASTRID is the use of a Brayton cycle gas-power conversion system. This system permits to avoid the energetic sodium-water interaction, which can occur in steam generators in case of tube failure if a traditional Rankine cycle is used. In this novel concept, steam generators would be replaced by the Sodium Gas Heat Exchanger (SGHE). The first part of this paper presents the details of the original design of this heat exchanger which allows a high thermal compactness. The main studies supporting this development are described in the second part of the paper. The thermal hydraulic program demonstrates the potential of the technology used. An innovative geometry is also studied on the gas side improving the thermal compactness. Thermomechanical analyses show the good behavior of this exchanger under the ASTRID operating conditions. The manufacturing / welding process optimization is ongoing in order to produce a component with nuclear specifications. Specific sensors and control techniques are also being developed in order to assess the manufacturing process quality and to allow future in-service inspections. At last, the qualification program is presented and the first results obtained on an operating small scale SGHE mock up working under ASTRID conditions are described

    Characterization of toxins within crude venoms by combined use of Fourier transform mass spectrometry and cloning.

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    International audienceThe standard analytical procedure for screening the proteomic profile of a venom often relies on an appropriate combination of sample extraction, electrophoresis, reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, and Edman degradation. We present in this study a new approach for venom screening based on Fourier transform mass spectrometry (FTMS) analysis directly on the crude venom. The venom chosen is a unique sample from Atractaspis irregularis, a species never studied at the molecular level previously. This snake belongs to the Atractaspidae family that is known to produce highly toxic venoms containing endothelin-like peptides called sarafotoxins (SRTXs). Nanoelectrospray-FTMS spectrum of the crude venom allowed the identification of 60 distinct compounds with molecular masses from 600 to 14,000 Da, which would have been impossible without the resolution of this kind of instrument. De novo sequencing within the entire venom confirmed the sequences of two new families of sarafotoxins, whose precursors had been cloned, and allowed the characterization of a third one. One particularly interesting point was that the propolypeptides appeared processed not in one unique compound, but rather in different length molecules ranging from 15 for the shorter to 30 amino acids for the longer. Moreover, our results clearly establish that in the case of A. irregularis only one copy of mature sarafotoxin emerges from each precursor, which is a totally different organization in comparison of other precursors of SRTXs