170 research outputs found

    Обеспечение безопасности радиоактивных источников на гипотетическом объекте

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    Объектом исследования является вопросы организации и функционирования систем физической защиты, учета и контроля ядерных материалов. Целью работы является создание методического подхода для описания и построения гипотетического объекта и его систем безопасности, с дальнейшем его применением в учебных целях по специальности Безопасность и нераспространение ядерных материалов.The object of research is the organization and functioning of systems of physical protection, accounting and control of nuclear materials. The aim of the work is to create a methodological approach to the description and construction of a hypothetical object and its security systems, with its further application for educational purposes in the specialty safety and non-proliferation of nuclear materials

    Evaluating an implementation strategy in cardiovascular prevention to improve prescribing of statins in Germany: an intention to treat analysis

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    BACKGROUND: The prescription of statins is an evidence-based treatment to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with elevated cardiovascular risk or with a cardiovascular disorder (CVD). In spite of this, many of these patients do not receive statins. METHODS: We evaluated the impact of a brief educational intervention in cardiovascular prevention in primary care physicians' prescribing behaviour regarding statins beyond their participation in a randomised controlled trial (RCT). For this, prescribing data of all patients >= 35 years who were counselled before and after the study period were analysed (each n > 75000). Outcome measure was prescription of Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors (statins) corresponding to patients' overall risk for CVD. Appropriateness of prescribing was examined according to different risk groups based on the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC codes). RESULTS: There was no consistent association between group allocation and statin prescription controlling for risk status in each risk group before and after study participation. However, we found a change to more significant drug configurations predicting the prescription of statins in the intervention group, which can be regarded as a small intervention effect. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that an active implementation of a brief evidence-based educational intervention does not lead to prescription modifications in everyday practice. Physician's prescribing behaviour is affected by an established health care system, which is not easy to change.Trial registration: ISRCTN71348772

    Разработка модуля сбора и преобразования вибрации для питания беспроводных устройств на техногенных объектах

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    Конструирование модуля сбора и преобразования энергии вибрации для питания беспроводных датчиков технического диагностирования на техногенных объектахConstruction of a module for the collection and conversion of vibration energy for the supply of wireless sensors for technical diagnostics on industrial object

    The development of post-processing algorithm for the ultrasonic evaluation by the application of automated robotic testing systems

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    The implementation of automated testing systems based on six degrees of freedom (DOF) robotic manipulators is the actual trend in ultrasonic testing equipment development. Such systems are able to provide a fast ultrasonic evaluation with the respect of the surface of the testing object. In this work, the post-processing algorithm based on Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) is suggested. Such algorithm allows presenting the results in the form of high-resolution imagery of the internal structure of testing objects. The suggested algorithm is applicable in the case of the utilization of automated testing systems based on six DOF robotic manipulators and takes into account all the features conditioned by such equipment application. Performance of the suggested algorithm was tested experimentally

    Missing effects of zinc in a porcine model of recurrent endotoxemia

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic human sepsis often is characterised by the compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome (CARS). During CARS, anti-inflammatory cytokines depress the inflammatory response leading to secondary and opportunistic infections. Proved in vitro as well as in vivo, zinc's pro-inflammatory effect might overcome this depression. METHODS: We used the model of porcine LPS-induced endotoxemia established by Klosterhalfen et al. 10 pigs were divided into two groups (n = 5). Endotoxemia was induced by recurrent intravenous LPS-application (1.0 μg/kg E. coli WO 111:B4) at hours 0, 5, and 12. At hour 10, each group received an intravenous treatment (group I = saline, group II = 5.0 mg/kg elementary zinc). Monitoring included hemodynamics, blood gas analysis, and the thermal dilution technique for the measurement of extravascular lung water and intrapulmonary shunt. Plasma concentrations of IL-6 and TNF-alpha were measured by ELISA. Morphology included weight of the lungs, width of the alveolar septae, and rate of paracentral liver necrosis. RESULTS: Zinc's application only trended to partly improve the pulmonary function. Compared to saline, significant differences were very rare. IL-6 and TNF-alpha were predominately measured higher in the zinc group. Again, significance was only reached sporadically. Hemodynamics and morphology revealed no significant differences at all. CONCLUSION: The application of zinc in this model of recurrent endotoxemia is feasible and without harmful effects. However, a protection or restoration of clinical relevance is not evident in our setting. The pulmonary function just trends to improve, cytokine liberation is only partly activated, hemodynamics and morphology were not influenced. Further pre-clinical studies have to define zinc's role as a therapeutic tool during CARS

    Assessment of resource-saving and environmental effects in the system «boiler room – heat consumers – environment» from insulation of external walls of houses

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    Оцінка рівня збереження ресурсів та ступеня зниження екологічної небезпеки викидів в системі «котельня – споживачі тепла – довкілля» за рахунок впровадження технології утеплення зовнішніх стін міських багатоповерхових будинків.Оценка уровня сохранения ресурсов и степени снижения экологической опасности выбросов в системе «котельная – потребители тепла – окружающая среда» за счет внедрения технологии утепления внешних стен городских многоэтажных домов.An estimation of level of maintenance of resources and degree of decline of ecological danger of extras is in the system «a boiler room – heart consumer – a boiler room» due to introduction of technology of warming of external walls of municipal multistoried building