293 research outputs found

    Linking in vitro lipolysis and microsomal metabolism for the quantitative prediction of oral bioavailability of BCS II drugs administered in lipidic formulations

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    Lipidic formulations (LFs) are increasingly utilized for the delivery of drugs that belong to class II of the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS). The current work proposes, for the first time, the combination of in vitro lipolysis and microsomal metabolism studies for the quantitative prediction of human oral bioavailability of BCS II drugs administered in LFs. Marinol® and Neoral® were selected as model LFs and their observed oral bioavailabilities (Fobserved) obtained from published clinical studies in humans. Two separate lipolysis buffers, differing in the level of surfactant concentrations, were used for digestion of the LFs. The predicted fraction absorbed (Fabs) was calculated by measuring the drug concentration in the micellar phase after completion of the lipolysis process. To determine first-pass metabolism (Fg∙Fh), drug depletion studies with human microsomes were performed. Clearance values were determined by applying the “in vitro half-life approach”. The estimated Fabs and Fg∙Fh values were combined for the calculation of the predicted oral bioavailability (Fpredicted). Results showed that there was a strong correlation between Fobserved and Fpredicted values only when Fabs was calculated using a buffer with surfactant concentrations closer to physiological conditions. The general accuracy of the predicted values suggests that the novel in vitro lipolysis/metabolism approach could quantitatively predict the oral bioavailability of lipophilic drugs administered in LFs

    Targeted knock-down of miR21 primary transcripts using snoMEN vectors induces apoptosis in human cancer cell lines

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    We have previously reported an antisense technology, 'snoMEN vectors', for targeted knock-down of protein coding mRNAs using human snoRNAs manipulated to contain short regions of sequence complementarity with the mRNA target. Here we characterise the use of snoMEN vectors to target the knock-down of micro RNA primary transcripts. We document the specific knock-down of miR21 in HeLa cells using plasmid vectors expressing miR21-targeted snoMEN RNAs and show this induces apoptosis. Knock-down is dependent on the presence of complementary sequences in the snoMEN vector and the induction of apoptosis can be suppressed by over-expression of miR21. Furthermore, we have also developed lentiviral vectors for delivery of snoMEN RNAs and show this increases the efficiency of vector transduction in many human cell lines that are difficult to transfect with plasmid vectors. Transduction of lentiviral vectors expressing snoMEN targeted to pri-miR21 induces apoptosis in human lung adenocarcinoma cells, which express high levels of miR21, but not in human primary cells. We show that snoMEN-mediated suppression of miRNA expression is prevented by siRNA knock-down of Ago2, but not by knock-down of Ago1 or Upf1. snoMEN RNAs colocalise with Ago2 in cell nuclei and nucleoli and can be co-immunoprecipitated from nuclear extracts by antibodies specific for Ago2

    Effect of 28 days of creatine ingestion on muscle metabolism and performance of a simulated cycling road race

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>The effects of creatine supplementation on muscle metabolism and exercise performance during a simulated endurance road race was investigated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twelve adult male (27.3 ± 1.0 yr, 178.6 ± 1.4 cm, 78.0 ± 2.5 kg, 8.9 ± 1.1 %fat) endurance-trained (53.3 ± 2.0 ml* kg<sup>-1</sup>* min<sup>-1</sup>, cycling ~160 km/wk) cyclists completed a simulated road race on a cycle ergometer (Lode), consisting of a two-hour cycling bout at 60% of peak aerobic capacity (VO<sub>2peak</sub>) with three 10-second sprints performed at 110% VO<sub>2 peak </sub>every 15 minutes. Cyclists completed the 2-hr cycling bout before and after dietary creatine monohydrate or placebo supplementation (3 g/day for 28 days). Muscle biopsies were taken at rest and five minutes before the end of the two-hour ride.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was a 24.5 ± 10.0% increase in resting muscle total creatine and 38.4 ± 23.9% increase in muscle creatine phosphate in the creatine group (<it>P </it>< 0.05). Plasma glucose, blood lactate, and respiratory exchange ratio during the 2-hour ride, as well as VO<sub>2 peak</sub>, were not affected by creatine supplementation. Submaximal oxygen consumption near the end of the two-hour ride was decreased by approximately 10% by creatine supplementation (P < 0.05). Changes in plasma volume from pre- to post-supplementation were significantly greater in the creatine group (<sup>+</sup>14.0 ± 6.3%) than the placebo group (<sup>-</sup>10.4 ± 4.4%; <it>P </it>< 0.05) at 90 minutes of exercise. The time of the final sprint to exhaustion at the end of the 2-hour cycling bout was not affected by creatine supplementation (creatine pre, 64.4 ± 13.5s; creatine post, 88.8 ± 24.6s; placebo pre, 69.0 ± 24.8s; placebo post 92.8 ± 31.2s: creatine vs. placebo not significant). Power output for the final sprint was increased by ~33% in both groups (creatine vs. placebo not significant).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>It can be concluded that although creatine supplementation may increase resting muscle total creatine, muscle creatine phosphate, and plasma volume, and may lead to a reduction in oxygen consumption during submaximal exercise, creatine supplementation does not improve sprint performance at the end of endurance cycling exercise.</p