870 research outputs found

    A Longitudinal Examination of the Hopelessness Theory of Depression in People Who Have Multiple Sclerosis.

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    PURPOSE: Hopelessness theory predicts that negative attributional style will interact with negative life events over time to predict depression. The intention of this study was to test this in a population who are at greater risk of negative life events, people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). METHOD: Data, including measures of attributional style, negative life events, and depressive symptoms, were collected via postal survey in 3 phases, each one a year apart. RESULTS: Responses were received from over 380 participants at each study phase. Negative attributional style was consistently able to predict future depressive symptoms at low to moderate levels of association; however, this ability was not sustained when depressive symptoms at Phase 1 were controlled for. No substantial evidence to support the hypothesised interaction of negative attributional style and negative life events was found. CONCLUSIONS: Findings were not supportive of the causal interaction proposed by the hopelessness theory of depression. Further work considering other time frames, using methods to prime attributional style before assessment and specifically assessing the hopelessness subtype of depression, may prove to be more fruitful. Intervention directly to address attributional style should also be considered

    A Longitudinal Examination of the Hopelessness Theory of Depression in People Who Have Multiple Sclerosis.

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    PURPOSE: Hopelessness theory predicts that negative attributional style will interact with negative life events over time to predict depression. The intention of this study was to test this in a population who are at greater risk of negative life events, people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). METHOD: Data, including measures of attributional style, negative life events, and depressive symptoms, were collected via postal survey in 3 phases, each one a year apart. RESULTS: Responses were received from over 380 participants at each study phase. Negative attributional style was consistently able to predict future depressive symptoms at low to moderate levels of association; however, this ability was not sustained when depressive symptoms at Phase 1 were controlled for. No substantial evidence to support the hypothesised interaction of negative attributional style and negative life events was found. CONCLUSIONS: Findings were not supportive of the causal interaction proposed by the hopelessness theory of depression. Further work considering other time frames, using methods to prime attributional style before assessment and specifically assessing the hopelessness subtype of depression, may prove to be more fruitful. Intervention directly to address attributional style should also be considered

    Importance Of Toll-Like Receptors For B Lymphocyte Survival In Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome

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    The Sjögren's syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the glands responsible for mouth and eyes dryness. A minority of infiltrating B cells is organized as germinal centers while the majority is aggregated into clusters of transitional and marginal zone B cells. The Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) recognizes microbial DNA but also, sometimes, the self DNA. It appears to be a key determinant of the survival and differentiation of B lymphocytes. After laser micro-dissection of B cells from salivary glands, analyses by quantitative RT-PCR showed that transitional B cells express high level of TLR9 mRNA unlike B cells from germinal centers. B lymphocytes from healthy donors were sorted by flow cytometry and stimulated in vitro with their TLR9. It induces survival, activation and proliferation associated with phenotypic changes. Transitional B cells exhibited characteristics of the marginal zone, whereas mature B cells expressed follicular germinal center specificities. Finally, IgM and IgG were secreted by both population, but with elevated production of autoantibodies by the transitional B cells. Increased expression of TLR9 by transitional B cells suggests that they may be highly sensitive to differentiate into autoantibody secreting cells through maturation into the marginal zone into the salivary glands. TLR9 might be a target for forthcoming biotherapies. Le syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren est une maladie autoimmune systémique caractérisée par une infiltration lymphocytaire des glandes responsable d'une sécheresse buccale et oculaire. Une minorité des lymphocytes B infiltrants est organisée en centres germinatifs tandis que la majorité est regroupée en agrégats de lymphocytes B transitionnels et de la zone marginale. Le Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) reconnaît l'ADN microbien mais aussi, parfois, l'ADN du soi. Il apparaît donc comme un élément déterminant de la survie et la différenciation des lymphocytes B. Après micro-dissection laser des lymphocytes B des glandes salivaires, une analyse par RT-PCR quantitative a montré que les lymphocytes B transitionnels expriment fortement l'ARNm de TLR9 contrairement à ceux des centres germinatifs. Des lymphocytes B de donneurs sains ont été triés par cytométrie en flux puis stimulés in vitro par leur TLR9. Il s’ensuit une survie, une activation et une prolifération associées à des modifications phénotypiques. Les lymphocytes B transitionnels présentent des caractéristiques de la zone marginale, tandis que les lymphocytes B matures expriment des spécificités folliculaires des centres germinatifs. Enfin, des IgM et des IgG sont sécrétées par les deux types de population, mais avec une production d'auto-anticorps plus élevée issue de la différenciation des lymphocytes B transitionnels. L’expression accrue de TLR9 par les lymphocytes B transitionnels suggère qu'ils pourraient être particulièrement sensibles à une différenciation en cellules sécrétrices d'auto-anticorps par une maturation vers la zone marginale au sein des glandes salivaires. Le TLR9 pourrait bien devenir la cible des futures biothérapies.The Sjögren's syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the glands responsible for mouth and eyes dryness. A minority of infiltrating B cells is organized as germinal centers while the majority is aggregated into clusters of transitional and marginal zone B cells. The Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) recognizes microbial DNA but also, sometimes, the self DNA. It appears to be a key determinant of the survival and differentiation of B lymphocytes. After laser micro-dissection of B cells from salivary glands, analyses by quantitative RT-PCR showed that transitional B cells express high level of TLR9 mRNA unlike B cells from germinal centers. B lymphocytes from healthy donors were sorted by flow cytometry and stimulated in vitro with their TLR9. It induces survival, activation and proliferation associated with phenotypic changes. Transitional B cells exhibited characteristics of the marginal zone, whereas mature B cells expressed follicular germinal center specificities. Finally, IgM and IgG were secreted by both population, but with elevated production of autoantibodies by the transitional B cells. Increased expression of TLR9 by transitional B cells suggests that they may be highly sensitive to differentiate into autoantibody secreting cells through maturation into the marginal zone into the salivary glands. TLR9 might be a target for forthcoming biotherapies. Le syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren est une maladie autoimmune systémique caractérisée par une infiltration lymphocytaire des glandes responsable d'une sécheresse buccale et oculaire. Une minorité des lymphocytes B infiltrants est organisée en centres germinatifs tandis que la majorité est regroupée en agrégats de lymphocytes B transitionnels et de la zone marginale. Le Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) reconnaît l'ADN microbien mais aussi, parfois, l'ADN du soi. Il apparaît donc comme un élément déterminant de la survie et la différenciation des lymphocytes B. Après micro-dissection laser des lymphocytes B des glandes salivaires, une analyse par RT-PCR quantitative a montré que les lymphocytes B transitionnels expriment fortement l'ARNm de TLR9 contrairement à ceux des centres germinatifs. Des lymphocytes B de donneurs sains ont été triés par cytométrie en flux puis stimulés in vitro par leur TLR9. Il s’ensuit une survie, une activation et une prolifération associées à des modifications phénotypiques. Les lymphocytes B transitionnels présentent des caractéristiques de la zone marginale, tandis que les lymphocytes B matures expriment des spécificités folliculaires des centres germinatifs. Enfin, des IgM et des IgG sont sécrétées par les deux types de population, mais avec une production d'auto-anticorps plus élevée issue de la différenciation des lymphocytes B transitionnels. L’expression accrue de TLR9 par les lymphocytes B transitionnels suggère qu'ils pourraient être particulièrement sensibles à une différenciation en cellules sécrétrices d'auto-anticorps par une maturation vers la zone marginale au sein des glandes salivaires. Le TLR9 pourrait bien devenir la cible des futures biothérapies


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    Oral Communication presented at the ";Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs";, Brest (France) 2011

    Inhibition of Expression in Escherichia coli of a Virulence Regulator MglB of Francisella tularensis Using External Guide Sequence Technology

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    External guide sequences (EGSs) have successfully been used to inhibit expression of target genes at the post-transcriptional level in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. We previously reported that EGS accessible and cleavable sites in the target RNAs can rapidly be identified by screening random EGS (rEGS) libraries. Here the method of screening rEGS libraries and a partial RNase T1 digestion assay were used to identify sites accessible to EGSs in the mRNA of a global virulence regulator MglB from Francisella tularensis, a Gram-negative pathogenic bacterium. Specific EGSs were subsequently designed and their activities in terms of the cleavage of mglB mRNA by RNase P were tested in vitro and in vivo. EGS73, EGS148, and EGS155 in both stem and M1 EGS constructs induced mglB mRNA cleavage in vitro. Expression of stem EGS73 and EGS155 in Escherichia coli resulted in significant reduction of the mglB mRNA level coded for the F. tularensis mglB gene inserted in those cells

    A New Type of Electron Nuclear-Spin Interaction from Resistively Detected NMR in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Regime

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    Two dimensional electron gases in narrow GaAs quantum wells show huge longitudinal resistance (HLR) values at certain fractional filling factors. Applying an RF field with frequencies corresponding to the nuclear spin splittings of {69}Ga, {71}Ga and {75}As leads to a substantial decreases of the HLR establishing a novel type of resistively detected NMR. These resonances are split into four sub lines each. Neither the number of sub lines nor the size of the splitting can be explained by established interaction mechanisms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The origin of life: chemical evolution of a metabolic system in a mineral honeycomb?

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    For the RNA-world hypothesis to be ecologically feasible, selection mechanisms acting on replicator communities need to be invoked and the corresponding scenarios of molecular evolution specified. Complementing our previous models of chemical evolution on mineral surfaces, in which selection was the consequence of the limited mobility of macromolecules attached to the surface, here we offer an alternative realization of prebiotic group-level selection: the physical encapsulation of local replicator communities into the pores of the mineral substrate. Based on cellular automaton simulations we argue that the effect of group selection in a mineral honeycomb could have been efficient enough to keep prebiotic ribozymes of different specificities and replication rates coexistent, and their metabolic cooperation protected from extensive molecular parasitism. We suggest that mutants of the mild parasites persistent in the metabolic system can acquire useful functions such as replicase activity or the production of membrane components, thus opening the way for the evolution of the first autonomous protocells on Earth

    High Abundance Proteins Depletion vs Low Abundance Proteins Enrichment: Comparison of Methods to Reduce the Plasma Proteome Complexity

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    BACKGROUND: To date, the complexity of the plasma proteome exceeds the analytical capacity of conventional approaches to isolate lower abundance proteins that may prove to be informative biomarkers. Only complex multistep separation strategies have been able to detect a substantial number of low abundance proteins (<100 ng/ml). The first step of these protocols is generally the depletion of high abundance proteins by the use of immunoaffinity columns or, alternatively, the enrichment of by the use of solid phase hexapeptides ligand libraries. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we present a direct comparison of these two approaches. Following either approach, the plasma sample was further fractionated by SCX chromatography and analyzed by RP-LC-MS/MS with a Q-TOF mass spectrometer. The depletion of the 20 most abundant plasma proteins allowed the identification of about 25% more proteins than those detectable following low abundance proteins enrichment. The two datasets are partially overlapping and the identified proteins belong to the same order of magnitude in terms of plasma concentration. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results show that the two approaches give complementary results. However, the enrichment of low abundance proteins has the great advantage of obtaining much larger amount of material that can be used for further fractionations and analyses and emerges also as a cheaper and technically simpler approach. Collectively, these data indicate that the enrichment approach seems more suitable as the first stage of a complex multi-step fractionation protocol
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