155 research outputs found

    South Africa\u27s Agricultural Sector Twenty Years After Democracy (1994 to 2013)

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    Abstract South Africa’s agricultural sector has undergone substantial policy reform since the dawn of democracy in 1994. Now, twenty years later, it is an opportune time to look back at this period to review key successes and failures. This article revisits South Africa’s context and policy at the start of this period, the reforms that followed, and evaluates the transformational effect (or lack thereof) on the sector. For this purpose, the article pulls from both qualitative sources and descriptive statistics to provide both a historical context and current perspective. The analysis shows that redistributive land reform and smallholder support programs have achieved limited success in transforming the sector towards greater inclusivity. Trade and marketing policy reform, however, has succeeded in transforming the sector towards greater productivity and international competitiveness. This has increased the market and climate resilience of the sector, but the limited inclusivity of historically disadvantaged persons poses significant challenges

    Milk production potential of two ryegrass cultivars with different total non-structural carbohydrate contents

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    The aim of the study was to compare a new Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) cultivar (Enhancer), bred to contain a high total non-structural carbohydrate content, with the cultivar, Dargle, in terms of dry matter (DM) production, nutritional value, carrying capacity and milk production. The ryegrass cultivars were sown (25 kg/ha) under supplementary irrigation in a randomized block design (7 blocks with 2 paddocks, 4.5 ha/treatment) on the 2nd May 2001 (year 1) and the 15th March 2002 (year 2) on an Estcourt soil type. Nitrogen was applied at 56 kg N/ha after each grazing. Grazing started on 26 June 2001 and the grazing cycle varied from 24 to 28 days. Pasture yield was estimated with a rising plate pasture meter. Forty Jersey cows from 50 to 150 days in milk were randomly allocated to one of the two treatments. The experimental period started on 22 August 2001 and consisted of an adaptation period of 15 days followed by a measurement period of 75 days. Pasture was allocated at 10 kg DM/cow/day above 30 mm. Cows were weighed and condition scored on two consecutive days at 14:00 at the start and the end of the experimental period. Milk production was recorded daily and milk composition was determined every 14 days. All cows were fed a flat rate of 3.6 kg DM of a dairy concentrate (120 g crude protein (CP)/kg DM, 11.5 MJ ME/kg DM) per day. The concentrate was fed in two equal portions during milking at 06:00 and 15:00. The total production of Enhancer was higher at 8438 and 9084 kg DM/ha in 2001 and 2002, respectively, compared to 7570 and 7694 kg DM/ha of Dargle. The DM and total non-structural carbohydrate content of Enhancer was higher than Dargle in 2001 but not in 2002. In 2002 the CP content of Enhancer was lower than that of Dargle. Enhancer increased 4% fat corrected milk production by 1.3 and 1.4 kg/cow/day in 2001 and 2002, respectively, and DM intake by 1.1 and 0.88 kg/cow/day compared to Dargle. The total milk production per hectare of Enhancer was 1499 kg and 2277 kg higher during 2001 and 2002, respectively, compared to Dargle. Enhancer, a high sugar Italian ryegrass, demonstrated good potential to increase milk production

    Last mile cold chain distribution challenges for privately-owned and retail pharmacies in Auckland Park and surrounding areas, Johannesburg

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    Abstract: Research objective: The primary research objective was to determine the challenges prevailing in the last mile distribution of cold chain medication to privately-owned and retail pharmacies in Auckland Park and surrounding areas. Methodology: A positivist research philosophy guided a descriptive quantitative survey design. Structured questionnaires were hand-delivered to all 43 privately-owned and retail pharmacies in the Auckland Park and surrounding areas. Findings: Some discrepancies were found in the cold chain distribution process that could compromise the quality of the cold chain medication. Although these pharmacies mostly used the correct storage systems for cold chain medication within the specified temperature range, the appropriate mode of transportation for delivery to the pharmacy is questionable..

    3-methylhistidine as an Indicator for Protein Beakdown: An Experimental Model in Male Capra hircu

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    The role of the amino acid 3-methylhistidine as an indicator of protein breakdown and weight loss is  often suggested. Despite existing information for other animal species, little is known about the actual  levels of 3-methyhistidine in the serum of less studied domestic species such as the goat. We have  evaluated the 3-methyhistidine serum concentrations in young Boer goat bucks subjected to two distinct  feeding regimens: winter-grass hay with or without supplementation. Non-supplemented animals had a  negative nitrogen balance and experienced weight loss throughout the experiment and significantly higher  concentrations of 3-methyhistidine than supplemented animals that had a slight increase in live weight.  This amino acid can be considered a valid indicator of protein breakdown and weight decrease in male  goats. Serum 3-methylhistidine concentrations in adequately fed male goats were similar throughout the  assay (20-40 μmol/l) whereas in weight-losing animals, concentrations of up to 170μmol/l can be expected.


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    The number of eastern rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome filholi breeding at subantarctic Marion Island decreased from about 173 000 pairs in 1994/95 to about 67 000 pairs in 2001/02. During 1994/95–2002/03 pairs fledged on average 0.40 chicks per year, an amount thought insufficient to balance mortality of breeding adults, and there was a decrease in the mass at arrival at breeding colonies of both males and females. Except in 1997/98, the mass of chicks at fledging was less than that recorded at two other localities. These factors suggest an inadequate supply of food for rockhopper penguins at Marion Island. Decreases of rockhopper penguins at several other localities also have been attributed to inadequate food. Rockhopper penguins at Marion Island continued to feed mainly on crustaceans during chick rearing. There was a marked increase in the contribution of fish to the diet in 1999/00 that coincided with an increase in mass at arrival at colonies of both males and females. Trends in numbers of pairs breeding in different sections of Marion Island were not always consistent, indicating the need for island-wide monitoring to establish the overall trend. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 25: 487–49


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    The numbers of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua breeding at subantarctic Marion Island fell by 40&#37 from 1994/95 to 2002/03, from 1 352 pairs to 806 pairs. Apart from a slight increase in 1998/99, there was a steady decrease in numbers breeding between 1995/96 and 2000/01, when the population stabilized. There is indication that in some years not all breeders nested and that some birds relocated to another colony after disturbance. From first clutches, pairs on average fledged between 0.01 chicks in 1997/98 and 0.58 chicks in 2002/03 (mean 0.38 &#177 0.21). In 1994/95, replacement clutches increased the overall production of fledged chicks by 11&#37. Based on demographic parameters measured at other localities, the production of chicks at Marion Island was inadequate to maintain the population during the period 1995/96–2000/01. Consistency in trends in breeding success at five colonies suggests that factors operating at a mesoscale, rather than those specific to particular colonies, often influenced breeding success. Laying was later than normal in 1997/98, when there was almost total breeding failure with large losses of eggs and small chicks to returning Subantarctic skuas Catharacta antarctica. Future research on this Near Threatened species at Marion Island must take full account of its susceptibility to human disturbance.Afr. J. mar. Sci. 25: 463–47

    Implementation of the safe system approach in South Africa : overview of the Limpopo road safety programme

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    Papers presented virtually at the 41st International Southern African Transport Conference on 10-13 July 2044In line with the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 road safety has been prioritized as a key public health priority. Aligned with South African national development goals (NDP 2030) and the fact that the South Africa Government recognizes road safety and the consequences of the road safety scourge as public health and socio-economic development challenge across South Africa, and across communities. In 2018 a South African mining community and health assessment determined that road safety needs to be a key health and safety priority. In support a baseline Limpopo Province road safety analysis conducted in 2021 indicted the need to cater for the most vulnerable in society (and with that broader than the usual vulnerable road user, but also aimed at socioeconomic vulnerability) which puts road safety in the mainstream of development activities and the road safety agenda will need to aspire to achieving more. In response to address the road safety problems in the province, a targeted programme was developed. The Limpopo Road Safety Programme is premised on the Safe Systems Approach which at the heart of both the First and the Second United Nations Decade of Action and Global Road Safety Plans, as well as the National Road Safety Strategy 2030. The Limpopo Road Safety Programme aim to implement road safety actions and interventions in a targeted manner. The Limpopo Road Safety programme is a three-year initiative developed and implemented by the Impact Catalyst and is set to through public and private partnerships support communities in reducing the number of deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents (Sustainable Development Goal 3.6). This commitment is deliberately ambitious and aligned to improve people’s lives. The programme is rooted in successful public and private partnerships and the coordination of targeted interventions and actions aimed at reducing the carnage on Limpopo roads. This research paper provides an overview of the the Limpopo Road Safety programme which through the execution of thirteen targeted Safe System projects aims to improve road safety in the Limpopo Province by strengthening the various pillars of the Safe System Approach in support of road safety improvements

    Improving selection of markers in nutrition research: evaluation of the criteria proposed by the ILSI Europe Marker Validation Initiative

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    The conduct of high-quality nutrition research requires the selection of appropriate markers as outcomes, for example as indicators of food or nutrient intake, nutritional status, health status or disease risk. Such selection requires detailed knowledge of the markers, and consideration of the factors that may influence their measurement, other than the effects of nutritional change. A framework to guide selection of markers within nutrition research studies would be a valuable tool for researchers. A multidisciplinary Expert Group set out to test criteria designed to aid the evaluation of candidate markers for their usefulness in nutrition research and subsequently to develop a scoring system for markers. The proposed criteria were tested using thirteen markers selected from a broad range of nutrition research fields. The result of this testing was a modified list of criteria and a template for evaluating a potential marker against the criteria. Subsequently, a semi-quantitative system for scoring a marker and an associated template were developed. This system will enable the evaluation and comparison of different candidate markers within the same field of nutrition research in order to identify their relative usefulness. The ranking criteria of proven, strong, medium or low are likely to vary according to research setting, research field and the type of tool used to assess the marker and therefore the considerations for scoring need to be determined in a setting-, field- and tool-specific manner. A database of such markers, their interpretation and range of possible values would be valuable to nutrition researchers


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    The number of Crozet shags or cormorants Phalacrocorax [atriceps] melanogenis breeding at subantarctic Marion Island decreased by 68&#37 from 841 pairs in 1994/95 to 272 pairs in 2002/03. The mean number of pairs at colonies also decreased and was significantly related to the overall number of birds breeding in any given season. The decreases coincided with a period of warming and reduced precipitation at Marion Island and with a decrease in the number of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua breeding there. Both these seabird species forage inshore and there is considerable overlap in their diets. Nototheniid fish and the decapod Nauticaris marionis continued to be important in the diet of Crozet shags, but a change in dominance among nototheniid prey suggests availability of prey to shags changed after the mid 1980s. Crozet shags breed for the first time when aged three years. It is probable that about 25&#37 of the mature population did not breed in 1997/98, coincident with a strong El Niño Southern Oscillation event. In four seasons, breeding pairs on average fledged 0.30 chicks from first clutches, an amount thought inadequate to sustain the population. Crozet shags at the Prince Edward Islands should now be regarded as Endangered. Placing breeding colonies in the most highly protected zone on Marion Island, considering the establishment of an ex situ population and undertaking a genetic study of the specific status of the Crozet shag are recommended conservation measures.Afr. J. mar. Sci. 25: 537–54

    Supplement 1) Peer-reviewed paper

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    Abstract This study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary fatty acids (FA) on the fertility and hatchability of laying hens at the end-of-lay period (69 -77 weeks of age). Five isoenergetic (12.4 MJ ME/kg DM) and isonitrogenous (170 g CP/kg DM) diets were formulated using different lipid sources (30 g/kg inclusion) to manipulate the dietary FA profile. The control diet was formulated using a 50 : 50 blend of linseed and fish oil, while fish oil was used in the polyunsaturated n-3 treatment. Sunflower oil was used in the polyunsaturated n-6 treatment, while in the mono-unsaturated n-9 diet high oleic acid (HO) sunflower oil was used. Lastly, tallow was used as a lipid source in the saturated FA diet. One hundred and twenty five hens (n = 25/treatment) and 50 cockerels (n = 10/treatment) of the Hy-Line Silver-Brown genotype were randomly allocated to the five dietary treatments at 20 weeks of age. From 69 weeks of age, hens were inseminated with 0.06 mL undiluted semen from cockerels within the same dietary treatment. Between 71 and 78 weeks of age (49 days) a total of 588 eggs-per-treatment were collected, individually marked (date and hen number) and incubated in a single-stage still-air incubator. Eggs were candled on D7 and D14 to determine embryonic mortalities and a 24 h window for hatching was allowed (D21 + 24 h). Although the fish oil treatment resulted in the lowest egg weights (59.3 g) and fertility (84.6%), it recorded the highest hatchability (76%). In contrast, the sunflower oil treatment recorded the lowest hatchability (58.2%) of all treatments, despite its high egg fertility (89.6%). Results of the study suggest that the dietary fatty acid content, in particular the n-3 and n-6 levels, need critical consideration in terms of concentration and ratio in the formulation of breeder diets to limit embryonic mortalities during incubation
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