33 research outputs found

    Conference on Policies on Pesticide Use by Local and Regional Authorities 25th April 2006 Wageningen UR, Wageningen, The Netherlands

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    Table of Contents: 1. Inventory of policies on pesticide use by local and regional authorities in the 7 project countries (DE, DK, FI, LV, NL, SE, UK) [Palle Kristoffersen & Anne Merete Rask (DK)]; 2. Dutch policy regarding pesticide use on hard surfaces [Wilbert van Zeventer (NL)]; 3. Handling the risk of drinking water pollution by pesticides [Job Verheijden (NL)]; 4. Weed control in the public area: combining environmental and economical targets [C. Kempenaar & R.J. Saft (NL)]; 5. Approach of legislation and stimulation by Water Board Vallei & Eem [Wessel Doorn & Frans van Baardwijk (NL)]; 6. Regional policy on herbicide use on pavements by Water Board Zuiderzeeland, The Netherlands [J. Meijerink (NL)]; 7. Acetic acid for weed control on hard surface areas [D. Hansson, S.-E. Svensson J. E. Mattsson, J.-E. Englund & H. Schroeder (SE)]; 8. How pesticides used on hard surfaces end up in drinking water [Wim H.J. Beltman, Corné Kempenaar, Kees van der Horst & Astrid Withagen (NL)]; 9. Environmental risk from using glyphosate on hard surfaces [Carmel Ramwell (UK)

    Visualising Conversation Structure across Time: Insights into Effective Doctor-Patient Consultations

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    Effective communication between healthcare professionals and patients is critical to patients’ health outcomes. The doctor/patient dialogue has been extensively researched from different perspectives, with findings emphasising a range of behaviours that lead to effective communication. Much research involves self-reports, however, so that behavioural engagement cannot be disentangled from patients’ ratings of effectiveness. In this study we used a highly efficient and time economic automated computer visualisation measurement technique called Discursis to analyse conversational behaviour in consultations. Discursis automatically builds an internal language model from a transcript, mines the transcript for its conceptual content, and generates an interactive visual account of the discourse. The resultant visual account of the whole consultation can be analysed for patterns of engagement between interactants. The findings from this study show that Discursis is effective at highlighting a range of consultation techniques, including communication accommodation, engagement and repetition

    Observed communication skills: how do they relate to the consultation content? A nation-wide study of graduate medical students seeing a standardized patient for a first-time consultation in a general practice setting

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In this study, we wanted to investigate the relationship between background variables, communication skills, and the bio-psychosocial content of a medical consultation in a general practice setting with a standardized patient.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Final-year medical school students (N = 111) carried out a consultation with an actor playing the role of a patient with a specific somatic complaint, psychosocial stressors, and concerns about cancer. Based on videotapes, communication skills and consultation content were scored separately.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean level of overall communication skills had a significant impact upon the counts of psychosocial issues, the patient's concerns about cancer, and the information and planning parts of the consultation content being addressed. Gender and age had no influence upon the relationship between communication skills and consultation content.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Communication skills seem to be important for final-year students' competence in addressing sensitive psychosocial issues and patients' concerns as well as informing and planning with patients being representative for a fairly complex case in general practice. This result should be considered in the design and incorporation of communication skills training as part of the curriculum of medical schools.</p

    Raising positive expectations helps patients with minor ailments: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Consultations for minor ailments constitute a large part of the workload of general practitioners (GPs). As medical interventions are not always available, specific communication strategies, such as active listening and positive communication, might help GPs to handle these problems adequately. This study examines to what extent GPs display both strategies during consultations for minor ailments and investigates how each of these relate to the patients' perceived health, consultation frequency and medication adherence. Methods: 524 videotaped consultations between Dutch GPs and patients aged 18 years or older were selected. All patients presented a minor ailment, and none of them suffered from a diagnosed chronic illness. The observation protocol included the validated Active Listening Observation Scale (ALOS-global), as well as three domains of positive communication, i.e. providing reassurance, a clear explanation, and a favourable prognosis. Patients completed several questionnaires before, immediately after, and two weeks after the consultation. These included measures for state anxiety (STAI), functional health status (COOP/ WONCA charts) and medication adherence (MAQ). Consultation frequency was available from an ongoing patient registration. Data were analysed using multivariate regression analyses. Results: Reassurance was related to patients' better overall health. Providing a favourable prognosis was linked to patients feeling better, but only when accompanied by a clear explanation of the complaints. A clear explanation was also related to patients feeling better and less anxious, except when patients reported a low mood pre-visit. Active listening alone was positively associated with patients feeling worse. Among patients in a good mood state, active listening was associated with less adherence. Conclusion: To some extent, it seems helpful when GPs are at the same time clear and optimistic about the nature and course of minor ailments. Yet, it does not seem helpful always and in all cases, e.g. when patients feel low upon entering the consulting room. Although communication strategies might to some extent contribute to the management of minor ailments, the results of this observational study also indicate that it is important for a physician to pay attention to the mood of the patient who enters the consulting room. (aut. ref.