1,901 research outputs found

    Wavefront attributes in anisotropic media

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    Surface-measured wavefront attributes are the key ingredient to multiparameter methods, which are nowadays standard tools in seismic data processing. However, most operators are restricted to application to isotropic media. Whereas application of an isotropic operator will still lead to satisfactory stack results, further processing steps that interpret isotropic stacking parameters in terms of wavefront attributes will lead to erroneous results if anisotropy is present but not accounted for. In this paper, we derive relationships between the stacking parameters and anisotropic wavefront attributes that allow us to apply the common reflection surface type operator to 3-D media with arbitrary anisotropy for the zero-offset and finite-offset configurations including converted waves. The operator itself is expressed in terms of wavefront attributes that are measured in the acquisition surface, that is, no model assumptions are made. Numerical results confirm that the accuracy of the new anisotropic operator is of the same magnitude as that of its isotropic counterpart

    The Levantine Basin - crustal structure and origin

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    The origin of the Levantine Basin in the Southeastern Mediterranean Sea is related to the opening of the Neo-Tethys. The nature of its crust has been debated for decades. Therefore, we conducted a geophysical experiment in the Levantine Basin. We recorded two refraction seismic lines with 19 and 20 ocean bottom hydrophones, respectively, and developed velocity models. Additional seismic reflection data yield structural information about the upper layers in the first few kilometers. The crystalline basement in the Levantine Basin consists of two layers with a P-wave velocity of 6.06.4 km/s in the upper and 6.56.9 km/s in the lower crust. Towards the center of the basin, the Moho depth decreases from 27 to 22 km. Local variations of the velocity gradient can be attributed to previously postulated shear zones like the Pelusium Line, the DamiettaLatakia Line and the BaltimHecateus Line. Both layers of the crystalline crust are continuous and no indication for a transition from continental to oceanic crust is observed. These results are confirmed by gravity data. Comparison with other seismic refraction studies in prolongation of our profiles under Israel and Jordan and in the Mediterranean Sea near Greece and Sardinia reveal similarities between the crust in the Levantine Basin and thinned continental crust, which is found in that region. The presence of thinned continental crust under the Levantine Basin is therefore suggested. A β-factor of 2.33 is estimated. Based on these findings, we conclude that sea-floor spreading in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea only occurred north of the Eratosthenes Seamount, and the oceanic crust was later subducted at the Cyprus Arc

    Longtime behavior of nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard equations

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    Here we consider the nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard equation with constant mobility in a bounded domain. We prove that the associated dynamical system has an exponential attractor, provided that the potential is regular. In order to do that a crucial step is showing the eventual boundedness of the order parameter uniformly with respect to the initial datum. This is obtained through an Alikakos-Moser type argument. We establish a similar result for the viscous nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard equation with singular (e.g., logarithmic) potential. In this case the validity of the so-called separation property is crucial. We also discuss the convergence of a solution to a single stationary state. The separation property in the nonviscous case is known to hold when the mobility degenerates at the pure phases in a proper way and the potential is of logarithmic type. Thus, the existence of an exponential attractor can be proven in this case as well

    Commensurate Priors on a Finite Mixture Model for Incorporating Repository Data in Clinical Trials

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    Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a good source of fat that can be taken up through food, such as fish, or taken as a supplement. Evidence is building that DHA provides a high-yield, low-risk strategy to reduce preterm birth and/or low birth weight. These births are great costs to society. A recently completed Phase III trial revealed that higher birth weight and gestational age were associated with DHA dosed at 600 mg/day. In this article, we take a posterior predictive approach to assess impacts of these findings on public health. Simple statistical models are not adequate for accurate posterior predictive distribution estimation. Of particular interest is that the joint distribution of birth weight and gestational age is well modeled by a finite mixture of three normal distributions. Data from our own clinical trial exhibit similar features. Using the mean and variance-covariance matrices from a previous study and flexible commensurate priors for the mixing parameters, we estimate the effect of DHA supplementation on over 20,000 infants born in hospitals demographically similar to the hospital where the clinical trial was conducted

    Derivation and solution of effective-medium equations for bulk heterojunction organic solar cells

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    A drift-diffusion model for charge transport in an organic bulk-heterojunction solar cell, formed by conjoined acceptor and donor materials sandwiched between two electrodes, is formulated. The model accounts for (i) bulk photogeneration of excitons, (ii) exciton drift and recombination, (iii) exciton dissociation (into polarons) on the acceptor-donor interface, (iv) polaron recombination, (v) polaron dissociation into a free electron (in the acceptor) and a hole (in the donor), (vi) electron/hole transport and (vii) electron-hole recombination on the acceptor-donor interface. A finite element method is employed to solve the model in a cell with a highly convoluted acceptor/donor interface. The solutions show that, with physically realistic parameters, and in the power generating regime, the solution varies little on the scale of the microstructure. This motivates us to homogenise over the microstructure; a process that yields a far simpler one-dimensional effective medium model on the cell scale. The comparison between the solution of the full model and the effective medium (homogenised) model is very favourable for the applied voltages that are less than the built-in voltage (the power generating regime) but breaks down as the applied voltages increases above it. Furthermore, it is noted that the homogenisation technique provides a systematic way to relate effective medium modelling of bulk heterojunctions [19, 25, 36, 37, 42, 59] to a more fundamental approach that explicitly models the full microstructure [8, 38, 39, 58] and that it allows the parameters in the effective medium model to be derived in terms of the geometry of the microstructure. Finally, the effective medium model is used to investigate the effects of modifying the microstructure geometry, of a device with an interdigitated acceptor/donor interface, on its current-voltage curve

    On four numerical schemes for a unipolar degenerate drift-diffusion model

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    International audienceWe consider a unipolar degenerate drift-diffusion system where the relation between the concentration of the charged species c and the chemical potential h is h(c)=log(c/(1c))h(c) = log(c/(1−c)). For four different finite volume schemes based on four different formulations of the fluxes of the problem, we discuss stability and existence results. For two of them, we report a convergence proof. Numerical experiments illustrate the behaviour of the different schemes

    31P-NMR and muSR Studies of Filled Skutterudite Compound SmFe4P12: Evidence for Heavy Fermion Behavior with Ferromagnetic Ground State

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    The 31P-NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and muSR (muon spin relaxation) measurements on the filled skutterudite system SmFe4P12 have been carried out. The temperature T dependence of the 31P-NMR spectra indicates the existence of the crystalline electric field effect splitting of the Sm3+$ (J = 5/2) multiplet into a ground state and an excited state of about 70 K. The spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 shows the typical behavior of the Kondo system, i.e., 1/T1 is nearly T independent above 30 K, and varies in proportion to T (the Korringa behavior, 1/T1 \propto T) between 7.5 K and 30 K. The T dependence deviated from the Korringa behavior below 7 K, which is independent of T in the applied magnetic field of 1 kOe, and suppressed strongly in higher fields. The behavior is explained as 1/T1is determined by ferromagnetic fluctuations of the uncovered Sm3+ magnetic moments by conduction electrons. The muSR measurements in zero field show the appearance of a static internal field associated with the ferromagnetic order below 1.6 K.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75 (2006

    Optimal Sobolev regularity for linear second-order divergence elliptic operators occurring in real-world problems

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    On bounded three-dimensional domains, we consider divergence-type operators including mixed homogeneous Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions and discontinuous coefficient functions. We develop a geometric framework in which it is possible to prove that the operator provides an isomorphism of suitable function spaces. In particular, in these spaces, the gradient of solutions turns out to be integrable with exponent larger than the space dimension three. Relevant examples from real-world applications are provided in great detail