420 research outputs found

    Hydroxyapatite promotes superior adhesion and proliferation of telomerase transformed keratocytes in comparison with inert plastic skirt materials used in leading contemporary keratoprostheses

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    Aim: Published clinical series suggest the osteoodontokeratoprosthesis (OOKP) may have a lower extrusion rate than current synthetic keratoprostheses. The OOKP is anchored in the eye wall by autologous tooth. The authors’ aim was to compare adhesion, proliferation, and morphology for telomerase transformed keratocytes seeded on calcium hydroxyapatite (the principal mineral constituent of tooth) and materials used in the anchoring elements of commercially available synthetic keratoprostheses. Methods: Test materials were hydroxyapatite, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), polyhydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), and glass (control). Cell adhesion and viability were quantified at 4 hours, 24 hours, and 1 week using a calcein-AM/EthD-1 viability/cytotoxicity assay. Focal contact expression and cytoskeletal organisation were studied at 24 hours by confocal microscopy with immunoflourescent labelling. Further studies of cell morphology were performed using light and scanning electron microscopy. Results: Live cell counts were significantly greater on hydroxyapatite surfaces at each time point (p<0.04). Dead cell counts were significantly higher for PTFE at 7 days (p<0.002). Β1 integrin expression was highest on hydroxyapatite. Adhesion structures were well expressed in flat, spread out keratocytes on both HA and glass. Keratocytes tended to be thinner and spindle shaped on PTFE. The relatively few keratocytes visible on HEMA test surfaces were rounded and poorly adherent. Conclusions: Keratocyte adhesion, spreading, and viability on hydroxyapatite test surfaces is superior to that seen on PTFE and HEMA. Improving the initial cell adhesion environment in the skirt element of keratoprostheses may enhance tissue integration and reduce device failure rates

    Mixed Reality Game Using Bluetooth Beacons for Exhibitions

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    Total carotenoid content, α-carotene and β-carotene, of landrace pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata Duch): A preliminary study

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    AbstractLandrace pumpkins occur in nature and their potential as source of pro-vitamin A may be investigated in order to be used in conventional plant breeding or biofortification programs, aiming to increase the total carotenoids and β-carotene contents. The objective of the study was to determine the total carotenoid, α-carotene, β-carotene and its isomers and contents in two landrace samples (A and B) of raw pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata) to verify its seed production potential. High Performance Liquid Chromatography and UV/Visible spectrophotometry were used to determine α-carotene, β-carotene and its isomers, and total carotenoid contents, respectively. All analyses were carried out in triplicate. The results showed mean total carotenoid contents of 404.98 in sample A, and 234.21μg/g in sample B. The α-carotene contents varied from 67.06 to 72.99μg/g in samples A and B, respectively. All E-β-carotene was the most abundant isomer found varying from 244.22 to 141.95μg/g in samples A and B, respectively. The 9 and 13-Z-β-carotene isomers were still found in low concentrations in both analyzed landrace samples. The content of β-carotene in raw sample A showed to be promising for the production of seeds for cultivation and consumption

    Propagation modes of 3D scour below a submarine pipeline in oblique steady currents and waves

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    This paper presents experimental results on 3D scour propagation along a pipeline under oblique-incidence currents and waves. Different modes of 3D scour propagation were discovered after the local scour was initiated below the pipeline. These modes include scour propagation throughout the whole pipeline, onset of scour at multiple locations due to piping, termination of scour propagation induced by backfill and no scour propagation. The critical conditions for these scour propagation modes were determined in terms of flow incident angle, embedment depth and Shields parameter (or KC number). © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London

    Bird responses to targeted revegetation : 40 years of habitat enhancement at Clarkesdale Bird sanctuary, central-western Victoria

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    A program of planting Australian shrubs and trees has been conducted in degraded farmland at the Clarkesdale Bird Sanctuary (central-western Victoria) since the 1960s, to address the issue of declining native birds, as perceived by the late landowner Gordon Clarke. The shrubs and trees were selected to attract birds, and included many species that were not native to the region. This form of management is often practised by private landholders (at various scales), but its effects are rarely documented. Bird surveys were conducted for this study between 1999 and 2001 at 27 sites: 11 in native eucalypt forest on ridges and slopes, 13 in planted areas on ridges and slopes, and three in planted areas on river-flats and a small gully (with three supplementary sites in a pine plantation). Total bird abundance and species per count were highest in the planted sites on river-flats and gully, and higher in the planted sites on ridges and slopes than in native forest on similar topography. Honeyeaters (Meliphagidae), Superb Fairy-wrens Malurus cyaneus, open-country birds, seed-eating birds and five insectivorous guilds reached their maximum abundance in planted sites. Barkforaging insectivores, canopy-foraging insectivores, frugivores and a generalist insectivore were marginally more common in native forest than in planted sites. Introduced birds were uncommon. Generalised linear modelling showed that total bird abundance was positively related to the cover of planted native vegetation, native low shrubs and young wattles Acacia spp. and to the presence of indigenous Cherry Ballart Exocarpos cupressiformis. Various guilds showed positive relationships with the cover of planted native vegetation, native low shrubs, young wattles, original old wattles, original old eucalypts and trees with small or large hollows. The planting program has provided new habitat for many native forest birds. A greater challenge is to address the needs of some uncommon species that have declined locally, such as the Brown Treecreeper Climacteris picumnus and Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagittata

    Experimentally manipulated self-affirmation promotes reduced alcohol consumption in response to narrative information

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    Background: Health-risk information is increasingly being conveyed through accounts of personal experiences or narrative information. However, whether self-affirmation can enhance the ability of such messages to promote behavior change has yet to be established. Purpose: This study aims to test whether self-affirmation (a) promotes behavior change following exposure to narrative information about the risks of excessive alcohol consumption and (b) boosts message acceptance by increasing narrative engagement. Methods: In an experimental design, female drinkers (N = 142) reported their baseline alcohol consumption and were randomly allocated to condition (Self-Affirmation, Control). All participants next watched an extract of a genuine narrative piece in which the central character discussed her liver disease and its link with her previous alcohol consumption. Then, participants completed measures assessing engagement with the narrative and message acceptance. The primary outcome was alcohol consumption, assessed at 7-day follow-up. Results: Self-affirmed participants reported consuming significantly less alcohol at follow-up compared to baseline (mean 7-day decrease = 5.43 units); there was no change in alcohol consumption for the control group. Immediately post-manipulation, self-affirmed participants (vs. control) showed more message acceptance and reported greater engagement with the information. The impact of self-affirmation on message acceptance was mediated by narrative engagement. Conclusions: Self-affirmation can promote behavior change following exposure to health information, even when presented in narrative form

    Efficacy of Olyset Duo, a bednet containing pyriproxyfen and permethrin, versus a permethrin-only net against clinical malaria in an area with highly pyrethroid-resistant vectors in rural Burkina Faso: a cluster-randomised controlled trial

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    Background Substantial reductions in malaria incidence in sub-Saharan Africa have been achieved with massive deployment of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), but pyrethroid resistance threatens control. Burkina Faso is an area with intense malaria transmission and highly pyrethroid-resistant vectors. We assessed the effectiveness of bednets containing permethrin, a pyrethroid, and pyriproxyfen, an insect growth regulator, versus permethrin-only (standard) LLINs against clinical malaria in children younger than 5 years in Banfora, Burkina Faso. Methods In this two-group, step-wedge, cluster-randomised, controlled, superiority trial, standard LLINs were incrementally replaced with LLINs treated with permethrin plus pyriproxyfen (PPF) in 40 rural clusters in Burkina Faso. In each cluster, 50 children (aged 6 months to 5 years) were followed up by passive case detection for clinical malaria. Cross-sectional surveys were done at the start and the end of the transmission seasons in 2014 and 2015. We did monthly collections from indoor light traps to estimate vector densities. Primary endpoints were the incidence of clinical malaria, measured by passive case detection, and the entomological inoculation rate. Analyses were adjusted for clustering and for month and health centre. This trial is registered as ISRCTN21853394. Findings 1980 children were enrolled in the cohort in 2014 and 2157 in 2015. At the end of the study, more than 99% of children slept under a bednet. The incidence of clinical malaria was 2·0 episodes per child-year in the standard LLIN group and 1·5 episodes per child-year in the PPF-treated LLIN group (incidence rate ratio 0·88 [95% CI 0·77–0·99; p=0·04]). The entomological inoculation rate was 85 (95% CI 63–108) infective bites per transmission season in the standard LLIN group versus 42 (32–52) infective bites per transmission season in the PPF-treated LLIN group (rate ratio 0·49, 95% CI 0·32–0·66; p<0·0001). Interpretation PPF-treated LLINs provide greater protection against clinical malaria than do standard LLINs and could be used as an alternative to standard LLINs in areas with intense transmission of Plasmodium falciparum malaria and highly pyrethroid-resistant vectors. Funding EU Seventh Framework Programme

    Stem End Blockage in Cut Grevillea 'Crimson Yul-lo' Inflorescences

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    Grevillea Crimson Yul-lo inflorescences have cut flower potential, but their vase life is short. End of vase life is characterised by early wilting. The possibility of physiologically mediated stem end blockage was investigated. Hydraulic conductance of 2 cm long stem end segments declined rapidly and remained lower throughout vase life than that of 2 cm long stem segments from immediately above. Re-cutting daily to remove basal 2 cm stem ends increased solution uptake, delayed declines in inflorescence water potential and water content, and improved inflorescence vase life. S-Carvone is a potential inhibitor of wound related suberin formation, via inhibition of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, and vase solution treatments with S-carvone (0.318 and 0.636 mM) delayed the decline in hydraulic conductance of basal 2 cm long stem end segments and decreases in vase solution uptake and relative fresh weight of cut stems, and extended vase life. Treatments with the catechol oxidase inhibitor 4-hexylresorcinol (2.5-10 mM) also delayed stem end blockage. These findings suggest that stem end blockage in cut G. Crimson Yul-lo stems is physiologically mediated

    Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Severe Anaemia in Malawian Children

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    BACKGROUND: Severe anaemia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in African children. The aetiology is multi-factorial, but interventions have often targeted only one or a few causal factors, with limited success. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We assessed the contribution of different pathophysiological mechanisms (red cell production failure [RCPF], haemolysis and blood loss) to severe anaemia in Malawian children in whom etiological factors have been described previously. More complex associations between etiological factors and the mechanisms were explored using structural equation modelling. In 235 children with severe anaemia (haemoglobin<3.2 mMol/L [5.0 g/dl]) studied, RCPF, haemolysis and blood loss were found in 48.1%, 21.7% and 6.9%, respectively. The RCPF figure increased to 86% when a less stringent definition of RCPF was applied. RCPF was the most common mechanism in each of the major etiological subgroups (39.7-59.7%). Multiple aetiologies were common in children with severe anaemia. In the final model, nutritional and infectious factors, including malaria, were directly or indirectly associated with RCPF, but not with haemolysis. CONCLUSION: RCPF was the most common pathway leading to severe anaemia, from a variety of etiological factors, often found in combination. Unlike haemolysis or blood loss, RCPF is a defect that is likely to persist to a significant degree unless all of its contributing aetiologies are corrected. This provides a further explanation for the limited success of the single factor interventions that have commonly been applied to the prevention or treatment of severe anaemia. Our findings underline the need for a package of measures directed against all of the local aetiologies of this often fatal paediatric syndrome
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