1,783 research outputs found

    Towards unification of product and enterprise system descriptions

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    An argument is presented for the unification of descriptions of product systems and enterprise systems. Product systems are developed and produced by enterprises, thus forming an integral part of the enterprise's architecture. However, many products are utilised by enterprises and some product systems contain entire businesses, such as the operating and maintenance business of a power station. Thus, products are part of enterprises, but enterprises may also be part of product systems. To enable the design of systems that include the product, its user and all the enterprises that make the product available and possible, it is necessary to align the enterprise engineering and systems engineering views. This article presents a starting point that allows the two disciplines to more accurately refer to a specific element of the complete system‐of‐interest. The aim is that this will allow for improved communication between the practitioners of the different disciplines and perhaps the development of improved solutions

    Kepuasan Pelangan Terhadap Program Customer Relationship Management (Crm) Novotel Surabaya Hotel and Suites

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    Program Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Novotel Surabaya Hotel and Suite terbagi dalam 2 kategori yaitu CRM tatap muka dan CRM non tatap muka. Pada penelitian ini peneliti mengangkat program CRM tatap muka dengan fokus pada program VIP Treatment dimana program CRM ini dilakukan untuk mempertahankan hubungan yang baik dan meningkatkan kepuasan dari tamu VIP. Terdapat 5 aktivitas program CRM VIP Treahment diantaranya welcome drink, welcome food, escort by Guest Relations Officers (GRO), easy check-in and Check-out process, dan special request. Dengan menggunakan analisa kuantitaif dengan penghitungan statistika, tingkat kesesuaian dan juga customer satisfaction index didapati bahwa tingkat kepuasan tamu VIP Novotel Surabaya Hotel and Suite sebesar 78,01 % dengan indikator kepuasan tergolong puas. Masih perlu inovasi dan evaluasi dalam pelaksanaan program CRM ini terutama pada aktivitas easy check-in and Check-out process yang memiliki tingkat pengukuran kepuasan paling rendah bila dibandingkan dengan 4 kativitas CRM VIP Treatment lainnya

    Feat or futile: Students' perceptions of group work at a University of Technology in South Africa

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    The increase in student enrolment at tertiary institutions in South Africa over the past few years has necessitated the need for group work without sacrificing the standard and integrity of education. Research has shown that group work offers many advantages to both lecturers and students. Interactive attributes such as teamwork, co-operation skills, leadership qualities, communication skills and confidentiality developed during group work are highly sought-after skills by prospective employers. This quantitative study aimed to determine whether students are positively or negatively inclined towards group work, as well as other possible factors influencing group work at a university of technology (UoT) in South Africa. A structured, close-ended questionnaire was administered to 309 students enrolled for the Applied Communication Skills course. The data were analysed using statistical methods. The results revealed that listening skills and mutual respect were crucial to develop good interpersonal skills needed for effective group work. When working in groups, students tend towards collectivism and negative aspects of group work, such as social loafing, are often overseen to maintain harmony and avoid direct confrontation with other individuals in the group. It was also found that male students agreed more strongly with negative conflict resolution than female students. Overall, the study showed that despite several negative aspects, students tended to be positively inclined towards group work

    Oxidative addition of methyl iodide to [Rh(PhCOCHCOPh)(CO)(P(OCH2)(3)CCH3)]: an experimental and computational study

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    The reaction rate of the oxidative addition and CO insertion steps of methyl iodide with [Rh(PhCOCHCOPh)(CO)(P(OCH2 ) 3 CCH3 )] are presented. Large negative experimental values for the activation entropy and results from a density functional theory computational chemistry study indicated trans addition of the CH3 I to [Rh(PhCOCHCOPh)(CO)(P(OCH2 ) 3 CCH3 )]. A study of the molecular orbitals gives insight into the flow of electrons during the oxidative addition reaction. CO insertion leads to a square pyramidal [Rh(PhCOCHCOPh) (P(OCH2 ) 3 CCH3 )(COCH3 )(I)] acyl product with the COCH3 moiety in the apical position. The strong electron donation of the P(OCH2 ) 3 CCH3 ligand accelerates the oxidation addition step of methyl iodide to [Rh(PhCOCHCOPh)(CO)(P(OCH2 ) 3 CCH3 )] by ca. 265 times faster (at 35°C) than that of the Monsanto catalyst, but inhibits the CO insertion step

    Plasma cholesterol distribution in a rural Nigerian population - relationship to age, sex and body mass

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    A CAJM article on plasma cholesterol distribution in rural Nigeria.Several reports indicate the close relationship between high plasma cholesterol levels with the occurrence of atherosclerosis.1,2 The prevalence of atherosclerosis has been reported to be much higher in Caucasians than in Black Africans.3 Large differences in total plasma cholesterol levels between these populations have been reported and have been attributed to differing dietary patterns between them.4-7 Thus data on the distribution of cholesterol in groups of subjects randomly selected from communities are important since they provide opportunities for intra and international comparisons which may thus lead to identification of habits or traits which influence plasma cholesterol levels

    Enhancing protection of internally displaced persons through domestic law and policy

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    With the global crisis and conflicts, Africa as a continent has the largest number of IDPs in the world. Unfortunately, peoples have lost their life, exposed to different abuses; abandon their homes, property and their family in Nigeria due to Boko Haram insurgency, political instability, civil conflict, natural or economic predicaments and more also developmental projects. The problem of IDPs includes lack of basic amenities such access to portable water, good health care services, food, and shelter. As displaced persons did not cross an internationally recognised border, they are termed ‘’internally displaced persons’’ (IDPs) not refugees. The paper will examine the legal framework on the rights of IDPs and the Kampala Convention 2009 of the African Union. The paper analyses the legal regime for the Protection and Assistance of the IDPs rights in regional conflicts. This paper examines the AU Kampala Convention 2009 and how the rights of the IDPs have been violated by the agents of states. The paper concludes with a recommendation that Legislation should be domesticated in the National laws and Constitution of Member States who have signed and ratified the AU Convention 2009. Despite the legal constraint of customary international law, international law can be interpreted to include the humanitarian services and aids be given to IDPs as a protection through the international human rights laws(IHRL) and international humanitarian laws(IHL) ratified by the Member States of the regional institution. The State must hold members of the armed groups criminally responsible for human rights abuses and violations of IHL.Keywords: IDPs, Kampala Convention, International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law, Legislation and Polic

    An integrated process framework for engineering endeavours

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    With the exponential increase in the complexity of modern products, the enterprise which creates the product also increases in complexity. Projects to realise engineering products are often fraught with delays, budget overruns and unsatisfied clients. The study sets out exploring the domains of systems engineering, project management and quality management, by extensively referencing industry standards and international good practice in the quest of unravelling conflicts and uncertainties. Selected concepts and business processes of each domain are studied to arrive at an understanding of the objectives and scopes of those processes. This understanding enables the integration of these business processes and concepts by utilising the widely‐used plan‐do‐check‐act (PDCA) cycle. The business processes of each domain are divided into the four PDCA quadrants and integrated models of those quadrants are presented. The four quadrants are synthesised into a single framework which shows the project management, quality management and systems engineering processes performed during a single project phase. This Engineering Management Framework may be tailored for the design and realisation of any complex product, given adequate planning, understanding of the challenges and knowledge of the subject matter
