51 research outputs found

    Reconsidering Res Judicata: A Comparative Perspective

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    We aimed to prospectively investigate the paternal antigen-induced cytokine secretion by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in response to hormone treatment in women undergoing in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and to examine the predictive value of the cytokine secretion profile in the outcome of IVF treatment, in a pilot study. Twenty-five women were included and IVF treatment was successful for six and unsuccessful for 19 women. Blood samples were collected before IVF treatment, on four occasions during IVF and four weeks after embryo transfer. The numbers of Th1-, Th2- and Th17-associated cytokine-secreting cells and cytokine levels in cell supernatants were analysed by enzyme-linked immunospot-forming (ELISpot), enzyme-linked immune-sorbent (ELISA) or Luminex assay. None of the cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, IL-17, TNF and GM-CSF) had any predictive value regarding IVF outcome. The majority of the cytokines reached their peak levels at ovum pick-up, suggesting an enhancing influence of the hormonal stimulation. Pregnancy was associated with a high number of IL-4-, IL-5- and IL-13-secreting cells four weeks after ET. In conclusion, the results do not support our hypothesis of a more pronounced peripheral Th1 and Th17 deviation towards paternal antigens in infertile women with an unsuccessful IVF outcome, although this is based on a small number of observations. A larger study is required to confirm this conclusion. Higher numbers of Th2-associated cytokine-secreting cells in pregnant women four weeks after ET do corroborate the hypothesis of a Th2 deviation during pregnancy

    Decreased Th1-Type Inflammatory Cytokine Expression in the Skin Is Associated with Persisting Symptoms after Treatment of Erythema Migrans

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    Background: Despite the good prognosis of erythema migrans (EM), some patients have persisting symptoms of various character and duration post-treatment. Several factors may affect the clinical outcome of EM, e. g. the early interaction between Borrelia (B.) burgdorferi and the host immune response, the B. burgdorferi genotype, antibiotic treatment as well as other clinical circumstances. Our study was designed to determine whether early cytokine expression in the skin and in peripheral blood in patients with EM is associated with the clinical outcome. Methods: A prospective follow-up study of 109 patients with EM was conducted at the A land Islands, Finland. Symptoms were evaluated at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months post-treatment. Skin biopsies from the EM and healthy skin were immunohistochemically analysed for expression of interleukin (IL)-4, IL-10, IL-12p70 and interferon (IFN)-gamma, as well as for B. burgdorferi DNA. Blood samples were analysed for B. burgdorferi antibodies, allergic predisposition and levels of systemic cytokines. Findings: None of the patients developed late manifestations of Lyme borreliosis. However, at the 6-month follow-up, 7 of 88 patients reported persisting symptoms of diverse character. Compared to asymptomatic patients, these 7 patients showed decreased expression of the Th1-associated cytokine IFN-gamma in the EM biopsies (p = 0.003). B. afzelii DNA was found in 48%, B. garinii in 15% and B. burgdorferi sensu stricto in 1% of the EM biopsies, and species distribution was the same in patients with and without post-treatment symptoms. The two groups did not differ regarding baseline patient characteristics, B. burgdorferi antibodies, allergic predisposition or systemic cytokine levels. Conclusion: Patients with persisting symptoms following an EM show a decreased Th1-type inflammatory response in infected skin early during the infection, which might reflect a dysregulation of the early immune response. This finding supports the importance of an early, local Th1-type response for optimal resolution of LB.Original Publication: Johanna Sjöwall, Linda Fryland, Marika Nordberg, Florence Sjögren, Ulf Garpmo, Christian Jansson, Sten-Anders Carlsson, Sven Bergstrom, Jan Ernerudh, Dag Nyman, Pia Forsberg and Christina Ekerfelt, Decreased Th1-Type Inflammatory Cytokine Expression in the Skin Is Associated with Persisting Symptoms after Treatment of Erythema Migrans, 2011, PLOS ONE, (6), 3, 0018220. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0018220 Copyright: Public Library of Science (PLoS) http://www.plos.org

    Generation of meter-scale hydrogen plasmas and efficient, pump-depletion-limited wakefield excitation using 10 GeV electron bunches

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    High repetition rates and efficient energy transfer to the accelerating beam are important for a future linear collider based on the beam-driven plasma wakefield acceleration scheme (PWFA-LC). This paper reports the first results from the Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Collaboration (E300) that are beginning to address both of these issues using the recently commissioned FACET-II facility at SLAC. We have generated meter-scale hydrogen plasmas using time-structured 10 GeV electron bunches from FACET-II, which hold the promise of dramatically increasing the repetition rate of PWFA by rapidly replenishing the gas between each shot compared to the hitherto used lithium plasmas that operate at 1-10 Hz. Furthermore, we have excited wakes in such plasmas that are suitable for high gradient particle acceleration with high drive-bunch to wake energy transfer efficiency -- a first step in achieving a high overall energy transfer efficiency. We have done this by using time-structured electron drive bunches that typically have one or more ultra-high current (>30 kA) femtosecond spike(s) superimposed on a longer (~0.4 ps) lower current (<10 kA) bunch structure. The first spike effectively field-ionizes the gas and produces a meter-scale (30-160 cm) plasma, whereas the subsequent beam charge creates a wake. The length and amplitude of the wake depends on the longitudinal current profile of the bunch and plasma density. We find that the onset of pump depletion, when some of the drive beam electrons are nearly fully depleted of their energy, occurs for hydrogen pressure >1.5 Torr. We also show that some electrons in the rear of the bunch can gain several GeV energies from the wake. These results are reproduced by particle-in-cell simulations using the QPAD code. At a pressure of ~2 Torr, simulations results and experimental data show that the beam transfers about 60% of its energy to the wake

    Wakefield Generation in Hydrogen and Lithium Plasmas at FACET-II: Diagnostics and First Beam-Plasma Interaction Results

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    Plasma Wakefield Acceleration (PWFA) provides ultrahigh acceleration gradients of 10s of GeV/m, providing a novel path towards efficient, compact, TeV-scale linear colliders and high brightness free electron lasers. Critical to the success of these applications is demonstrating simultaneously high gradient acceleration, high energy transfer efficiency, and preservation of emittance, charge, and energy spread. Experiments at the FACET-II National User Facility at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory aim to achieve all of these milestones in a single stage plasma wakefield accelerator, providing a 10 GeV energy gain in a <1 m plasma with high energy transfer efficiency. Such a demonstration depends critically on diagnostics able to measure emittance with mm-mrad accuracy, energy spectra to determine both %-level energy spread and broadband energy gain and loss, incoming longitudinal phase space, and matching dynamics. This paper discusses the experimental setup at FACET-II, including the incoming beam parameters from the FACET-II linac, plasma sources, and diagnostics developed to meet this challenge. Initial progress on the generation of beam ionized wakes in meter-scale hydrogen gas is discussed, as well as commissioning of the plasma sources and diagnostics

    Spatiotemporal dynamics of ultrarelativistic beam-plasma instabilities

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    An electron or electron-positron beam streaming through a plasma is notoriously prone to micro-instabilities. For a dilute ultrarelativistic infinite beam, the dominant instability is a mixed mode between longitudinal two-stream and transverse filamentation modes, with a phase velocity oblique to the beam velocity. A spatiotemporal theory describing the linear growth of this oblique mixed instability is proposed, which predicts that spatiotemporal effects generally prevail for finite-length beams, leading to a significantly slower instability evolution than in the usually assumed purely temporal regime. These results are accurately supported by particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. Furthermore, we show that the self-focusing dynamics caused by the plasma wakefields driven by finite-width beams can compete with the oblique instability. Analyzed through PIC simulations, the interplay of these two processes in realistic systems bears important implications for upcoming accelerator experiments on ultrarelativistic beam-plasma interactions

    Underdense plasma lens with a transverse density gradient

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    We explore the implications of a transverse density gradient on the performance of an underdense plasma lens and nonlinear plasma-based accelerator. Transverse density gradients are unavoidable in plasma sources formed in the outflow of standard gas jets, which are used heavily in plasma accelerator communities. These density gradients lead to longitudinal variations in the transverse wakefields, which can transversely deflect an electron beam within the blowout wake. We present a theoretical model of the fields within the plasma blowout cavity based on empirical analysis of 3D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. Using this model, the transverse beam dynamics may be studied analytically, allowing for an estimation of the net kick of a witness electron bunch from an underdense plasma lens and for density uniformity tolerance studies in plasma accelerators and plasma lenses. This model is compared to PIC simulations with a single electron bunch and constant density profile, and to PIC simulations with two bunches and a thin, underdense plasma lens density profile with density ramps

    The Immunomodulatory Role of Adjuvants in Vaccines Formulated with the Recombinant Antigens Ov-103 and Ov-RAL-2 against Onchocerca volvulus in Mice.

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    BACKGROUND: In some regions in Africa, elimination of onchocerciasis may be possible with mass drug administration, although there is concern based on several factors that onchocerciasis cannot be eliminated solely through this approach. A vaccine against Onchocerca volvulus would provide a critical tool for the ultimate elimination of this infection. Previous studies have demonstrated that immunization of mice with Ov-103 and Ov-RAL-2, when formulated with alum, induced protective immunity. It was hypothesized that the levels of protective immunity induced with the two recombinant antigens formulated with alum would be improved by formulation with other adjuvants known to enhance different types of antigen-specific immune responses. METHODOLOGY/ PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Immunizing mice with Ov-103 and Ov-RAL-2 in conjunction with alum, Advax 2 and MF59 induced significant levels of larval killing and host protection. The immune response was biased towards Th2 with all three of the adjuvants, with IgG1 the dominant antibody. Improved larval killing and host protection was observed in mice immunized with co-administered Ov-103 and Ov-RAL-2 in conjunction with each of the three adjuvants as compared to single immunizations. Antigen-specific antibody titers were significantly increased in mice immunized concurrently with the two antigens. Based on chemokine levels, it appears that neutrophils and eosinophils participate in the protective immune response induced by Ov-103, and macrophages and neutrophils participate in immunity induced by Ov-RAL-2. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The mechanism of protective immunity induced by Ov-103 and Ov-RAL-2, with the adjuvants alum, Advax 2 and MF59, appears to be multifactorial with roles for cytokines, chemokines, antibody and specific effector cells. The vaccines developed in this study have the potential of reducing the morbidity associated with onchocerciasis in humans