356 research outputs found

    Bacteriostatic conformal coating for electronic components

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    Coating for electronic components used in space applications has bacteriostatic qualities capable of hindering bacterial reproduction, both vegetative and sporulative viable microorganisms. It exhibits high electrical resistivity, a low outgassing rate, and is capable of restraining electronic components when subjected to mechanical vibrations

    Bacteriostatic conformal coating and methods of application Patent

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    Development of bacteriostatic conformal coating and methods of applicatio

    Consistency of cosmic shear analyses in harmonic and real space

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UA

    Impact of blending on weak lensing measurements with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory

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    Upcoming deep optical surveys such as the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will scan the sky to unprecedented depths and detect billions of galaxies. This amount of detections will however cause the apparent superposition of galaxies on the images, called blending, and generate a new systematic error due to the confusion of sources. As consequences, the measurements of individual galaxies properties such as their redshifts or shapes will be impacted, and some galaxies will not be detected. However, galaxy shapes are key quantities, used to estimate masses of large scale structures, such as galaxy clusters, through weak gravitational lensing. This work presents a new catalog matching algorithm, called friendly, for the detection and characterization of blends in simulated LSST data for the Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC) Data Challenge 2. By identifying a specific type of blends, we show that removing them from the data may partially correct the amplitude of the excess surface mass density ΔΣ weak lensing profile that could be biased low by around 20% due to blending. This would result in impacting clusters weak lensing mass estimate and cosmology

    The detection of the imprint of filaments on cosmic microwave background lensing

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    Galaxy redshift surveys, such as 2dF, SDSS, 6df, GAMA and VIPERS, have shown that the spatial distribution of matter forms a rich web, known as the cosmic web. The majority of galaxy survey analyses measure the amplitude of galaxy clustering as a function of scale, ignoring information beyond a small number of summary statistics. Since the matter density field becomes highly non-Gaussian as structure evolves under gravity, we expect other statistical descriptions of the field to provide us with additional information. One way to study the non-Gaussianity is to study filaments, which evolve non-linearly from the initial density fluctuations produced in the primordial Universe. In our study, we report the first detection of CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) lensing by filaments and we apply a null test to confirm our detection. Furthermore, we propose a phenomenological model to interpret the detected signal and we measure how filaments trace the matter distribution on large scales through filament bias, which we measure to be around 1.5. Our study provides a new scope to understand the environmental dependence of galaxy formation. In the future, the joint analysis of lensing and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich observations might reveal the properties of `missing baryons', the vast majority of the gas which resides in the intergalactic medium and has so far evaded most observations

    Sex and sexuality: An evolutionary view

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    In this article, I first offer a summary of Darwin’s main ideas, especially relating to sex, and explain how these have been elaborated by more recent evolutionary scholars. I then give an account of the historical divergence between psychoanalysis and classical Darwinian thought, and describe how the early psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein tried to counter this by addressing some biological themes in her work. Following a review of some contemporary attempts to bring psychoanalysis and evolutionary thought into alignment with each other, I make some suggestions regarding a view of sex and sexuality that would be sound in evolutionary terms while also being helpful in psychoanalytic ones

    Consistent lensing and clustering in a low-S8 Universe with BOSS, DES Year 3, HSC Year 1, and KiDS-1000

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    We evaluate the consistency between lensing and clustering based on measurements from BOSS combined with galaxy-galaxy lensing from DES-Y3, HSC-Y1, KiDS-1000. We find good agreement between these lensing datasets. We model the observations using the Dark Emulator and fit the data at two fixed cosmologies: Planck (S 8 = 0.83), and a Lensing cosmology (S 8 = 0.76). For a joint analysis limited to large scales, we find that both cosmologies provide an acceptable fit to the data. Full utilisation of the higher signal-to-noise small-scale measurements is hindered by uncertainty in the impact of baryon feedback and assembly bias, which we account for with a reasoned theoretical error budget. We incorporate a systematic inconsistency parameter for each redshift bin, A, that decouples the lensing and clustering. With a wide range of scales, we find different results for the consistency between the two cosmologies. Limiting the analysis to the bins for which the impact of the lens sample selection is expected to be minimal, for the Lensing cosmology, the measurements are consistent with A=1; A = 0.91 ± 0.04 (A = 0.97 ± 0.06) using DES+KiDS (HSC). For the Planck case, we find a discrepancy: A = 0.79 ± 0.03 (A = 0.84 ± 0.05) using DES+KiDS (HSC). We demonstrate that a kSZ-based estimate for baryonic effects alleviates some of the discrepancy in the Planck cosmology. This analysis demonstrates the statistical power of small-scale measurements, but caution is still warranted given modelling uncertainties and foreground sample selection effects