57 research outputs found

    Interactive Training System for Interventional Electrocardiology Procedures

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    International audienceRecent progress in cardiac catheterization and devices al-lowed to develop new therapies for severe cardiac diseases like arrhyth-mias and heart failure. The skills required for such interventions are still very challenging to learn, and typically acquired over several years. Vir-tual reality simulators can reduce this burden by allowing to practice such procedures without consequences on patients. In this paper, we propose the first training system dedicated to cardiac electrophysiology, includ-ing pacing and ablation procedures. Our framework involves an efficient GPU-based electrophysiological model. Thanks to an innovative mul-tithreading approach, we reach high computational performances that allow to account for user interactions in real-time. Based on a scenario of cardiac arrhythmia, we demonstrate the ability of the user-guided simulator to navigate inside vessels and cardiac cavities with a catheter and to reproduce an ablation procedure involving: extra-cellular poten-tial measurements, endocardial surface reconstruction, electrophysiology mapping, radio-frequency (RF) ablation, as well as electrical stimulation. This works is a step towards computerized medical learning curriculum

    Local implicit modeling of blood vessels for interactive simulation

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    International audienceIn the context of computer-based simulation, contact management requires an accurate, smooth, but still efficient surface model for the blood vessels. A new implicit model is proposed, consisting of a tree of local implicit surfaces generated by skeletons ({\em blobby models}). The surface is reconstructed from data points by minimizing an energy, alternating with an original blob selection and subdivision scheme. The reconstructed models are very efficient for simulation and were shown to provide a sub-voxel approximation of the vessel surface on 5 patients

    How Morphological Constraints Affect Axonal Polarity in Mouse Neurons

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    Neuronal differentiation is under the tight control of both biochemical and physical information arising from neighboring cells and micro-environment. Here we wished to assay how external geometrical constraints applied to the cell body and/or the neurites of hippocampal neurons may modulate axonal polarization in vitro. Through the use of a panel of non-specific poly-L-lysine micropatterns, we manipulated the neuronal shape. By applying geometrical constraints on the cell body we provided evidence that centrosome location was not predictive of axonal polarization but rather follows axonal fate. When the geometrical constraints were applied to the neurites trajectories we demonstrated that axonal specification was inhibited by curved lines. Altogether these results indicated that intrinsic mechanical tensions occur during neuritic growth and that maximal tension was developed by the axon and expressed on straight trajectories. The strong inhibitory effect of curved lines on axon specification was further demonstrated by their ability to prevent formation of multiple axons normally induced by cytochalasin or taxol treatments. Finally we provided evidence that microtubules were involved in the tension-mediated axonal polarization, acting as curvature sensors during neuronal differentiation. Thus, biomechanics coupled to physical constraints might be the first level of regulation during neuronal development, primary to biochemical and guidance regulations

    Food and the circadian activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis

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    Toxicité du Pyralène 3010 sur les ovules et les spermatozoïdes de truites arc-en-ciel avant et pendant l'insémination

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    Dans cette étude il a été montré que le Pyralène 3010 (polychlorobiphényle) exerce une inhibition de la fécondation des oeufs de truites « arc-en-ciel » par une activité sur les ovules non fécondés et sur les spermatozoïdes avant insémination

    Bioaccumulation d'un polychlorobiphényle commercial dans une chaîne trophodynamique expérimentale en eau douce

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    Ce travail décrit les conditions d'expérimentation d'un polychlorobiphényle commercial sur les différents maillons d'une chaîne alimentaire en eau douce : algues-crustacés-poissons. Après avoir déterminé les modalités de contamination compatibles avec la croissance normale des organismes végétaux et animaux, les cinétiques de concentration au niveau de chaque espèce, l'association des différents maillons a permis d'apprécier l'importance du transfert biologique du polluant qui apparaît limité, aux environs de 10 ppm, par l'état d'équilibre qui s'installe progressivement dans le milieu aquatique
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