229 research outputs found

    Novel nitrogen-based organosulfur electrodes for advanced intermediate temperature batteries

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    Advanced secondary batteries operating at intermediate temperatures (100 to 200 C) have attracted considerable interest due to their inherent advantages (reduced corrosion and safety risks) over higher temperature systems. Current work in this laboratory has involved research on a class of intermediate temperature Na/beta double prime- alumina/RSSR batteries conceptually similar to Na/S cells, but operating within a temperature range of 100 to 150 C, and having an organosulfur rather than inorganic sulfur positive electrode. The organosulfur electrodes are based on the reversible, two electron eduction of organodisulfides to the corresponding thiolate anions, RSSR + 2 electrons yield 2RS(-), where R is an organic moiety. Among the advantages of such a generic redox couple for battery research is the ability to tailor the physical, chemical, and electrochemical properties of the RSSR molecule through choice of the organic moiety. The viscosity, liquidus range, dielectric constant, equivalent weight, and redox potential can in fact be verified in a largely predictable manner. The current work concerns the use of multiple nitrogen organosulfur molecules, chosen for application in Na/RSSR cells for their expected oxidizing character. In fact, a Na/RSSR cell containing one of these materials, the sodium salt of 5-mercapto 1-methyltetrazole, yielded the highest open circuit voltage obtained yet in the laboratory; 3.0 volts in the charged state and 2.6 volts at 100 percent discharge. Accordingly, the cycling behavior of a series of multiple nitrogen organodisulfides as well as polymeric organodisulfides are presented in this manuscript

    The Three-Dimensional Mass Distribution in NGC 1700

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    A variety of modeling techniques is used with surface photometry from the literature and recently acquired high-accuracy stellar kinematic data to constrain the three-dimensional mass distribution in the luminous cuspy elliptical galaxy NGC 1700. First, we model the radial velocity field and photometry, and, using a Bayesian technique, estimate the triaxiality T and short-to-long axis ratio c in five concentric annuli between approximately 1 and 3 effective radii. The results are completely consistent with T being constant inside about 2.5 r_e (36 arcsec; 6.7/h kpc). Adding an assumption of constant T as prior information gives an upper limit of T < 0.16 (95% confidence); this relaxes to T < 0.22 if it is also assumed that there is perfect alignment between the angular momentum and the galaxy's intrinsic short axis. Near axisymmetry permits us then to use axisymmetric models to constrain the radial mass profile. Using the Jeans (moment) equations, we demonstrate that 2-integral, constant-M/L models cannot fit the data; but a 2-integral model in which the cumulative enclosed M/L increases by a factor of roughly 2 from the center out to 12/h kpc can. Three-integral models constructed by quadratic programming show that, in fact, no constant-M/L model is consistent with the kinematics. Anisotropic 3-integral models with variable M/L, while not uniquely establishing a minimum acceptable halo mass, imply, as do the moment models, a cumulative M/L_B approximately 10 h at 12/h kpc. We conclude that NGC 1700 represents the best stellar dynamical evidence to date for dark matter in elliptical galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, Latex, AASTeX v4.0, with 11 eps figures. To appear in The Astronomical Journal, January 1999. Figures 1 and 3 are color but are readable in b/

    Dynamical streams in the solar neighbourhood

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    The true nature of the Hyades and Sirius superclusters is still an open question. In this contribution, we confront Eggen's hypothesis that they are cluster remnants with the results of a kinematic analysis of more than 6000 K and M giants in the solar neighbourhood. This analysis includes new radial velocity data from a large survey performed with the Coravel spectrometer, complemented by Hipparcos parallaxes and Tycho-2 proper motions (Famaey et al. 2004). A maximum-likelihood method, based on a bayesian approach, has been applied to the data, in order to make full use of all the available data (including less precise parallaxes) and to derive the properties of the different kinematic subgroups. Two such subgroups can be identified with the Hyades and Sirius superclusters. Stars belonging to them span a very wide range of age, which is difficult to account for in Eggen's scenario. These groups are thus most probably "dynamical streams" related to the dynamical perturbation by spiral waves rather than to cluster remnants. In this scenario, the Hyades and Ursa Major clusters just happen to be in the Hyades and Sirius streams, which are purely dynamical features that have nothing to do with the remnants of more massive primordial clusters. This mechanism could be the key to understanding the presence of an old metal-rich population, and of many exoplanetary systems in our neighbourhood. Moreover, a strong spiral pattern seems to be needed in order to yield such prominent streams. Since spiral structure is usually baryonic, this would leave very little room for dark matter. This may be an indication that the era of the dark-matter paradigm explaining the dynamics of the Galaxy may come to an end, and is being superseded by modified gravity.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to appear in The Three Dimensional Universe with GAIA, eds M. Perryman & C. Turo

    Kinematics of elliptical galaxies with a diffuse dust component

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    Observations show that early-type galaxies contain a considerable amount of interstellar dust, most of which is believed to exist as a diffusely distributed component. We construct a four-parameter elliptical galaxy model in order to investigate the effects of such a smooth absorbing component on the projection of kinematic quantities, such as the line profiles and their moments. We investigate the dependence on the optical depth and on the dust geometry. Our calculations show that both the amplitude and the morphology of these quantities can be significantly affected. Dust effects should therefore be taken in consideration when interpreting photometric and kinematic properties, and correlations that utilize these quantities.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Recovering the intrinsic shape of early-type galaxies

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    We investigate how well the intrinsic shape of early-type galaxies can be recovered when both photometric and two-dimensional stellar kinematic observations are available. We simulate these observations with galaxy models that are representative of observed oblate fast-rotator to triaxial slow-rotator early-type galaxies. By fitting realistic triaxial dynamical models to these simulated observations, we recover the intrinsic shape (and mass-to-light ratio), without making additional (ad-hoc) assumptions on the orientation. For (near) axisymmetric galaxies the dynamical modelling can strongly exclude triaxiality, but the regular kinematics do not further tighten the constraint on the intrinsic flattening significantly, so that the inclination is nearly unconstrained above the photometric lower limit even with two-dimensional stellar kinematics. Triaxial galaxies can have additional complexity in both the observed photometry and kinematics, such as twists and (central) kinematically decoupled components, which allows the intrinsic shape to be accurately recovered. For galaxies that are very round or show no significant rotation, recovery of the shape is degenerate, unless additional constraints such as from a thin disk are available.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, PDFLaTeX, accepted to MNRAS, minor revision

    Anisotropic distribution functions for spherical galaxies

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    A method is presented for finding anisotropic distribution functions for stellar systems with known, spherically symmetric, densities, which depends only on the two classical integrals of the energy and the magnitude of the angular momentum. It requires the density to be expressed as a sum of products of functions of the potential and of the radial coordinate. The solution corresponding to this type of density is in turn a sum of products of functions of the energy and of the magnitude of the angular momentum. The products of the density and its radial and transverse velocity dispersions can be also expressed as a sum of products of functions of the potential and of the radial coordinate. Several examples are given, including some of new anisotropic distribution functions. This device can be extended further to the related problem of finding two-integral distribution functions for axisymmetric galaxies.Comment: 5 figure

    Spiral Galaxies with HST/NICMOS. II. Isophotal Fits and Nuclear Cusp Slopes

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    We present surface brightness profiles for 56 of the 78 spiral galaxies observed in the HST/{\tt NICMOS/Camera-2} F160W snapshot survey introduced in Carollo et al. (2001; paper I), as well as surface brightness profiles for 23 objects out of the 41 that were also observed in the F110W filter. We fit these surface brightness profiles with the Nuker law of Lauer et al. (1995), and use the smooth analytical descriptions of the data to compute the average nuclear stellar cusp slopes in the 0.1$''-0.5''$ radial range. Our main result is the startling similarity between the nuclear stellar cusp slopes in the near-infared compared to those derived in the visual passband. This similarity has several implications: (1.) There are typically little or no optical-NIR {\it global} color gradients, and thus no global stellar population variations, inside 50\sim 50-100 pc from the nucleus in nearby spirals. (2.) The large observed range of the strength of the nuclear stellar cusps seen in the HST optical study of spiral galaxies reflects a physical difference between galaxies, and is not an artifact caused by nuclear dust and/or recent star formation. (3.) The dichotomy between R1/4R^{1/4} bulges, with steep nuclear stellar cusps 1 \sim 1, and exponential bulges, with shallow nuclear stellar cusps <0.3 < 0.3, is also not an artifact of the effects of dust or recent star formation. (4) A surrounding massive disk appears to have no effect on the rise of the stellar density distribution within the innermost hundred pc of theComment: Astronomical Journal, 2002, January Issu

    Player migration and opportunity: examining the efficacy of the UEFA home-grown rule in six European football leagues.

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    The introduction of UEFAs home-grown rule occurred for the start of the 2006–2007 season with the full quota in place from the 2008–2009 season, which imposed quotas on European clubs. From 2008, clubs are required to have at least 8 players classified as home-grown in the 25-player squad, up from 4 in 2006–2007 and 6 in 2007–2008. This study examines the efficacy of this rule across the six major European leagues (England, France, Germany, Holland, Italy and Spain) in relation to playing opportunities (minutes played and appearances) between 1999 and 2015. This was also examined in relation to age. Since the home-grown rule was introduced for the six nations hosting the major leagues, the rule had different impacts by nationality. Only Germany saw significant increases in the proportion of minutes played by their players when comparing the periods before and after the home-grown rules were imposed. Holland, albeit seeing a slight decrease overall, saw significant increases for playing time for under 21s and 22- to 25-year olds. England and Italy were the two nations where statistically significant decreases in indigenous playing opportunities were recorded since the home-grown rules were introduced

    On the kinematic deconvolution of the local neighbourhood luminosity function

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    A method for inverting the statistical star counts equation, including proper motions, is presented; in order to break the degeneracy in that equation it uses the supplementary constraints required by dynamical consistency. The inversion gives access to both the kinematics and the luminosity function of each population in three r\'egimes: the singular ellipsoid, the constant ratio Schwarzschild ellipsoid plane parallel models and the epicyclic model. This more realistic model is taylored to account for local neighbourhood density and velocity distribution. The first model is fully investigated both analytically and via means of a non-parametric inversion technique, while the second model is shown to be formally its equivalent. The effect of noise and incompleteness in apparent magnitude is investigated. The third model is investigated via a 5D+2D non-parametric inversion technique where positivity of the underlying luminosity function is explicitely accounted for. It is argued that its future application to data such as the Tycho catalogue (and in the upcoming satellite GAIA) could lead -- provided the vertical potential, and/or the asymmetric drift or w_0 are known -- to a non-parametric determination of the local neighbourhood luminosity function without any reference to stellar evolution tracks. It should also yield the proportion of stars for each kinematic component and a kinematic diagnostic to split the thin disk from the thick disk or the halo.Comment: 18 pages, LateX (or Latex, etc), mnras, accepted for publicatio