106 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Protein Value of Fresh Tropical Forage Grasses and Forage Legumes Using In Vitro and Chemical Fractionation Methods

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    Simple Summary Various methods for estimating post-ruminal crude protein supply have been developed for temperate ruminant feedstuffs. However, their adequacy (i.e., accuracy and precision) to predict the post-ruminal crude protein supply of tropical forages is still questioned. Therefore, the objectives of the present study were: (1) to assess the adequacy of the in vitro and chemical methods to predict post-ruminal crude protein supply from fresh tropical forage, and (2) to identify nutritional composition variables that can predict post-ruminal crude protein supply. The in vitro method can estimate post-ruminal protein supply in tropical forages with moderate to high but not very slow passage rates. Available regression equations developed for temperate ruminant feedstuffs were not adequate enough to predict the post-ruminal protein supply of tropical forages. Instead, equations developed in the present study appear to predict the post-ruminal protein supply of tropical forages with reasonable adequacy. Abstract The objectives of the present study were (1) to assess the adequacy of the in vitro and chemical methods to predict post-ruminal crude protein supply (PRCP) from fresh tropical forage, and (2) to identify PRCP supply predictors. Twenty-three fresh forage grasses and 15 forage legumes commonly used in domestic cattle feeding in the tropics and subtropics were incubated in the rumen of cows to determine ruminal crude protein (CP) degradation. The PRCP supply was calculated from in situ rumen-undegraded CP and in vitro organic matter digestibility (i.e., reference method), from ammonia-nitrogen release during in vitro incubation (i.e., in vitro method), and from the concentrations of chemical CP fractions (i.e., chemical method). The adequacy was evaluated using error-index and dimensionless parameters, and stepwise regression was used to select PRCP predictors. Adequacy ranged from poor to moderate (0.53 to 0.74) for the in vitro method being lower for forage legumes at a slow rumen passage rate (0.20), and even poorer (0.02 to 0.13) for the chemical method. Hence, the in vitro method can estimate PRCP supply in tropical forages with moderate to high but not with slow passage rates. Equations developed in the present study appear to predict PRCP supply with reasonable adequacy


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    En Cuba, en los momentos actuales se reclama de profesionales de la educación que eduquen sobre la base de los principios éticos que sustenta el proyecto social que se edifica. Los profesores tienen el encargo social, de formar a cubanos que tendrán la responsabilidad de continuar la aspiración de transformar, cumpliendo con las demandas que la sociedad le encomienda, y que las instituciones educacionales norman. Para ello se precisa una sólida ética pedagógica. El artículo se enmarca en el tema de investigación: la ética profesional pedagógica y la labor del profesor, por lo que en el mismo se estudia como problema fundamental: las insuficiencias en el tratamiento de la ética profesional pedagógica como esencia en la labor del profesor. Por tanto, se tiene como objetivo: reflexionar acerca de la ética profesional pedagógica como esencia en la labor del profesor.

    Factores que influyen en la intenci?n de compra de veh?culos livianos chinos en el consumidor final de Lima Metropolitana

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    El entorno econ?mico, social y cultural, tienen mucha influencia en las tendencias de consumo en diversas sociedades, reflejado en el comportamiento de los consumidores. La investigaci?n busc? identificar los factores que influyen en la intenci?n de compra de veh?culos livianos chinos en el mercado de Lima Metropolitana, enfocado desde la teor?a del comportamiento planificado, con un abordaje metodol?gico mixto, con entrevista a 11 expertos y encuesta a 240 personas, elegidos por muestreo no probabil?stico, haciendo referencia a criterios establecidos. Se concluye que los veh?culos livianos chinos han ganado mayor participaci?n en el mercado de Lima Metropolitana, lo que explica la acogida que tuvo en el mercado peruano, a pesar de la desaceleraci?n econ?mica. Se identific? ocho factores: precio percibido, calidad percibida, experiencia previa, innovaci?n percibida, conocimiento, servicio postventa, influencia social, recursos y oportunidades, considerados como importantes entre los consumidores de Lima Metropolitana en la intenci?n de compra veh?culos livianos chinos. Los factores como conocimiento, servicio postventa, influencia social, recursos y oportunidades, han tenido mayor influencia en la intenci?n de compra. En tanto que la experiencia previa, la calidad percibida y la innovaci?n percibida, no han tenido impacto significativo en la intenci?n de compra, de veh?culos livianos chinos en Lima Metropolitana


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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo general: evaluar acciones educativas que contribuyan a fortalecer la educación del valor responsabilidad en el grupo tres de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas “Faustino Pérez Hernández” del municipio Sancti Spíritus. Se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico, empírico y estadístico-matemático. Las acciones se caracterizan por ser dinámicas, creativas y reflexivas que involucran a la muestra. Los resultados demuestran la aplicabilidad y efectividad de la propuesta y su valioso aporte, se logró después de su implementación un mayor conocimiento sobre el tema, así como el cambio en los modos de actuación de los estudiantes que tienen afectado este valor. Las acciones educativas provocan cambios satisfactorios en cuanto al fortalecimiento de los valores, en específico la responsabilidad, constatándose en los estudiantes motivación al realizar acciones que se relacionan con el acontecer cotidiano en la escuela; además de constatar, en cada uno de ellos, un mejor dominio de los modos de actuación asociados a los valores, un mejor comportamiento e interés por formarse según los principios de la sociedad cubana

    Numerical investigation of nanostructured silica PCFs for sensing applications.

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    Photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) developed using nanostructured composite materials provide special optical properties. PCF light propagation and modal characteristics can be tailored by modifying their structural and material parameters. Structuring and infusion of liquid crystal materials enhances the capabilities of all silica PCFs, facilitating their operation in different spectral regimes. The wavelength tunability feature of nanostructured PCFs can be utilized for many advanced sensing applications. This paper discusses a new approach to modify the optical properties of PCFs by periodic nanostructuring and composite material (liquid crystal-silica) infiltration. PCF characteristics like confinement wavelength, confinement loss, mode field diameter (MFD) and bandwidth are investigated by varying the structural parameters and material infiltrations. Theoretical study revealed that composite material infusion resulted in a spectral band shift accompanied by an improvement in PCF bandwidth. Moreover, nanostructured PCFs also achieved reduced confinement losses and improved MFD which is very important in long-distance remote sensing applications

    Exploring Mexican adolescents' perceptions of environmental health risks: a photographic approach to risk analysis

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    The objective of this study was to explore Mexican adolescents' perceptions of environmental health risks in contaminated urban areas, and to test the environmental photography technique as a research tool for engaging adolescents in community-based health research. The study was conducted with 74 adolescents from two communities in the city of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Participants were provided with disposable cameras and asked to take photographs of elements and situations which they believed affected their personal health both at home and outside their homes. They were also asked to describe each photograph in writing. Photographs and written explanations were analyzed by using quantitative and qualitative content analysis. Risk perception plays a crucial role in the development of Risk Communication Programs (RCPs) aimed at the improvement of community health. The photography technique opens up a promising field for environmental health research since it affords a realistic and concise impression of the perceived risks. Adolescents in both communities perceived different environmental health risks as detrimental to their well-being, e.g. waste, air pollution, and lack of hygiene. Yet, some knowledge gaps remain which need to be addressed

    Taking Two-Photon Excitation to Exceptional Path-Lengths in Photonic Crystal Fiber

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    The well-known, defining feature of two-photon excitation (TPE) is the tight, three-dimensional confinement of excitation at the intense focus of a laser beam. The extremely small excitation volume, on the order of 1 μm3 (1 femtoliter), is the basis of far-reaching applications of TPE in fluorescence imaging, photodynamic therapy, nanofabrication, and three-dimensional optical memory. Paradoxically, the difficulty of detecting photochemical events in such a small volume is a barrier to the development of the two-photon-activated molecular systems that are essential to the realization of such applications. We show, using two-photon-excited fluorescence to directly visualize the excitation path, that confinement of both laser beam and sample solution within the 20 μm hollow core of a photonic crystal fiber permits TPE to be sustained over an extraordinary path-length of more than 10 cm, presenting a new experimental paradigm for ultrasensitive studies of two-photon-induced processes in solution. (Figure Presented).We are grateful to the Koerber Foundation (Germany) and the EPSRC (UK) for financial support. G.O.S.W. is a recipient of an EPSRC Prize Postdoctoral Fellowshi