262 research outputs found

    Poética del Postismo en la obra de Eduardo Chicharro

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    Este artículo estudia los métodos característicos de la poesía del "Postismo" en la obra de Eduardo Chicharro, teniendo en cuenta la base teórica que define la estética de esta corriente literaria. Los rasgos estilísticos en trabajos de este escritor y de esta tendencia vanguardista de posguerra se caracterizan por el uso de dispositivos musicales, semánticas y sintácticos, que se analizan en el curso de este trabajo.Este artículo estudia los métodos característicos de la poesía del "Postismo" en la obra de Eduardo Chicharro, teniendo en cuenta la base teórica que define la estética de esta corriente literaria. Los rasgos estilísticos en trabajos de este escritor y de esta tendencia vanguardista de posguerra se caracterizan por el uso de dispositivos musicales, semánticas y sintácticos, que se analizan en el curso de este trabajo.notPeerReviewe

    A software tool for monitoring legal minimum lenght of landings: Case study of a fishery in sourthern Spain

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    Herramienta de interés para el control y la gestión de pesqueríasThe regulation of minimum legal size(MLS) of catches is a tool widely applied in the management of fisheries resources, although the MLS does not always coincide with the length at first maturit(LFM). The optimization of this management tool requires a series of quality control in fish markets and transportation. A software application has been developed to make the control of the landings of several target species easier and faster. In order to test and make this tool operational,six species of commercial interest were selected: four species of fish hand two species of bivalves. It is proposed to estimate the proportion of illegal specimens in the studied lot from the proportion of illegal individuals found in the samples taken from this lot.The input data for the application are the minimum legal size(MLS) of the species and the total length(TL)of each specimen sampled. The out put data is a statistical summary of the percentage of specimens of size less than the legal minimum(TL<=MLS)within different confidence intervals(90%,95% and 99%). The software developed will serve as a fast,efficient and easy to manage tool that allows inspectors to determine the degree of compliance on MLS control and to make a decision supported by statistical proof on fishing goods

    High affinity binding of amyloid β-peptide to calmodulin: Structural and functional implications.

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    Amyloid β-peptides (Aβ) are a major hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and their neurotoxicity develop with cytosolic calcium dysregulation. On the other hand, calmodulin (CaM), a protein which plays a major multifunctional role in neuronal calcium signaling, has been shown to be involved in the regulation of non-amyloidogenic processing of amyloid β precursor protein (APP). Using fluorescent 6-bromoacetyl-2-dimethylaminonaphthalene derivatives of CaM, Badan-CaM, and human amyloid β(1-42) HiLyte™-Fluor555, we show in this work that Aβ binds with high affinity to CaM through the neurotoxic Aβ25-35 domain. In addition, the affinity of Aβ for calcium-saturated CaM conformation is approximately 20-fold higher than for CaM conformation in the absence of calcium (apo-CaM). Moreover, the value of Kd of 0.98 ± 0.11 nM obtained for Aβ1-42 dissociation from CaM saturated by calcium point out that CaM is one of the cellular targets with highest affinity for neurotoxic Aβ peptides. A major functional consequence of Aβ-CaM interaction is that it slowdowns Aβ fibrillation. The novel and high affinity interaction between calmodulin and Aβ shown in this work opens a yet-unexplored gateway to further understand the neurotoxic effect of Aβ in different neural cells and also to address the potential of calmodulin and calmodulin-derived peptides as therapeutic agents in AD

    Prevalencia y factores de riesgo de úlceras por presión

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    ObjetivoConocer la prevalencia de úlceras por presión (UPP) en pacientes incapacitados de una Zona Básica de Salud (ZBS) y caracterizar los factores de riesgo asociados a su aparición.DiseñoEstudio transversal observacional.EmplazamientoZBS Rincón de la Victoria (Málaga).ParticipantesPacientes incluidos en el Programa de Incapacitados (n = 178), de la ZBS, residentes en su domicilio o en una residencia geriátrica.MedicionesCuestionario específico con variables sociodemográficas y de salud. Para la valoración de factores de riesgo asociados con la formación de UPP, se utilizó la Escala de Norton Modificada (ENM). La variable resultado de interés fue la presencia o ausencia de UPP, localización y grado. El denominador para el cálculo de la prevalencia ha sido el total de pacientes valorados.ResultadosLa prevalencia fue del 12,9%. La característica sociodemográfica más significativa asociada con la presencia de úlceras en estos pacientes fue el nivel de instrucción del cuidador. Se constata asociación de determinadas variables del estado de salud del paciente con aparición de UPP.ConclusionesLos resultados alertan a la necesidad de la realización de protocolos diagnósticos y de intervención comunitaria para reducir la presentación de UPP en pacientes incapacitados que viven en la comunidad.ObjectivesTo study prevalence of pressure ulcers among functionally impaired patients in the community and evaluate risk factors associated with the development of pressure ulcers in these patients.DesignCross-sectional, observational study.SettingCommunity dwellers served by the Primary Health Care Area of Rincón de la Victoria in Málaga.ParticipantsAll patients included in the «Impaired Patient Programme» (n=178).MethodsA questionnaire was developed to ascertain demographic and health characteristics. Risk factors were evaluated with the Modified Norton Scale. The outcome variable of interest was presence or absence of pressure ulcers, their location and grade. The denominator used for the calculation of the prevalence was the total of evaluated patients.ResultsPrevalence of pressure ulcers in our Basic Health Area was 12.9%. The most important sociodemographic characteristic associated with the presence of pressure ulcers in these patients was the educational attainment of the caregiver. Health varaibles of the patient were also associated with the risk of developing ulcers.ConclusionsResults indicate the need of diagnostic protocols with standardised instruments and prevention plans to reduce pressure ulcers in the community. Longitudinal studies are needed to evaluate interventions in this area

    Variations in fruit ploidy level and cell size between small- and large-fruited olive cultivars during fruit ontogeny

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    Olive (Olea europaea L.) is one of the major oil fruit tree crops worldwide. However, the mechanisms underlying olive fruit growth remain poorly understood. Here, we examine questions regarding the interaction of endoreduplication, cell division, and cell expansion with olive fruit growth in relation to the final fruit size by measuring fruit diameter, pericarp thickness, cell area, and ploidy level during fruit ontogeny in three olive cultivars with different fruit sizes. The results demonstrate that differences in the fruit size are related to the maximum growth rate between olive cultivars during early fruit growth, about 50 days post-anthesis (DPA). Differences in fruit weight between olive cultivars were found from 35 DPA, while the distinctive fruit shape became detectable from 21 DPA, even though the increase in pericarp thickness became detectable from 7 DPA in the three cultivars. During early fruit growth, intense mitotic activity appeared during the first 21 DPA in the fruit, whereas the highest cell expansion rates occurred from 28 to 42 DPA during this phase, suggesting that olive fruit cell number is determined from 28 DPA in the three cultivars. Moreover, olive fruit of the large-fruited cultivars was enlarged due to relatively higher cell division and expansion rates compared with the small-fruited cultivar. The ploidy level of olive fruit pericarp between early and late growth was different, but similar among olive cultivars, revealing that ploidy levels are not associated with cell size, in terms of different 8C levels during olive fruit growth. In the three olive cultivars, the maximum endoreduplication level (8C) occurred just before strong cell expansion during early fruit growth in fruit pericarp, whereas the cell expansion during late fruit growth occurred without preceding endoreduplication. We conclude that the basis for fruit size differences between olive cultivars is determined mainly by different cell division and expansion rates during the early fruit growth phase. These data provide new findings on the contribution of fruit ploidy and cell size to fruit size in olive and ultimately on the control of olive fruit development.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-097244-B-I00Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2022-138573OB-I0

    Evaluating ‘enhancing pragmatic language skills for young children with social communication impairments’ (E-PLAYS): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial study

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    Background: A number of children experience difficulties with social communication and this has long-term deleterious effects on their mental health, social development and education. The proposal presented in this article describes a feasibility study for a trial to test an intervention (‘E-PLAYS’) aimed at supporting children with social communication impairments. E-PLAYS harnesses technology in the form of a novel computer game in order to develop collaborative and communication skills. Preliminary studies by the authors show that when E-PLAYS was administered by the research team, children with social communication impairments showed improvements on communication test scores and on observed collaborative behaviours. The study described here is a pragmatic trial to test the application of E-PLAYS delivered by NHS speech and language therapists together with schools. Methods: This protocol outlines a two-arm feasibility cluster-randomised controlled trial of the E-PLAYS intervention with treatment as usual control arm, with randomisation at the level of the speech and language therapist. The aim of this study is to ascertain whether it will be feasible to progress to running a full-scale definitive trial to test the effectiveness of E-PLAYS in an NHS setting. Data relating to recruitment and retention, the appropriateness of outcomes and the acceptability of E-PLAYS to participants will be collected. Speech and language therapists will select suitable children (ages 4–7 years old) from their caseloads and deliver either the E-PLAYS intervention (experimental group) or treatment as usual (control group). Assessments will include blinded language measures and observations, non-blinded teacher-reported measures of peer relations and classroom behaviour and parent-reported use of resources and quality of life. There will also be a qualitative process evaluation. Discussion: The findings of this study will inform the decision as to whether to progress to a full-scale definitive randomised controlled trial to test the effectiveness of E-PLAYS when delivered by speech and language therapists and teaching assistants within schools. The use of technology in game form is a novel approach in an area where there are currently few available interventions

    Illumination sources, optic filters, and their influence in the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue color test

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    The aim of this work is to evaluate the response of healthy subjects to the Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue color test using colored optical filters and without them under different illuminations. Thirty healthy subjects (range 20-27 years) performed this color test under simulated A, D65 and LED illuminants, without and with three different filters. Results indicate that LED could be a good alternative to perform Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue color test. Colored filters modify color perception in specific spectral regions, it should be taken into account when a subject wears these filters. La finalidad de este trabajo ha sido analizar la variabilidad de los resultados obtenidos al realizar el test de color Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue en diferentes condiciones de observación e iluminación. El test se realizó a 30 sujetos jóvenes (entre 20 y 27 años de edad) sin alteraciones en la visión cromática. Se variaron las condiciones de iluminación utilizando fuentes de luz que simulaban al iluminante A y D65, y con una fuente de luz LED, además se utilizaron filtros ópticos coloreados. Los resultados indican que la fuente de iluminación LED podría ser adecuada como alternativa para la realización del test de color Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue. Los filtros coloreados modifican la percepción de los colores en determinadas regiones del espectro lo que debería tenerse en cuenta a la hora de su porte