31 research outputs found

    Water relations in the soil crust lichen Psora decipiens are optimized via anatomical variability

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    AbstractBiological soil crusts are communities composed of cryptogamic organisms such as lichens, mosses, cyanobacteria and green algae that form a skin on soils in areas where vascular plants are excluded or limited by water availability or temperature. The lichen Psora decipiens (Hedw.) Hoffm. is a characteristic key organism in these communities in many different biomes. The species has a generalistic ecology and high morphological variation, which contributes to the ability of the species to withstand environmental changes. We investigated whether different populations, based on site and associated morpho-anatomical differences, incorporate functional water relations and how/whether this was driven by changes in abiotic factors. Samples were collected from two climatically distinct sites, one ‘dry’ site in southern Spain and one ‘wet’ site in the Austrian Alps. Our results showed that samples from the dry site had a significantly thicker epinecral layer, higher specific thallus area, a faster water uptake and contained more water per dry mass, all of which contributed to a much slower drying rate. Both populations showed a highly adjusted water gain that incorporates functional water relations and diffusion properties as a result of local water availability. We show eco-physiological and morphological mechanisms that underlie the high variability in P. decipiens and suggest how these might provide ecological benefits for this generalist lichen species.</jats:p

    Antarctic ecosystems in transition – life between stresses and opportunities

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    Important findings from the second decade of the 21st century on the impact of environmental change on biological processes in the Antarctic were synthesised by 26 international experts. Ten key messages emerged that have stakeholder-relevance and/or a high impact for the scientific community. They address (i) altered biogeochemical cycles, (ii) ocean acidification, (iii) climate change hotspots, (iv) unexpected dynamism in seabed-dwelling populations, (v) spatial range shifts, (vi) adaptation and thermal resilience, (vii) sea ice related biological fluctuations, (viii) pollution, (ix) endangered terrestrial endemism and (x) the discovery of unknown habitats. Most Antarctic biotas are exposed to multiple stresses and considered vulnerable to environmental change due to narrow tolerance ranges, rapid change, projected circumpolar impacts, low potential for timely genetic adaptation, and migration barriers. Important ecosystem functions, such as primary production and energy transfer between trophic levels, have already changed, and biodiversity patterns have shifted. A confidence assessment of the degree of 'scientific understanding' revealed an intermediate level for most of the more detailed sub-messages, indicating that process-oriented research has been successful in the past decade. Additional efforts are necessary, however, to achieve the level of robustness in scientific knowledge that is required to inform protection measures of the unique Antarctic terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and their contributions to global biodiversity and ecosystem services

    Biological soil crusts of Arctic Svalbard and of Livingston Island, Antarctica

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    Biological soil crusts (BSCs) occur in arid and semi-arid regions worldwide including the Polar Regions. They are important ecosystem engineers, and their composition and areal coverage should be understood before assessing key current functional questions such as their role in biogeochemical nutrient cycles and possible climate change scenarios. Our aim was to investigate the variability of BSCs from Arctic Svalbard and the Antarctic Island, Livingston, using vegetation surveys based on classification by functional group. An additional aim was to describe the structure of BSCs and represent a classification system that can be used in future studies to provide a fast and efficient way to define vegetation type and areal coverage. Firstly, this study demonstrates huge areas occupied by BSCs in Arctic Svalbard, with up to 90 % of soil surface covered, dominated by bryophytes and cyanobacteria, and showing an unexpectedly high variability in many areas. Livingston Island has lower percentage coverage, up to 55 %, but is dominated by lichens. Our findings show that both Polar Regions have varied BSC coverage, within the sites and between them, especially considering their harsh climates and latitudinal positions. Secondly, we have classified the BSCs of both areas into a system that describes the dominant functional groups and local geography, creating a simple scheme that allows easy identification of the prevailing vegetation type. Our results represent the first contribution to the description of BSCs based on their functional group composition in Polar Regions

    Carbon Budgets of Biological Soil Crusts at Micro-, Meso-, and Global Scales

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    Metabolic activity duration can be effectively predicted from macroclimatic data for biological soil crust habitats across Europe

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    Biological soil crusts (BSC) perform several important environmental functions such as soil erosion prevention, soil nutrient enrichment through photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation, and are receiving growing interest due to their importance in some changing habitats with soils under degradation risk. Primary producers within BSC (cyanobacteria, lichens, algae and bryophytes) are all poikilohydric and active only when wet, meaning that knowledge of the period of metabolic activity is essential to understand growth and adaptation to environment. Finding links with macroclimatic factors would allow not only prediction of activity but also the effects of any climate change over these communities. Metabolic activity and microclimate of BSC at four sites across Europe with different soils from semi-arid (Almeria, SE Spain) to alpine (Austria) was monitored during one year using a chlorophyll fluorometer. Local climatic data were also recorded. Mean monthly activity of crust within each site were strongly linked irrespective of crust type whilst, using the data from all sites, highly significant linear relationships (mean monthly values) were found for activity with incident light, air temperature and air relative humidity, and a nonlinear response to rainfall saturating at about 40 mm per month. Air relative humidity and air temperature were the best predictors of metabolic activity duration. The links observed are all highly significant allowing climate data to be used to model activity and to gain inferences about the effects of climate change over BSC communities, soil structure and fertility. Linear relationships mean that small changes in the environment will not produce massive alterations in activity. BSC also appear to behave as a single functional group, which is helpful when proposing general management policies for soil ecosystems protection

    The potential of the cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya ohadii as inoculum for stabilizing bare sandy substrates

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    Soil inoculation with cyanobacteria to promote the formation of biocrusts is considered a potential eco-friendly method to counteract desertification spread in drylands. Research is needed to increase the number of proficient cyanobacterial strains, selected for their capability to survive in harsh conditions and to form stable biocrusts quickly. We hereby present a microcosm study to assess the capability of Leptolyngbya ohadii, native to the Negev Desert, to form biocrusts on sand collected in the same environment, during a three-month incubation period. Inoculation was carried out in sand-filled microcosms without nutrient addition and a limited water supply (equivalent to desert dew input). Parameters related to biocrusts growth and to their physico-chemical attributes were measured, and the exopolysaccharides (EPS) synthesized by the strain during biocrust formation were quantified and characterized. After 15 days of incubation, L. ohadii was able to form biocrusts with a thickness and a physical stability superior to other test strains of cyanobacteria, and typical of much older natural biocrusts. Biocrust characteristics were dependent on the synthesis of EPS, and on the capability to migrate in the sand, stabilizing sand aggregates at different locations within the microcosms. In contrast to other tested strains, L. ohadii produced compositionally complex EPS during the entire incubation period despite the lack of nutrients, producing biocrusts with an amphiphilic extracellular matrix, a character effective in conferring stability to sand aggregates, chelating nutrients and maintaining hydration. Overall, this study shows that L. ohadii is a promising inoculant that may be considered to promote the formation of biocrusts in natural desert settings

    The effect of extracellular sugars extraction on the 3D-structure of biological soil crusts from different ecosystems

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    Biological soil crusts (BSCs) play important roles in the hydrological cycles of many different ecosystems around the world. In arid and semi-arid regions, they alter the availability and redistribution of water. Especially in early successional stage BSCs, this feature can be attributed to the presence and characteristics of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that are excreted by the crusts’ organisms. In a previous study, the extraction of EPS from BSCs of the SW United States lead to a significant change in their hydrological behavior, namely the sorptivity of water (Rossi et al. 2012). This was concluded to be the effect of a change in the pore structure of these crusts, which is why in this work we investigated the effect of the EPS-extraction on soil structure using 3D-computed micro-tomography (ÎŒCT). We studied different types of BSCs from Svalbard, Germany, Israel and South Africa with varying grain sizes and species compositions (from green algae to light and dark cyanobacterial crusts with and without lichens and/or mosses). Unlike other EPS-extraction methods, the one utilized here is aimed at removing the extracellular matrix from crust samples whilst acting non-destructively (Rossi et al. 2012). For every crust sample, we physically cut out a small piece (1cm) from a larger sample contained in Petri dish, and scanned it in a CT at a high resolution (voxel edge length: 7ÎŒm). After putting it back in the dish, approximately in the same former position, it was treated for EPS-extraction and then removed and scanned again in order to check for a possible effect of the EPS-extraction. Our results show that the utilized EPS-extraction method had varying extraction efficiencies: while in some cases the amount removed was barely significant, in other cases up to 50% of the total content was recovered. Notwithstanding, no difference in soil micro-structure could be detected, neither in total porosity, nor in the distribution of pore sizes, the tortuosity or the relationship of tortuosity vs. length of the pores. Although most of the variables we investigated showed a high variation, some of which likely due to slight changes in orientation of the scanned crust piece between the two scans (or the loss of large grains or micro-aggregates), our method was able to detect differences between the four different crusts, proving that it is suited for the investigation of the structure. Also the visual comparison of the crust before and after the treatment revealed no distinct patterns of change in the structure of the crusts. This leads us to conclude that the change in sorptivity is related more to a change of the physico-chemical properties (namely the hydrophobicity) of the very surface of the crust, rather than a change of the inner structure

    The effect of extracellular sugars extraction on the 3D-structure of biological soil crusts from different ecosystems

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    The effect of extracellular sugars (EPS) extraction on the 3D-structure of biological soil crusts from different ecosystems is discussed, showing that the pores are not affected by the removal of EP

    Continuous chlorophyll fluorescence, gas exchange and microclimate monitoring in a natural soil crust habitat in Tabernas badlands, Almeria, Spain: progressing towards a model to understand productivity

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    The Soil Crust International project aims to better understand the functioning of biological soil crust environments (BSC) in Europe in order to understand the importance of these ecosystems. The final objective of this project is to inform and strengthen protection strategies for these types of habitats in the frame of the European Union. To achieve this, four different soil crust regions have been chosen in Europe following latitudinal and altitudinal gradients. The work presented here is based on the simultaneous monitoring of gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and microclimate of the most abundant BSC in one of these four locations, the Tabernas badlands, Almeria, SE Spain, one of the driest regions in Europe. The five BSC types monitored are dominated by the lichen species Squamarina cartilaginea, Diploschistes diacapsis, Toninia albilabra and Psora decipiens and by the moss Didymodon rigidulus. We aim to understand the conditions in which the BSC are metabolically active in order to get a better knowledge about the contribution of the BSC to the carbon budget of the ecosystem. Our first results after nearly 1 year of chlorophyll fluorescence and microclimatic monitoring linked to gas exchange data during typical activity days obtained in the field suggest similar physiological performance between the different BSC types studied. BSC were active under suboptimal conditions, and activity duration was not different whether measured by chlorophyll a fluorescence or CO2 gas exchange, a relationship that will be the basis of a productivity model