25 research outputs found

    Proteomics uncovers novel components of an interactive protein network supporting RNA export in trypanosomes

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    In trypanosomatids, transcription is polycistronic and all mRNAs are processed by trans-splicing, with export mediated by noncanonical mechanisms. Although mRNA export is central to gene regulation and expression, few orthologs of proteins involved in mRNA export in higher eukaryotes are detectable in trypanosome genomes, necessitating direct identification of protein components. We previously described conserved mRNA export pathway components in Trypanosoma cruzi, including orthologs of Sub2, a component of the TREX complex, and eIF4AIII (previously Hel45), a core component of the exon junction complex (EJC). Here, we searched for protein interactors of both proteins using cryomilling and mass spectrometry. Significant overlap between TcSub2 and TceIF4AIII-interacting protein cohorts suggests that both proteins associate with similar machinery. We identified several interactions with conserved core components of the EJC and multiple additional complexes, together with proteins specific to trypanosomatids. Additional immunoisolations of kinetoplastid-specific proteins both validated and extended the superinteractome, which is capable of supporting RNA processing from splicing through to nuclear export and cytoplasmic events. We also suggest that only proteomics is powerful enough to uncover the high connectivity between multiple aspects of mRNA metabolism and to uncover kinetoplastid-specific components that create a unique amalgam to support trypanosome mRNA maturation

    Comparative Study of rK39 Leishmania Antigen for Serodiagnosis of Visceral Leishmaniasis: Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

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    Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is a neglected tropical disease for which serodiagnostic tests are available, but not yet widely implemented in rural areas. The rK39 recombinant protein is derived from a kinesin-like protein of parasites belonging to the Leishmania donovani complex, and has been used in the last two decades for the serodiagnosis of VL. We present here a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies evaluating serologic assays (rK39 strip-test, rK39 ELISA, Direct Agglutination Test [DAT], Indirect Immunofluorescence test [IFAT] and ELISA with a promastigote antigen preparation [p-ELISA]) to diagnose VL to determine the accuracy of rK39 antigen in comparison to the use of other antigen preparations. Fourteen papers fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion selection criteria. The summarized sensitivity for the rK39-ELISA was 92% followed by IFAT 88% and p-ELISA 87%. The summarized specificity for the three diagnostic tests was 81%, 90%, and 77%. Studies comparing the rK39 strip test with DAT found a similar sensitivity (94%) and specificity (89%). However, the rK39 strip test was more specific than the IFAT and p-ELISA. In conclusion, we found the rK39 protein used either in a strip test or in an ELISA is a good choice for the serodiagnosis of VL

    Description and features of innovative product Best Board heating system in the Latvia’s market

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    Bakalaura darba tēma „Inovatīvā produkta Best Board apkures sistēmas raksturojums un īpatnības Latvijas tirgū”. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir pamatojoties uz teorētiskām atziņām raksturot inovatīvu produktu par praktisku piemēru izvēloties Best Board apkures sistēmas, atklāt tā priekšrocības un trūkumus, izdarīt secinājumus, kā arī sniegt priekšlikumus ar inovatīvu produktu saistītu jautājumu risināšanai. Darbs sastāv no 4 daļām: pirmajā daļā tiek veikta inovācijas termina teorētisko un praktisko aspektu analīze, otrajā daļā tiek pētīts inovatīva produkts un to ietekmējošie faktori, trešā daļā tiek novērtēts inovatīvais produkts Best Board apkures sistēmas, ceturtajā daļā autors veic aptaujas par „Inovatīvu produktu un to ietekmējošiem faktoriem Latvijas tirgū” rezultātu analīzi.Bachelor work theme: „Description and features of innovative product Best Board heating system in the Latvia`s market”. A bachelor work purpose is to to characterize an innovative product, for a practical example choosing the Best Board heating system, to open it`s advantages and failings, to make conclusions, and also to give suggestions for solving questions, that are relevant to innovative products. Work is structured from 4 parts: in the first part is executed the analysis of the innovation term, from theoretical and practical aspects, in second part there is probed the theoretical foreshortening of advancement in the market of innovative product, the third part is analysed the advancement in the Latvia`s market of innovative product Best Board heating system, in fourth part author executes analysis of results of the questioning

    Non-invasive assessment of reproductive status and cycle of sex steroid levels in a captive wild broodstock of Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis (Kaup)

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    Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis, intensive culture is currently limited mainly due to the low control on reproduction in captivity. Comprehensive knowledge of reproductive biology and physiology for this species is needed in order to improve tank spawning success. This work describes for the first time the seasonal profiles of plasma levels of sex steroids (17β-estradiol, testosterone, 11- ketotestosterone, and 17,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one [17,20β-P]) in a S. senegalensis captive wild broodstock held under natural conditions, during two consecutive reproductive cycles. Changes in apparent maturation in females, dynamics of sperm release in males, and the condition factor (K) were monitored. Sixmaturation stages were established for females according to apparent size of the ovary and external abdominal swelling: early, intermediate and final ovarian development (F2+, F3+ and F4+, respectively), and partially spawned, mid spawned and spawned out or regressed (F3−, F2−, and F1−, respectively). During summer, F1− and nonrunning males (NRM) were predominant in association with low K and plasma steroid levels. At the end of summer, a new cycle of gonadal development started, denoted by the increase in reproductive parameters (K and steroid levels) and the appearance of F2+. By middle autumn, some females reached advancedmaturation stages (F3+ and F4+)while the proportion of runningmales (RM) showed a maximum. An occasional spawning could be registered during this season (November 2002). Towards the end of winter and beginning of spring, ovarian development reached its maximum. At this point, the proportion of F3+, F4+ and RM, K (specially in females), and steroid concentrations were the highest in concordance with the starting of the main spawning period (lasting from January to June 2003 and fromMarch to June 2004). Throughout this period, concomitantly with oocyte and sperm release, the proportion of F3−, F2−, F1− and NRMprogressively increased, while steroid levels and K progressively declined (concentration of steroids could fluctuate under a decreasing trend). The relatively elevated levels of 17,20β-P correlating with some parts of the spawning periods makes it a candidate for the role of the maturation-inducing steroid in S. senegalensis. Seasonal variations of measured parameters were consistent with the reproductive cycle of this species in the wild, and comparable to those found in other asynchronous multi-spawning fish

    Chagas disease in European countries: the challenge of a surveillance system

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    A study of aggregate data collected from the literature and official sources was undertaken to estimate expected and observed prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection, annual incidence of congenital transmission and rate of underdiagnosis of Chagas disease among Latin American migrants in the nine European countries with the highest prevalence of Chagas disease. Formal and informal data sources were used to estimate the population from endemic countries resident in Europe in 2009, diagnosed cases of Chagas disease and births from mothers originating from endemic countries. By 2009, 4,290 cases had been diagnosed in Europe, compared with an estimated 68,000 to 122,000 expected cases. The expected prevalence was very high in undocumented migrants (on average 45% of total expected cases) while the observed prevalence rate was 1.3 cases per 1,000 resident migrants from endemic countries. An estimated 20 to 183 babies with congenital Chagas disease are born annually in the study countries. The annual incidence rate of congenital transmission per 1,000 pregnancies in women from endemic countries was between none and three cases. The index of under diagnosis of T. cruzi infection was between 94% and 96%. Chagas disease is a public health challenge in the studied European countries. Urgent measures need to be taken to detect new cases of congenital transmission and take care of the existing cases with a focus on migrants without legal residency permit and potential difficulty accessing care