1,117 research outputs found

    Experiments on lift dynamics and feedback control of a wind turbine blade section

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    International audienceAn experimental campaign is performed to the study of feedback lift control applied to a wind turbine blade. A 5-digit NACA profile whose trailing edge is rounded for circulation control purposes is used in combination with fluidic actuation. It is first shown in this article how the modified profile performs, in terms of aerodynamic forces, in both natural and manipulated cases. Then, the dynamics of controlled pressure (and thus lift) establishment is identified. A discussion is given on the speed of lift dynamics in comparison with previous studies and on its ability to overcome lift perturbations due to external perturbations. Finally, a feedback lift control experiment is performed showing the feasibility of such control in a wind turbine environment

    Ability of the e-TellTale sensor to detect flow features over wind turbine blades: flow separation/reattachment dynamics

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    Monitoring the flow features over wind turbine blades is a challenging task that has become more and more crucial. This paper is devoted to demonstrate the ability of the e-TellTale sensor to detect the flow separation/reattachment dynamics over wind turbine blades. This sensor is made of a strip with a strain gauge sensor at its base. The velocity field was acquired using TR- PIV measurements over an oscillating thick blade section equipped with an e-TellTale sensor. PIV images were post-processed to detect movements of the strip, which was compared to movements of flow. Results show good agreement between the measured velocity field and movements of the strip regarding the separation/reattachment dynamics

    Impact de l'urbanisation sur le cycle hydrologique dans un bassin versant periurbain. Application au bassin de l’Yzeron - ouest lyonnais, France

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    International audienceL’urbanisation croissante, en particulier dans les zones périphériques aux grandes villes (zones périurbaines) a des conséquences sur le cycle hydrologique en modifiant l’infiltrabilité des sols, la recharge des nappes, ainsi que les chemins naturels de l’eau via les différents réseaux (routiers, eau potable, assainissement). Une modélisation à l'aide du modèle hydrologique distribué J2000 est mise en ½uvre sur le bassin versant de l’Yzeron, en périphérie de Lyon, représentatif des bassins périurbains français. Nous montrons en particulier que l’urbanisation modifie les composantes des écoulements en accroissant le ruissellement de surface au détriment des écoulements de base ou de sub-surface (comparaison de simulations s’appuyant sur des cartes d’occupation du sol de 1990, 1999, 2008). La prise en compte des réseaux d’assainissement et des déversoirs d’orage dans la modélisation permettra d’améliorer la simulation des bilans hydrologiques dans le bassin. / Urban growth, in particular close to big cities impacts the hydrological cycle by modifying soil infiltration capacity, groundwater recharge, but also by modifying natural water pathways due to the various networks associated with urbanization (roads, drinkable and sewer networks). The distributed hydrological model J2000 is set up in the Yzeron catchment, close to Lyon city. We show that urban growth modifies the flow components by increasing surface runoff and decreasing base and sub-surface flows (comparison of simulations based on past land use mapping of 1990, 1999, 2008). The inclusion of sewer networks and sewer overflow devices in the model will improve the water balance simulations of the catchment
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