400 research outputs found

    The TULIP project : first on-line result and near future

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    The TULIP project aims to produce radioactive ion beams of short-lived neutron-deficient isotopes by using fusion-evaporation reactions in an optimized Target Ion Source System (TISS). The first step consisted of the design of a TISS to produce rubidium isotopes. It was tested with a primary beam of 22^{22}[email protected] MeV/A irradiating a natural Ni target at the SPIRAL1/GANIL facility in March 2022. Rates of 76,78^{76,78}Rb were measured as well as an exceptionally short atom-to-ion transformation time for an ISOL system, of the order of 200 \mathrm{\micro}s. The second step of the project aims at producing neutron-deficient short-lived metallic isotopes in the region of 100^{100}Sn. A "cold" prototype has been realized to study the electron impact ionization in the TISS cavity and a "hot" version is under construction to prepare an on-line experiment expected in the near future

    Coexistence and Dynamics of Overconfidence and Strategic Incentives

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    We present a two-stage model for the decision making process of financial analysts when issuing earnings forecasts. In the first stage, financial analysts perform a fundamental earnings analysis in which they are, potentially, subject to a behavioral bias. In the second stage analysts can adjust their earnings forecast in line with their strategic incentives. The paper analyzes this decision process throughout the forecasting period and explains the underlying drivers. Using quarterly earnings forecasts, we document that throughout the entire forecasting period financial analysts overweight their private information. At the same time, financial analysts behave strategically. They issue initial optimistic forecasts by strategically inflating their forecast. In their last revision, they become pessimistic and strategically deflate their earnings forecast, which creates the possibility of a positiveearnings surprise. This analysis of the dynamics of the decision process provides empirical evidence on the coexistence of overconfidence and strategic incentives.

    Preferential responses to faces in superior temporal and medial prefrontal cortex in three-year-old children

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    Perceiving faces and understanding emotions are key components of human social cognition. Prior research with adults and infants suggests that these social cognitive functions are supported by superior temporal cortex (STC) and medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC). We used functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to characterize functional responses in these cortical regions to faces in early childhood. Three-year-old children (n = 88, M(SD) = 3.15(.16) years) passively viewed faces that varied in emotional content and valence (happy, angry, fearful, neutral) and, for fearful and angry faces, intensity (100%, 40%), while undergoing fNIRS. Bilateral STC and MPFC showed greater oxygenated hemoglobin concentration values to all faces relative to objects. MPFC additionally responded preferentially to happy faces relative to neutral faces. We did not detect preferential responses to angry or fearful faces, or overall differences in response magnitude by emotional valence (100% happy vs. fearful and angry) or intensity (100% vs. 40% fearful and angry). In exploratory analyses, preferential responses to faces in MPFC were not robustly correlated with performance on tasks of early social cognition. These results link and extend adult and infant research on functional responses to faces in STC and MPFC and contribute to the characterization of the neural correlates of early social cognition

    Association between “cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36)” and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise training: a systematic review

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    Fatty acid translocase (FAT/CD36) is a transmembrane glycoprotein belonging to the scavenger class B receptor family and is encoded by the cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36) gene. This receptor has a high affinity for fatty acids and is involved in lipid metabolism. An abundance of FAT/CD36 during exercise occurs in mitochondria and solitary muscles. As such, we aimed to systematically review the evidence for the relationship FAT/CD36 and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise training. Five electronic databases were selected for literature searches until June 2022: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, science direct, and Google Scholar. We combined the different synonyms and used the operators (“AND”, “OR”, “NOT”): (CD36 gene) OR (CD36 polymorphism) OR (cluster of differentiation 36) OR (FAT/CD36) OR (fatty acid translocase) OR (platelet glycoprotein IV) OR (platelet glycoprotein IIIb) AND (adipose tissue lipolysis) OR (fatty acids) OR (metabolism lipid) OR (adipocytes) AND (physical effort) OR (endurance exercise) OR (high-intensity training). All published cross-sectional, cohort, case-control, and randomized clinical trials investigating CD36 polymorphisms and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise in subjects (elite and sub-elite athletes, non-athletes, sedentary individuals and diabetics), and using valid methods to measure FAT/CD36 expression and other biomarkers, were considered for inclusion in this review. We initially identified 476 publications according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and included 21 studies investigating FAT/CD36 and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise in our systematic review after examination of titles, abstracts, full texts, and quality assessments using the PEDro scale. There were nine studies with male-only participants, three with female-only participants, and nine studies included both female and male participants. There were 859 participants in the 21 selected studies. Studies were classified as either low quality (n = 3), medium quality (n = 13), and high quality (n = 5). In general, the data suggests an association between FAT/CD36 and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise training. Improvements in FAT/CD36 were reported during or after exercise in 6 studies, while there were no changes reported in FAT/CD36 in 4 studies. An association between fat oxidation and FAT/CD36 expression during exercise was reported in 7 studies. No agreement was reached in 5 studies on FAT/CD36 content after dietary changes and physical interventions. One study reported that FAT/CD36 protein expression in muscle was higher in women than in men, another reported that training decreased FAT/CD36 protein in insulin-resistant participants, while another study reported no differences in FAT/CD36 in young, trained individuals with type 2 diabetes. Our analysis shows an association between FAT/CD36 expression and exercise. Furthermore, an association between whole-body peak fat oxidation and FAT/CD36 expression during exercise training was demonstrated

    Rural veterinarian's perception and practices in terms of biosecurity across three European countries

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    The implementation of biosecurity measures in the animal health and production context is quite broad and aims at limiting the risk of introduction and spread of diseases. Veterinarians play a major role in biosecurity as key informants on the subject for cattle holders, key players in terms of disease prevention/control and eradication programs, as well as key risk factor in terms of disease dissemination. Many biosecurity studies have highlighted professional visitors such as veterinary practitioners as representing a high-risk factor in terms of disease introduction in animal facilities but, to date, very few studies have focused on the implementation level of biosecurity measures by veterinarians. An online survey was implemented in three European countries (Belgium, France and Spain) to assess the behaviour of rural veterinarians towards biosecurity, as well as their implementation level of the biosecurity measures. A descriptive analysis of data and a scoring system were applied to assess the implementation level of measures. The influence of different factors on the implementation level of biosecurity measures was investigated through a negative binomial regression model. The study identified different strengths, weaknesses, possible constraints and solutions in terms of veterinary perspectives. Veterinarians are considered as key informants by the farmers and could therefore play a more active role in terms of guidance and improvement of biosecurity at farm level. Based on the survey outcomes, two factors seemed to influence significantly the implementation level of measures: the country where he/she practices and the veterinarian's perception level of biosecurity. The biosecurity stages with the lowest application level, therefore representing the biggest threats, were bio-exclusion (increasing the risk of disease introduction) and biocontainment (increasing the risk of inter-herd transmission).info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Recovery and performance in sport: Consensus statement

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    © 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc. The relationship between recovery and fatigue and its impact on performance has attracted the interest of sport science for many years. An adequate balance between stress (training and competition load, other life demands) and recovery is essential for athletes to achieve continuous high-level performance. Research has focused on the examination of physiological and psychological recovery strategies to compensate external and internal training and competition loads. A systematic monitoring of recovery and the subsequent implementation of recovery routines aims at maximizing performance and preventing negative developments such as underrecovery, nonfunctional overreaching, the overtraining syndrome, injuries, or illnesses. Due to the inter- and intraindividual variability of responses to training, competition, and recovery strategies, a diverse set of expertise is required to address the multifaceted phenomena of recovery, performance, and their interactions to transfer knowledge from sport science to sport practice. For this purpose, a symposium on Recovery and Performance was organized at the Technical University Munich Science and Study Center Raitenhaslach (Germany) in September 2016. Various international experts from many disciplines and research areas gathered to discuss and share their knowledge of recovery for performance enhancement in a variety of settings. The results of this meeting are outlined in this consensus statement that provides central definitions, theoretical frameworks, and practical implications as a synopsis of the current knowledge of recovery and performance. While our understanding of the complex relationship between recovery and performance has significantly increased through research, some important issues for future investigations are also elaborated

    Physiological and genetic control of transpiration efficiency in African rice, Oryza glaberrima Steud

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    Improving crop water use efficiency, the amount of carbon assimilated as biomass per unit of water used by a plant, is of major importance as water for agriculture becomes scarcer. In rice, the genetic bases of transpiration efficiency, the derivation of water use efficiency at the whole-plant scale, and its putative component trait transpiration restriction under high evaporative demand remain unknown. These traits were measured in 2019 in a panel of 147 African rice (Oryza glaberrima) genotypes known to be potential sources of tolerance genes to biotic and abiotic stresses. Our results reveal that higher transpiration efficiency is associated with transpiration restriction in African rice. Detailed measurements in a subset of highly contrasted genotypes in terms of biomass accumulation and transpiration confirmed these associations and suggested that root to shoot ratio played an important role in transpiration restriction. Genome wide association studies identified marker-trait associations for transpiration response to evaporative demand, transpiration efficiency, and its residuals, with links to genes involved in water transport and cell wall patterning. Our data suggest that root-shoot partitioning is an important component of transpiration restriction that has a positive effect on transpiration efficiency in African rice. Both traits are heritable and define targets for breeding rice with improved water use strategies.This work was supported by the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, the CGIAR Research Program (CRP) on rice-agrifood systems (RICE, 2017-2022) and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (grant ANR-17-MPGA-0011 to VV). Financial support by the Access to Research Infrastructures activity in the Horizon 2020 Programme of the EU (EPPN2020 Grant Agreement 731013) is gratefully acknowledged. PA was supported by a doctoral fellowship from the French Ministry of Higher Education. BEE was supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique of Gabon. The authors acknowledge the IRD iTrop HPC (South Green Platform) at IRD Montpellier for providing HPC resources (https://bioinfo.ird.fr, http://www.southgreen.fr)