37 research outputs found

    Corredores socioambientales para la regeneración del río Pitillal en Puerto Vallarta

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    Desde inicios del 2021 el PAP ha realizado estudios sociales y ambientales de diferentes áreas de la zona de estudio en la ribera sur del río PItillal, para generar propuestas tales como: 1. Restauración de la ribera como parque lineal para la regeneración del paisaje: parque lineal con caminos en la ribera sur, áreas verdes, espacios de descanso, y puente peatonal que conecte con la ribera norte. 2. Mejoramiento de espacios públicos y naturales: Crear un paradigma de apreciación y cuidado con los espacios naturales; incentivar a que las personas reconozcan las dinámicas del agua para apreciar sus bondades; fortalecer valores en la comunidad como unidad, compromiso, cuidado por el medio ambiente. 3. Adecuación del paisaje: densificar con plantas de distintos niveles para que crezcan de manera íntegra.bajo criterios de sucesión ecológica. 4. Autoproducción del paisaje: Desarrollar diseños y estructuras de bambú para el mejoramiento del espacio público bajo criterios de producción social del hábitat. El objetivo del trabajo fue mejorar la vivienda y el espacio público y así propiciar la regeneración espacial, ecológica y social de la zona del Río Pitillal. Beneficiar, en primera instancia, a los habitantes de la zona, y puedan apropiarse del espacio de manera responsable, y que abone a las dinámicas sociales y a la identidad de las colonias vecinas. Generar espacios públicos y viviendas de calidad y vincular la regeneración ecológica del río. Donde a través de la vertiente de vivienda se solidifique el proyecto en la escala micro, enlazando no solo el mejoramiento del espacio público, sino también el habitar dentro del hogar de las personas.ITESO, A.C

    Tópicos de Actualización en Neurobiologia III: Excitotoxicidad y Cognición en Enfermedades Neurogenerativas: Aspectos Básicos, Clínicos y Sociales, Memorias Electrónicas

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    Reproducció del document publicat en format CD-ROMLa intención primordial de esta obra radica en aportar una pequeña, pero significativa contribución, que permita actualizar y elevar la calidad en la formación académica de estudiantes de licenciatura, posgrado y profesionales interesados en diversos tópicos de la biología de los procesos neurodegenerativos, relacionados fundamentalmente con condiciones neuropatológicas como la epilepsia y el accidente cerebral vascular, así como con algunas enfermedades neurodegenerativas como el Parkinson, el Alzheimer y el Huntington, entre otras. En esta obra, también se incluyen algunas de las implicaciones sociales y económicas resultado de la incidencia y prevalencia de estros procesos. Lo anterior sólo ha sido posible a través de la cooperación desinteresada de grupos multidisciplinarios de especialistas, pertenecientes a siete países de Iberoamérica y miembros del GENIAR, a quienes extendemos nuestro reconocimiento y agradecimiento profundo. Así, pues esperamos que esta obra cumpla con las expectativas del lector

    Aging biology: A new frontier for drug discovery

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    Introduction: The prevalence of age-related pathologies, such as cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease and diabetes type II, has increased dramatically with the rising average age of populations. Antiaging molecules and appropriate animal models need to be developed to prevent and or delay alterations that occur during aging and are manifested as age-associated illnesses. Areas covered: This review covers the main experimental models used in aging research, from invertebrates up to nonhuman primates. The authors discuss studies of the biochemical pathways involved in dietary restriction, which has been associated with life span extension. The authors also describe the implications of sirtuin 1, insulin growth factor, mTOR (the mammalian target of rapamycin) and AMPK activation, which are well-characterized antiaging pathways. All these pathways are highly conserved from invertebrates to nonhuman primates. Although some invertebrate models are used to study the antiaging properties of drugs, mice models and nonhuman primates are more suitable, as the study of changes in memory loss is critical. The review highlights the conservation of the aging pathways between species. Expert opinion: Further studies on aging should focus on two ways: i) improving animal models, for example, the genetically heterogeneous mice and ii) drug research. It is almost impossible to evaluate clinically the efficacy of antiaging drugs. Moreover, caloric restriction currently constitutes the most effective antiaging pathway. Thus, the strategy is to study drugs for aging-associated diseases, such as diabetes, that also have antiaging effects. © 2012 Informa UK, Ltd

    Prefrontal serotonergic denervation induces increase in the density of 5-HT2A receptors in adult rat prefrontal cortex

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    The 5-HTergic system and particularly 5-HT2A receptors have been involved in prefrontal cognitive functions, but the underlying mechanisms by which the serotonin (5-HT) system modulates these processes are still unclear. In this work, the effects of prefrontal 5-HTergic denervation on the density and expression levels of 5-HT2A receptors were evaluated by immunohistochemical and molecular biology studies in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). The [3H]-Ketanserin binding study revealed an increase in the Bmax, along with no change in the binding affinity (KD) for 5-HT2A receptors. The increase in PFC of 5-HT2A receptor density in response to denervation was accompanied by increase in 5-HT2A receptor mRNA and protein levels. This increase in the number of 5-HT2A receptors may be interpreted as an adaptive plastic change, i.e., hypersensitivity; resulting from the selective pharmacological lesion of the raphe-proceeding 5-HTergic fibers to the PFC. Based on previous evidence, this could be strongly related to the abnormal expression of short-term memory. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Expresión de las subunidades del receptor NMDA en la corteza prefrontal de la rata con daño hepático inducido con CCL4 después del tratamiento con Rosmarinus officinalis L

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    Resumen: Introducción: En la cirrosis, algunas sustancias tóxicas se acumulan en el cerebro y alteran la expresión de diversos receptores neuronales. En este sentido, se ha propuesto el uso de plantas medicinales como el Rosmarinus officinalis L. en diversas patologías debido su actividad hepatoprotectora, antioxidante y neuroprotectora. En el presente trabajo se evaluó la expresión de las subunidades NR1, NR2A y NR2B del receptor a Glutamato en la corteza prefrontal de la rata en un modelo de daño hepático inducido con tetracloruro de carbono después del tratamiento con Rosmarinus officinalis L. Métodos: Se utilizaron un total de 24 ratas macho Wistar de 80-90 g. de peso corporal. Se formaron 3 grupos de trabajo: grupo testigo (T) sin ningún tratamiento, grupo tetracloruro de carbono (CCl4) y grupo CCl4 más Rosmarinus officinalis L (CCl4 +ROM; 1.5 g/kg del extracto por vía oral). Resultados: La expresión de las subunidades NR1, NR2A y NR2B incrementaron en los animales cirróticos con respecto al grupo T, sin embargo el tratamiento con Rosmarinus officinalis L fue capaz de disminuir la expresión a niveles normales comparados con los grupos de CCl4 y T. Estos resultados podrían deberse a una mejora en la función hepática. Conclusión: El tratamiento con el extracto de Rosmarinus officinalis L en los animales cirróticos modifica la expresión de las subunidades del receptor NMDA debido a la mejora en la función hepatocelular dada la presencia de compuestos antioxidantes y flavonoides. Abstract: Introduction: In cirrhosis some toxic substances accumulate in brain and modify the expression of several neuronal receptors. Thus, the use of medicinal plants such as Rosmarinus officinalis L. has been proposed in several pathologies due to its hepatoprotective, antioxidant and neuroprotective activity. In this study we evaluated the expression of the subunits NR1, NR2A and NR2B of the glutamate receptor in rat prefrontal cortex in a model of hepatic damage induced with carbon tetrachloride after a treatment with Rosmarinus officinalis L. Methods: We used a total of 24 male Wistar rats weighing 80-90 g. body weight. We formed three study groups: control group (C) without a treatment, carbon tetrachloride group (CC14), and CC14 group plus Rosmarinus officinalis L (CCl4 + ROM; 1.5 g/kg of extract orally). Results: The expression of the NR1, NR2A and NR2B subunits in cirrhotic animals increased compared to the control group, however treatment with Rosmarinus officinalis L. was able to reduce this expression to normal levels compared with CC14 and CCl4 + ROM groups. These results could be due to an improvement in hepatic function. Conclusion: Treatment with extract of Rosmarinus officinalis L. in cirrhotic animals modifies the expression of subunits of the NMDA receptor due to an improvement in hepatocellular function in the presence of antioxidant compounds and flavonoids. Palabras clave: Corteza prefrontal, Daño hepático, Receptores NMDA, Rosmarinus officinalis L, Keywords: Hepatic damage, NMDA receptor, Rosmarinus officinalis

    Expression of NMDA receptor subunits in rat prefrontal cortex with CCL4-induced hepatic damage after a treatment with Rosmarinus officinalis L.

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    Introduction: In cirrhosis some toxic substances accumulate in brain and modify the expression of several neuronal receptors. Thus, the use of medicinal plants such as Rosmarinus officinalis L. has been proposed in several pathologies due to its hepatoprotective, antioxidant and neuroprotective activity. In this study we evaluated the expression of the subunits NR1, NR2A and NR2B of the glutamate receptor in rat prefrontal cortex in a model of hepatic damage induced with carbon tetrachloride after a treatment with R. officinalis L. Methods: We used a total of 24 male Wistar rats weighing 80–90 g body weight. We formed three study groups: control group (C) without a treatment, carbon tetrachloride group (CC14), and CC14 group plus R. officinalis L. (CCl4 + ROM; 1.5 g/kg of extract orally). Results: The expression of the NR1, NR2A and NR2B subunits in cirrhotic animals increased compared to the control group; however treatment with R. officinalis L. was able to reduce this expression to normal levels compared with CC14 and CCl4 + ROM groups. These results could be due to an improvement in hepatic function. Conclusion: Treatment with extract of R. officinalis L. in cirrhotic animals modifies the expression of subunits of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor due to an improvement in hepatocellular function in the presence of antioxidant compounds and flavonoids. Resumen: Introducción: En la cirrosis, algunas sustancias tóxicas se acumulan en el cerebro y alteran la expresión de diversos receptores neuronales. En este sentido, se ha propuesto el uso de plantas medicinales como el Rosmarinus officinalis L. en diversas patologías debido su actividad hepatoprotectora, antioxidante y neuroprotectora. En el presente trabajo se evaluó la expresión de las subunidades NR1, NR2A y NR2B del receptor a Glutamato en la corteza prefrontal de la rata en un modelo de daño hepático inducido con tetracloruro de carbono después del tratamiento con Rosmarinus officinalis L. Métodos: Se utilizaron un total de 24 ratas macho Wistar de 80–90 g. de peso corporal. Se formaron 3 grupos de trabajo: grupo testigo (T) sin ningún tratamiento, grupo tetracloruro de carbono (CCl4) y grupo CCl4 más Rosmarinus officinalis L. (CCl4 + ROM; 1.5 g/kg del extracto por vía oral). Resultados: La expresión de las subunidades NR1, NR2A y NR2B incrementaron en los animales cirróticos con respecto al grupo T, sin embargo el tratamiento con Rosmarinus officinalis L. fue capaz de disminuir la expresión a niveles normales comparados con los grupos de CCl4 y T. Estos resultados podrían deberse a una mejora en la función hepática. Conclusión: El tratamiento con el extracto de Rosmarinus officinalis L. en los animales cirróticos modifica la expresión de las subunidades del receptor NMDA debido a la mejora en la función hepatocelular dada la presencia de compuestos antioxidantes y flavonoides. Keywords: Hepatic damage, NMDA receptor, Rosmarinus officinalis L., Palabras clave: Corteza prefrontal, Daño hepático, Receptores NMDA, Rosmarinus officinalis L

    Antiapoptotic effects of roscovitine on camptothecin-induced DNA damage in neuroblastoma cells

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    In the present study dopaminergic neuroblastoma B65 cells were exposed to Camptothecin (CPT) (0.5-10 μM), either alone or in the presence of roscovitine (ROSC). The results show that CPT induces apoptosis through the activation of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)-induced cell-cycle alteration in neuroblastoma B65 cells. The apoptotic process is mediated through the activation of cystein proteases, namely calpain/caspases. However, whereas a pan-caspase inhibitor, zVADfmk, inhibited CPT-mediated apoptosis, a calpain inhibitor, calpeptin, did not prevent cell death. Interestingly, CPT also induces CDK5 activation and ROSC (25 μM) blocked CDK5, ATM activation and apoptosis (as measured by caspase-3 activation). By contrast, selective inhibition of ATM, by KU55933, and non-selective inhibition, by caffeine, did not prevent CPT-mediated apoptosis. Thus, we conclude that CDK5 is activated in response to DNA damage and that CDK5 inhibition prevents ATM and p53ser15 activation. However, pharmacological inhibition of ATM using KU55933 and caffeine suggests that ATM inhibition by ROSC is not the only mechanism that might explain the anti-apoptotic effects of this drug in this apoptosis model. Our findings have a potential clinical implication, suggesting that combinatory drugs in the treatment of cancer activation should be administered with caution. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Lack of Jun-N-terminal kinase 3 (JNK3) does not protect against neurodegeneration induced by 3-nitropropionic acid

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    Aims: 3-Nitropropionic acid (3-NP) is a toxin that replicates most of the clinical and pathophysiological symptoms of Huntington's disease, inducing neurodegeneration in the striatum due to the inhibition of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase. Different pathways have been implicated in the cell death induced by 3-NP in rodents. One of them is the Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway, which may play a role in the neurodegenerative process in different diseases. Moreover, the lack of one isoform of JNK (JNK3) has been associated with neuroprotection in different experimental models of neurodegeneration. Therefore, in the present study the role of JNK3 in the experimental Huntington's model induced by 3-NP administration was evaluated. Methods: 3-NP was intraperitoneally administered once a day for 3 days to wild-type and Jnk3-null mice. Coronal brain sections were used to determine cell death and astrogliosis in striatum. Western blots were performed to determine the involvement of different pathways in both wild-type and Jnk3-null mice. Results: Although JNK activation was observed following 3-NP administration, the results indicate that the lack of JNK3 does not confer neuroprotection against 3-NP toxicity. Thus, other pathways must be involved in the neurodegeneration induced in this model. One of the possible pathways towards 3-NP-induced apoptosis could involve the calpains, as their activity was increased in wild-type and Jnk3-null mice. Conclusion: Although JNK3 is a key protein involved in cell death in different neurodegenerative diseases, the present study demonstrates that the lack of JNK3 does not confer neuroprotection against 3-NP-induced neuronal death. © 2011 The Authors. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology © 2011 British Neuropathological Society

    [Expression of NMDA receptor subunits in rat prefrontal cortex with CCL4-induced hepatic damage after a treatment with Rosmarinus officinalis L]

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    INTRODUCTION: In cirrhosis some toxic substances accumulate in brain and modify the expression of several neuronal receptors. Thus, the use of medicinal plants such as Rosmarinus officinalis L. has been proposed in several pathologies due to its hepatoprotective, antioxidant and neuroprotective activity. In this study we evaluated the expression of the subunits NR1, NR2A and NR2B of the glutamate receptor in rat prefrontal cortex in a model of hepatic damage induced with carbon tetrachloride after a treatment with Rosmarinus officinalis L. METHODS: We used a total of 24 male Wistar rats weighing 80-90 g. body weight. We formed three study groups: control group (C) without a treatment, carbon tetrachloride group (CC14), and CC14 group plus Rosmarinus officinalis L (CCl4+ROM; 1.5 g/kg of extract orally). RESULTS: The expression of the NR1, NR2A and NR2B subunits in cirrhotic animals increased compared to the control group, however treatment with Rosmarinus officinalis L. was able to reduce this expression to normal levels compared with CC14 and CCl4+ROM groups. These results could be due to an improvement in hepatic function. CONCLUSION: Treatment with extract of Rosmarinus officinalis L. in cirrhotic animals modifies the expression of subunits of the NMDA receptor due to an improvement in hepatocellular function in the presence of antioxidant compounds and flavonoids.Copyright © 2011 Sociedad Espanola de Neurologia. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved

    Modelling of the associative memory. Cognitive approach

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    В работе излагаются принципы построения модели ассоциативной памяти, основанной на динамической ресурсной сети. Вершины сети соответствуют понятиям предметной области, ребра – ассоциативным связям между ними. Топология сети динамически изменяется в процессе ее наполнения. Задан алгоритм структурирования сети и изменения ее топологии, с помощью которого сущности, соответствующие базовым когнитивным категориям, в процессе самоорганизации становятся центрами соответствующих образов.In the paper the principles of the modelling of associative memory based on a dynamic resource network are outlined. The vertices of a network correspond to the concepts (entities) of domain; the edges denote associations between the two entities. The network topology changes dynamically in the process of filling the network and execution of queries. An algorithm for structuring the network and changing its topology is specified. According to it, the entities that meet the basic cognitive categories, become in the process of self-organization the centers of the corresponding images