560 research outputs found

    All-Optical Reinforcement Learning in Solitonic X-Junctions

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    L'etologia ha dimostrato che gruppi di animali o colonie possono eseguire calcoli complessi distribuendo semplici processi decisionali ai membri del gruppo. Ad esempio, le colonie di formiche possono ottimizzare le traiettorie verso il cibo eseguendo sia un rinforzo (o una cancellazione) delle tracce di feromone sia spostarsi da una traiettoria ad un'altra con feromone più forte. Questa procedura delle formiche possono essere implementati in un hardware fotonico per riprodurre l'elaborazione del segnale stigmergico. Presentiamo qui innovative giunzioni a X completamente integrate realizzate utilizzando guide d'onda solitoniche in grado di fornire entrambi i processi decisionali delle formiche. Le giunzioni a X proposte possono passare da comportamenti simmetrici (50/50) ad asimmetrici (80/20) utilizzando feedback ottici, cancellando i canali di uscita inutilizzati o rinforzando quelli usati.Ethology has shown that animal groups or colonies can perform complex calculation distributing simple decision-making processes to the group members. For example ant colonies can optimize the trajectories towards the food by performing both a reinforcement (or a cancellation) of the pheromone traces and a switch from one path to another with stronger pheromone. Such ant's processes can be implemented in a photonic hardware to reproduce stigmergic signal processing. We present innovative, completely integrated X-junctions realized using solitonic waveguides which can provide both ant's decision-making processes. The proposed X-junctions can switch from symmetric (50/50) to asymmetric behaviors (80/20) using optical feedbacks, vanishing unused output channels or reinforcing the used ones

    The groupoidal analogue Theta~ to Joyal's category Theta is a test category

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    We introduce the groupoidal analogue \tilde\Theta to Joyal's cell category \Theta and we prove that \tilde\Theta is a strict test category in the sense of Grothendieck. This implies that presheaves on \tilde\Theta model homotopy types in a canonical way. We also prove that the canonical functor from \Theta to \tilde\Theta is aspherical, again in the sense of Grothendieck. This allows us to compare weak equivalences of presheaves on \tilde\Theta to weak equivalences of presheaves on \Theta. Our proofs apply to other categories analogous to \Theta.Comment: 41 pages, v2: references added, Remark 7.3 added, v3: metadata update

    Dyslexia-friendly schools and parent partnership: inclusion and home-school relationships

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    This is a postprint of an article whose final and definitive form has been published in the European Journal of Special Needs Education© 2005 Copyright Taylor & Francis; European Journal of Special Needs Education is available online at http://www.informaworld.comThis paper summarizes an action research project in five local areas in the south-west of England which aimed to support parents of children with dyslexic difficulties who were experiencing problems in obtaining appropriate provision in mainstream schools. It was based on the importance of effective parental partnership and quality inclusive practice for children having dyslexic difficulties. A development officer worked over two years in the five participating LEAs that were selected to represent a range of professional practice with a mix of urban and rural populations. As part of the evaluation, the authors also examined longitudinally the educational experiences of a sample of parents. The paper includes a conceptual framework of parental agency in this field in terms of knowledge, identity and parental strategies, and the conditions under which parents escalate their strategies to secure appropriate provision for their children. The support provided by the development officer is analysed in terms of the kinds of support requests received, the kinds of support offered and qualitative evidence of the impact of this support. This research is theorized in terms of current ideas about parent-partnership and theories about parent-teacher relations in terms of the diversity of parents. It highlights the significance of thinking about inclusive schooling and parent-school relations in terms of the interconnections between general systems for all, for those with special educational needs and those with specific difficulties. The policy and practice implications are interpreted in terms of the importance of a system of extended professionalism, which is inclusive of parents with learning difficulties and disabilities.The research project this paper summarises was funded by the British Dyslexia Association (BDA) and the Buttle Trust

    Non-negative data-driven mapping of structural connections with application to the neonatal brain

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    © 2020 Mapping connections in the neonatal brain can provide insight into the crucial early stages of neurodevelopment that shape brain organisation and lay the foundations for cognition and behaviour. Diffusion MRI and tractography provide unique opportunities for such explorations, through estimation of white matter bundles and brain connectivity. Atlas-based tractography protocols, i.e. a priori defined sets of masks and logical operations in a template space, have been commonly used in the adult brain to drive such explorations. However, rapid growth and maturation of the brain during early development make it challenging to ensure correspondence and validity of such atlas-based tractography approaches in the developing brain. An alternative can be provided by data-driven methods, which do not depend on predefined regions of interest. Here, we develop a novel data-driven framework to extract white matter bundles and their associated grey matter networks from neonatal tractography data, based on non-negative matrix factorisation that is inherently suited to the non-negative nature of structural connectivity data. We also develop a non-negative dual regression framework to map group-level components to individual subjects. Using in-silico simulations, we evaluate the accuracy of our approach in extracting connectivity components and compare with an alternative data-driven method, independent component analysis. We apply non-negative matrix factorisation to whole-brain connectivity obtained from publicly available datasets from the Developing Human Connectome Project, yielding grey matter components and their corresponding white matter bundles. We assess the validity and interpretability of these components against traditional tractography results and grey matter networks obtained from resting-state fMRI in the same subjects. We subsequently use them to generate a parcellation of the neonatal cortex using data from 323 new-born babies and we assess the robustness and reproducibility of this connectivity-driven parcellation

    Translational Gap between Guidelines and Clinical Medicine: The Viewpoint of Italian General Practitioners in the Management of IBS

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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) guidelines are generally developed by experts, with the possibility of a translational gap in clinical medicine. The aim of our study was to assess an Italian group of general practitioners (GPs) for their awareness and use of criteria for the diagnosis and management of IBS. For this purpose, a survey was carried out involving 235 GPs, divided into two groups according to their years of activity: 65 “junior general practitioners” (JGPs) (≤10 years) and 170 “senior general practitioners” (SGPs) (>10 years). JGPs were more familiar with the Rome IV Criteria and Bristol Scale than SGPs. Abdominal pain, bowel movement frequency and bloating were the symptoms most frequently used to make a diagnosis. The most probable causes of IBS were reported to be abnormal gastrointestinal motility and psychological triggers. SGPs reported more frequently than JGPs that challenging management and patient’s request were motivations for a gastroenterological consultation. The practice of clinical medicine is still far from the guidelines provided by the specialists. Abdominal pain related to defecation and changes in bowel frequency are considered to be the more important symptoms for IBS diagnosis, but most GPs, both JGPs and SGPs, like to consider abdominal bloating as another useful symptom. Involving both gastroenterologists and GPs in developing shared guidelines would be highly desirable in order to improve IBS management strategies in everyday clinical practice

    Non-negative data-driven mapping of structural connections with application to the neonatal brain

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    Mapping connections in the neonatal brain can provide insight into the crucial early stages of neurodevelopment that shape brain organisation and lay the foundations for cognition and behaviour. Diffusion MRI and tractography provide unique opportunities for such explorations, through estimation of white matter bundles and brain connectivity. Atlas-based tractography protocols, i.e. a priori defined sets of masks and logical operations in a template space, have been commonly used in the adult brain to drive such explorations. However, rapid growth and maturation of the brain during early development make it challenging to ensure correspondence and validity of such atlas-based tractography approaches in the developing brain. An alternative can be provided by data-driven methods, which do not depend on predefined regions of interest. Here, we develop a novel data-driven framework to extract white matter bundles and their associated grey matter networks from neonatal tractography data, based on non-negative matrix factorisation that is inherently suited to the non-negative nature of structural connectivity data. We also develop a non-negative dual regression framework to map group-level components to individual subjects. Using in-silico simulations, we evaluate the accuracy of our approach in extracting connectivity components and compare with an alternative data-driven method, independent component analysis. We apply non-negative matrix factorisation to whole-brain connectivity obtained from publicly available datasets from the Developing Human Connectome Project, yielding grey matter components and their corresponding white matter bundles. We assess the validity and interpretability of these components against traditional tractography results and grey matter networks obtained from resting-state fMRI in the same subjects. We subsequently use them to generate a parcellation of the neonatal cortex using data from 323 new-born babies and we assess the robustness and reproducibility of this connectivity-driven parcellation

    Improving IBD diagnosis and monitoring by understanding preanalytical, analytical and biological fecal calprotectin variability

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    BACKGROUND: The appropriate clinical use of fecal calprotectin (fCal) might be compromised by incomplete harmonization between assays and within- and between-subjects variability. Our aim was to investigate the analytical and biological variability of fCal in order to provide tools for interpreting fCal in the clinical setting. METHODS: Experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of temperature and storage time on fCal. Thirty-nine controls were enrolled to verify biological variability, and a case-control study was conducted on 134 controls and 110 IBD patients to compare the clinical effectiveness of three different fCal assays: ELISA, CLIA and turbidimetry. RESULTS: A 12% decline in fCal levels was observed within 24 h following stool collection irrespective of storage temperature. Samples were unstable following a longer storage time interval at room temperature. Within- and between-subjects fCal biological variability, at 31% and 72% respectively, resulted in a reference change value (RCV) in the region of 100%. fCal sensitivity in distinguishing between controls and IBD patients is satisfactory (68%), and the specificity high (93%) among young (<65 years), but not among older ( 6565 years) subjects (ROC area: 0.584; 95% CI: 0.399-0.769). Among the young, assays have different optimal thresholds (120 \u3bcg/g for ELISA, 50 \u3bcg/g for CLIA and 100 \u3bcg/g for turbidimetry). CONCLUSIONS: We recommend a standardized preanalytical protocol for fCal, avoiding storage at room temperature for more than 24 h. Different cutoffs are recommended for different fCal assays. In monitoring, the difference between two consecutive measurements appears clinically significant when higher than 100%, the fCal biological variability-derived RCV

    Identificación y caracterización de refugios de quirópteros en la Ciudad de Corrientes, Argentina

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    Los estudios sobre quirópteros y sus relaciones ecológicas son escasos en el nordeste argentino. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron localizar y caracterizar refugios, así como identificar las especies de murciélagos halladas, para establecer datos sobre la actual ecología urbana de estos mamíferos en la Ciudad de Corrientes. Mediante observaciones de los investigadores y entrevistas personalizadas realizadas al azar en diferentes barrios, se localizaron refugios durante el período marzo 2010 a mayo 2012. Se evaluó la altura de los refugios y se los clasificó en naturales y artificiales, estos últimos habitados o no por el hombre. Se identificaron especies arbóreas utilizadas como refugios, se estimó la distancia entre éstas y las viviendas humanas y se estableció género y especie de murciélagos capturados. La captura, realizada en forma manual y por trampa balde, fue menor durante el período invernal. Se caracterizaron 38 refugios, 53% naturales y 47% artificiales, sin encontrarse diferencias significativas entre ambos (p&gt;0,05). Los refugios fueron más numerosos en viviendas habitadas por el hombre (92,31%) que en aquéllas deshabitadas. Se identificaron siete especies arbóreas, Fraxinus americana fue la más frecuentemente utilizada como refugio, quizás por su abundancia en la ciudad y por sus características favorables para los insectos. Los refugios naturales fueron hallados a menos de 10 m de distancia de edificaciones y a no más de 5 m de altura con respecto al suelo. Se capturaron 76 murciélagos pertenecientes a 3 familias y 9 especies, 93% insectívoras. Se hallaron dos especies de la familia Molossidae compartiendo refugio, Eumops patagonicus y Molossus rufus. Tanto los refugios naturales como los artificiales se encontraron en áreas con presencia de vegetación, luz artificial y alta densidad de insectos. La escasa proximidad de los refugios con viviendas humanas demuestra la eficiente adaptabilidad de diferentes géneros y especies de quirópteros de la Ciudad de Corrientes